Spatial variation of limestone soil minerals in a karst area of northwestern Guangxi
基于整个桂西北喀斯特地区石灰土的网格取样分析,采用经典统计分析和地统计学方法,研究桂西北喀斯特大尺度区域下表层(0~15 cm)石灰土矿物质(SiO2、Fe2O3、CaO、MgO、Al2O3、MnO) 的空间变异特征及影响因素。结果表明:SiO2含量高达55.72%,其次为Al2O3,二者占了土壤矿物质含量的85. 22%;变异系数在37.50%~71.67%之间。SiO2空间自相关中等,Al2O3和MnO空间自相关弱,三者变程长,空间连续性好;CaO、Fe2O3、MgO空间自相关显著,变程短。Al2O3、Fe2O3的空间变异特征主要受海拔影响,裸岩率是影响SiO2、MnO和MgO空间变异性的主要地质因子,坡度则是影响CaO空间分布的主要因素。主成分分析表明土壤矿物质是影响桂西北喀斯特区石灰土空间变异的重要因子,特别是SiO2。区域大尺度下,各地质地形因子通过影响石灰土矿物质空间变异特征,从而影响石灰土的空间分布。
Abstract:As extremely important components of soil and constitutors of soil skeleton, soil minerals account for over 95% of the solid mass of soil. They directly participate in the entire process of soil weathering, soil formation, and plant growth and development, impacting significantly on the internal structure, exchange capacity, and fertility status of soil. Studying the spatial distribution of soil mineral elements is of great significance for understanding and mastering soil development, physical and chemical properties, and the supply status of plant nutrients. Because of the special formation matrix and ecological environment conditions of carbonate rock—the parent material of limestone soil in karst areas, soil in karst areas presents a high degree of spatial heterogeneity. At the same time, the shortage of mineral nutrients may be an important limiting factor for the growth and restoration of vegetation in mountainous areas of carbonate rock in southwestern China. However, the spatial distribution characteristics of soil minerals on a large scale in the karst area of northwestern Guangxi are currently unclear. Clarifying the spatial variation characteristics of limestone minerals in the karst area of northwestern Guangxi can provide reference for the effective utilization of mineral resources and ecological restoration and reconstruction. In order to explore the distribution pattern of the main soil mineral components in the karst area of northwestern Guangxi and to guide vegetation restoration and ecological reconstruction in the relevant area, the spatial heterogeneity of mineral components (SiO2, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, Al2O3, and MnO) in surface soil (0-15 cm) and its influencing factors were studied by the methods of classical statistics and geostatistics. The soil samples were collected by the grid method based on the whole karst regional scale in northwestern Guangxi. The results show that the content differences and variance coefficients of six mineral components in limestone soil of karst area in northwestern Guangxi are large. The average content of SiO2 is up to 55.72%, while the variance coefficient is the smallest (37.50%). The sum of SiO2 and Al2O3 accounts for 85.22% of the total six mineral components. The spatial patterns of the six mineral components are quite different from each other, and fit different models of mineral components. The spatial autocorrelation of SiO2 is medium, but the autocorrelations of Al2O3 and MnO are weak, and their ranges are long in good spatial continuum. CaO, Fe2O3 and MgO are characterized by strong spatial autocorrelations with short ranges. The spatial distribution of minerals is closely related to the main nutrients and topographic characteristics. The spatial variation of Al2O3 and Fe2O3 is mainly affected by the altitude. The bare rock rate is the main topographic factor affecting the spatial variation of SiO2, MnO and MgO, and the gradient is the main factor affecting the spatial distribution of CaO. A principal component analysis show that the soil mineral is an important factor affecting the spatial variation of limestone soil, especially SiO2. On a large regional scale, various topographic factors affect the spatial variation limestone soil minerals, and hence impacting the spatial distribution of limestone soil.
Key words:
- minerals /
- karst /
- spatial variation /
- limestone soil
表 1 石灰土矿物质描述性统计特征
Table 1. Descriptive statistics of limestone soil minerals
指标 最大值 最小值 均值 标准差
CV/%偏度 峰度 K-S检验 SiO2 98.14 21.50 55.72 20.90 37.50 0.45 −1.07 0.070 CaO 4.59 0.14 1.52 1.09 71.67 0.98 0.07 0.000 Fe2O3 23.09 0.63 8.89 4.89 55.20 0.62 −0.14 0.169 Al2O3 29.24 2.11 14.60 6.90 47.26 0.26 −0.95 0.134 MgO 2.75 0.08 1.04 0.61 58.72 0.67 −0.06 0.330 MnO 0.68 0.04 0.24 0.14 58.42 0.63 −0.14 0.145 表 2 石灰土矿物质的半方差函数模型参数
Table 2. Parameters of the semi-variogram models for limestone soil minerals
指标 模型 Model C0 C0+C C0/(C0+C) 变程A/km R2 RSS SiO2 指数模型 0.091 0.227 0.401 317.9 0.956 9.00E-05 CaO 指数模型 0.069 1.160 0.059 19.2 0.779 1.05E-02 Fe2O3 指数模型 0.012 0.054 0.219 20.7 0.608 3.94E-05 Al2O3 线性模型 0.332 0.332 1.000 216.2 0.502 6.81E-03 MgO 指数模型 0.038 0.380 0.100 12.9 0.340 1.62E-03 MnO 线性模型 0.019 0.019 1.000 216.2 0.467 1.779E-06 表 3 桂西北喀斯特地区石灰土空间变异特征的主成分分析
Table 3. Principal component analysis of spatial variation characteristics of limestone soil
项目 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 pH 0.664 0.169 −0.157 −0.308 0.179 有机碳 0.574 −0.581 0.042 −0.029 −0.067 速效氮 0.569 −0.403 −0.030 −0.235 −0.259 速效钾 0.536 0.129 0.395 −0.262 0.040 速效磷 0.133 0.182 0.780 0.103 −0.256 全氮 0.750 −0.403 0.073 0.074 −0.146 全磷 0.728 0.011 0.404 0.267 −0.232 全钾 0.341 0.221 0.057 0.383 0.577 海拔 0.229 −0.548 0.198 0.416 0.300 裸岩率 0.478 −0.388 −0.389 0.082 0.071 坡度 0.081 −0.243 −0.602 0.332 0.103 植被类型 −0.367 0.459 0.412 0.207 0.254 SiO2 −0.733 −0.268 0.092 0.042 −0.222 CaO 0.356 −0.038 0.336 −0.564 0.381 Fe2O3 0.442 0.694 −0.324 0.108 −0.211 Al2O3 0.431 0.622 −0.417 −0.041 −0.227 MnO 0.646 0.274 0.175 0.448 −0.144 MgO 0.522 0.274 −0.168 −0.139 0.248 特征值 4.766 2.601 2.144 1.339 1.124 累积贡献率/% 26.479 40.928 52.842 60.281 66.524 -
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