Formation mechanism and prevention countermeasures for karst collapse in Ertang railway station, Guilin
Abstract:Twenty-seven karst sinkholes had occurred at Ertang railway station, Lingui district, Guilin City in China from 1996 to 2016. This section had been undergone four stages of collapse treatment by curtain grouting of suspension type from 2010 to 2020, during which the pacing of grouting holes had been reduced from 7 m to 2 m, and the grouting depth had been deepened from 10 m to 25 m. During the 10 years, the train speed had been limited at 50 km·h−1 in this section rather than the designed speed of 200 km·h−1. However, the karst collapse problem still has been posing a threat to the safety operation of high-speed railway. In this study, the geological background including geological structure and karst hydrogeological condition has been further explored according to high-precision field surveys and data collected at 5-miniute intervals by the established long-term monitoring station of karst groundwater-air pressure. Lingui anticline and Sitang Luojin syncline are developed in the area under the influence of northeast Lingchuan fault and Ludiyan fault. Lingui anticline is C shaped and overturns at Ertang railway station. The Quaternary in this covered karst area is mainly composed of clay. The thickness of the Quaternary varies greatly from 3 m to 35 m, with an average thickness of 8 m. The underlying bedrock is the limestone of Rongxian formation of Devonian system. Due to the influence of structural belt, the depth of karstification in this area is up to 100 meters below the bedrock. The percentage of cavities encountered in drilling is up to 72%, mainly concentrating at 30 m below the ground, and 88% of the karst cavities are fully or partially filled with fluidal plastic clay. The groundwater dynamics in the site is not only affected by the atmospheric rainfall and the leakage of irrigation channels, but also affected by the pumping of groundwater from the foundation pits and factories near the railway. Two groundwater cones of depression have been formed from north to south along the railway. According to the analysis of geological conditions of karst sinkholes and with the development of real estate in Lingui area, drainage from foundation pits and factories has affected the karst groundwater, causing the failure of the overlying soil on the bedrock surface.
Generally, the prevention measures for karst collapses should be considered from three aspects, control of karst groundwater, the collapse resistance strength of Quaternary and the grouting of karst cavities. Under complex conditions involving shallow buried depth of karst groundwater borne with pressure, high cavity-filling rate and limited grout pressure, low-pressure grouting of shallow karst cavities and the evaluation of grouting effect may be faced with many challenges. Countermeasures for collapse prevention are also proposed in this study: strengthening the impermeability of the overlying soil on the bedrock surface through grouting; controlling the drawdown of groundwater in a safe way. At present, 6 crust groundwater-air pressure monitoring boreholes, covering a length of 2 km along the high-speed railway, have been arranged on both sides of Ertang railway station.
表 1 调查区地下岩溶发育特征表
Table 1. Development characteristics of underground karst in the survey area
区段 统计孔数/个 遇洞孔数/个 钻孔遇洞率/% 有水孔数/个 平均有水钻孔
充填率/%空洞率/% 临桂城区 25 18 72 18 11 70 26.3 表 2 岩溶发育深度特征统计表
Table 2. Statistics of karst development depth
钻孔编号 钻孔深度/m 孔口标高/m 初见水位/m 稳定水位/m 土层厚度/m 裂隙发育段/m zk2-1 80 160.93 1.16 1.98 3.7 4.8~9.9,68.9~71 zk6-1 80 171.99 1.8 1.63 1.9 40~54.3,63.2~69.8 zk7-1 80 158.21 1.1 3.66 1.2 1.2~38.4 zk7-2 32.3 161.62 2.9 2.9 4.5 4.5~14,28.3~30.1 zk9-1 80 159.91 2.76 2.8 2.5 13.7~18.4,34.6~37.2,41.9~46.6 zkD-1 80 157.1 1.8 1.67 3.8 11.5~13.8,19.7~28,50.2~57.2,77.3~80 zk9-2 80 158.22 2.33 2.33 6.4 22.6~24.9 zk10-1 80 158.11 0.7 0.7 2.3 27.3~32 zk11-1 80 158.98 1.1 1.1 3.8 7.4~12.7,17.9~31.4,39.3~41.3,48.5~70.6 zk12-3 30 160.13 0.6 0.6 4.6 15.7~17.3 zk12-4 80 151.59 1.91 1.95 3.2 20.2~22.6,24.9~29.6,32~43.7,48.3~50.7 zk13-3 80 155.56 3.03 3.03 4.4 17.2~23.4,25.5~30.2,32.8~39.6,47.5~63.4,75.8~77.5 zk14-2 80 151.13 0.7 0.7 2 2~28.1,40.1~63.6,68.3~70.9 zk15-1 30 163.52 3.5 3.5 7 7~8.5,10.9~24.9 zk15-4 80 157.85 7.05 6.9 8.4 50~80 -
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