All-Element Dataset of Combined Exploration of Urban Underground Spaces with Strong Interference
地下空间利用已成为解决城市发展空间问题的主要途径,地下空间精准探测是地下空间资源开发利用的基础,但城市强干扰环境下地下空间探测的原理、方法组合、采集的要素及数据应用等目前尚为难题。本数据集依托中国地质调查局陕西省重要城镇地质灾害风险评估(2013—2016)、关中-天水经济区综合地质调查(2016—2018)、西安多要素城市地质调查(2018—2021)、延安革命老区综合地质调查(2018—2021) 4个项目,面向岩土体质量评价和城市地下空间资源评价与开发利用的需要,在常规物探、钻探和实验测试基础上,引入了随钻监测技术,开展了13个参数的测井,形成了地下空间组合探测方法,获取了岩土体质量和城市地下空间评价所需的全要素数据。本数据集分别来自陕西省秦巴山地山阳县城区、关中盆地西安市城区和黄土高原延安市城区,数据包含工程地质钻探、实验测试、多参数测井、随钻监测和地面物探5种数据类型,其中工程地质钻孔144个,实验测试样品672个,物探测井13类参数111个孔,随钻监测36个孔,地面物探4类方法5条剖面,共计968组数据,3 664个文件,格式包含jpg,xls,doc,mpj,dwg。该数据集可用于岩土体质量评价、城市三维地质全要素建模、地下空间资源评价、岩土体质量与物性参数耦合关系研究,以及城市地质科学研究。
Abstract:The utilization of underground space has become a major means of solving the problems plaguing cities, and the precise exploration of underground space is fundamental to its development and utilization. However, the theories, method combination, elements to be acquired and data application regarding the exploration of urban underground space with strong interference are yet to be determined in a united manner. The all-element dataset of combined exploration of urban underground space with strong interference (also referred to as the Dataset) relies on these four projects initiated by the China Geological Survey: Risk Assessment of Geologic Disasters in Important Towns in Shaanxi Province (2013—2016), Comprehensive Geological Survey in Guanzhong – Tianshui Economic Region (2016—2018), Multi-element Urban Geological Survey in Xi’an (2018—2021) and Comprehensive Geological Survey in Yan’an, a Former Base of the Communist Party of China (2018—2021). The aim of these projects were to meet the demand for quality assessment of rock and soil masses and also the assessment, development and utilization of urban underground space. During the development of the Dataset, monitoring-while-drilling (MWD) technology was introduced based on regular geophysical prospecting, drilling and testing. Furthermore, a total of 13 parameters was logged, a combined method of underground space exploration was established and the all-element data required for quality assessment of rock and soil masses and urban underground space were obtained. The data in the Dataset were obtained from the urban area of Shanyang County, in the Qinba Mountains of Shaanxi Province, the urban area of Xi’an City in the Guangzhong Basin and the urban area of Yan’an City in the Loess Plateau. It consists of five types of data, i.e., engineering geological drilling, testing, multi-parameter logging, MWD and ground geophysical prospecting. In detail, the data were acquired from 144 engineering geological boreholes, 672 testing samples, 111 boreholes for the logging of 13 parameters by geophysical prospecting, 36 MWD boreholes and 5 profiles of ground geophysical prospecting obtained via 4 methods. In total, the Dataset consists of 968 sets of data and 3 664 files in the formats of .jpg, .xls, .doc, .mpj and .dwg. It can be applied to the quality assessment of rock and soil masses, the establishment of 3D urban geological all-element models, the assessment of underground space resources, the research on the coupling relationship between the quality and physical properties of rock and soil masses and the scientific research of urban geology.
表 1 数据库(集)元数据简表
条目 描述 数据库(集)名称 干扰环境下城市地下空间组合探测与全要素数据集 数据库(集)作者 张茂省,中国地质调查局西安地质调查中心,陕西省水资源与环境工程技术研究中心
张 戈,中国地质调查局西安地质调查中心,陕西省水资源与环境工程技术研究中心
董 英,中国地质调查局西安地质调查中心,陕西省水资源与环境工程技术研究中心
贾 俊,中国地质调查局西安地质调查中心,陕西省水资源与环境工程技术研究中心
数据时间范围 2013—2018年 地理区域 西安市,东经107°24′~109°30′,北纬33°24′~34°24′
山阳县,东经109°50′10″~109°56′57″,北纬33°30′27″~33°33′05″数据格式 .jpg,.xls,.doc,.mpj,.dwg 数据量 1.19 GB 数据服务系统网址 基金项目 中国地质调查局地质调查项目 “陕西省重要城镇地质灾害风险评估、关中-天水经济区综合地质调查、西安多要素城市地质调查、延安革命老区综合地质调查”(DD20160261、DD20189220、DD20189270) 语种 中文 数据库(集)组成 钻探数据包括:钻孔编号、钻孔地理位置、钻孔坐标、孔口高程、钻机类别、施工方法、施工日期、钻孔深度、地层岩性描述、分层序号、分层厚度、取样深度
地面物探数据包括:测量日期、探测方法、排列装置、测量点数、测线长度、采样间隔表 2 西安市工程地质钻孔基本情况
编号钻孔深度/m 编录岩性 测井 随钻监测 实验测试 白鹿原 200.00 黄土、粉质黏土、砂砾石层 有 机场 200.00 黄土、粉质黏土、细砂、砂砾石层 有 F1 150.00 细砂、中砂、粉质黏土、砂砾石层 有 F2 100.00 黄土状土、粉质黏土、中砂、粗砂 F3 100.00 黄土状土、粉质黏土、细砂、中砂 F4 100.00 黄土状土、粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砂砾石层 有 F5 100.00 黄土状土、中砂、砂砾石层 有 F6 100.00 黄土状土、粉质黏土、细砂、粗砂 有 F7 100.20 黄土状土、粉质黏土、粗砂、砾砂 F8 100.00 黄土状土、粉质黏土、细砂、中砂 F9 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砂砾石层 有 F10 100.00 黄土状土、粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砾砂 有 土样 F11 100.00 黄土状土、粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砾砂、砂砾石层 有 F12 150.00 黄土状土、粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砂砾石层 有 土样 F13 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂、砂砾石层、 有 F14 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂 有 有 土样 F15 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、 有 F16 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、 有 有 土样 F17 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、 有 土样 F18 100.10 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂、砂砾石层 有 F19 100.00 中砂、砾砂、砂砾石层 有 有 土样 F20 150.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砾砂、砂砾石层 有 有 土样 F21 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂、砂砾石层 有 土样 F22 100.00 黄土状土、粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂 有 土样 F23 150.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂、砂砾石层 有 土样 F24 100.00 黄土状土、粉质黏土、细砂、中砂 有 F25 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂 有 土样 F26 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砂砾石层 有 土样 F27 100.00 粉质黏土、中砂、粗砂 有 有 土样 F28 150.00 粉质黏土、细砂、粗砂 有 土样 F29 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、粗砂 有 土样 F30 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、粗砂 有 F31 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂 有 土样 F32 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂、砂砾石层 有 土样 F33 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砾砂、砂砾石层 土样 F34 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砾砂 有 土样 F35 150.00 黄土状土、粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂 有 土样 F36 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砂砾石层 有 土样 F37 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂 有 土样 F38 100.00 黄土状土、粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂 有 F39 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砂砾石层 有 土样 F40 100.20 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砾砂 有 F41 150.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、 有 有 土样 F42 100.00 细砂、中砂、粗砂、 有 土样 F43 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、 有 有 F44 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂、砂砾石层 有 土样 F45 150.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、 有 有 土样 F46 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂、砂砾石层 有 土样 F47 150.00 黄土状土、粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砾砂、砂砾石层 有 有 土样 F48 100.00 黄土状土、粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂、砂砾石层 有 F49 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂 有 土样 F50 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂、砂砾石层 有 土样 F51 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砂砾石层 有 土样 F52 100.00 细砂、中砂、砾砂 有 土样 F53 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砾砂 有 土样 F54 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂 有 土样 F55 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂 有 土样 F56 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砾砂 有 F57 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂 有 有 土样 F58 150.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砂砾石层 有 有 土样 F59 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砾砂 有 土样 F60 100.50 黄土状土、粉质黏土、细砂、中砂 有 F61 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砾砂 有 土样 F62 100.40 黄土状土、粉质黏土、中砂 有 F63 100.00 粉质黏土、中砂、砾砂 有 F64 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砂砾石层 有 有 土样 F66 150.00 黄土状土、粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砂砾石层 有 有 F67 100.10 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂 有 F68 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砂砾石层 有 土样 F69 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂 有 土样 F70 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂 有 有 土样 F71 150.00 粉质黏土、细砂、粗砂、砾砂 有 有 土样 F72 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂 有 有 土样 F73 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂 有 土样 F74 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂 有 土样 F75 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂 有 土样 F76 150.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂 有 土样 F77 100.20 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂 有 F78 100.10 黄土状土、粉质黏土、中砂、粗砂、砾砂 F79 100.10 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂 有 F80 150.10 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砾砂 有 F81 100.50 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂 有 F82 100.30 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂 有 F83 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砾砂、砂砾石层 有 土样 F84 100.50 黄土状土、粉质黏土、细砂、中砂 有 F85 100.10 黄土状土、粉质黏土、中砂、砾砂 F86 100.20 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂 有 F87 150.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、砾砂、砂砾石层 有 土样 F88 100.20 黄土状土、粉质黏土、中砂、粗砂、砾砂 有 F89 100.20 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂 有 F90 150.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂 有 有 土样 F91 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂 有 土样 F92 100.00 粉质黏土、中砂 有 有 土样 F93 150.40 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂、砂砾石层 有 F95 100.20 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂 有 F96 150.30 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂 有 F97 100.50 黄土状土、粉质黏土、中砂、粗砂 有 F98 100.50 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂 有 F99 100.10 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂 有 F100 100.10 粉质黏土、中砂、粗砂 有 F101 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂 有 土样 F102 100.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂 有 F103 100.20 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂 有 F104 150.00 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂 有 有 土样 F105 100.40 粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂 有 有 F106 100.00 黄土状土、粉质黏土、细砂、中砂、粗砂 有 土样 表 3 延安市工程地质钻孔基本情况
编号钻孔深度/m 编录岩性 测井 随钻监测 实验测试 ZK01 52.30 粉质黏土、砂砾石层、细砂岩、泥岩 ZK02 192.86 粉质黏土、砂砾石层、细砂岩、泥岩、粗砂岩 有 有 岩芯 ZK03 272.68 粉质黏土、砂砾石层、细砂岩、泥岩、粗砂岩 有 有 岩芯 ZK04 293.00 细砂岩、泥岩、粗砂岩 有 有 ZK05 214.00 细砂岩、泥岩、粗砂岩 有 岩芯 ZK06 139.00 砂砾石层、细砂岩、泥岩 有 有 岩芯 ZK07 202.00 细砂岩、泥岩、粗砂岩 有 有 ZK08 56.80 粉质黏土、砂砾石层、细砂岩、泥岩 ZK09 151.00 黄土、细砂岩、泥岩、粗砂岩 有 ZK10 119.50 细砂岩、泥岩、粗砂岩 ZK12 102.00 粉质黏土、砂砾石层、细砂岩、泥岩、粗砂岩 有 ZK13 92.00 粉质黏土、细砂、砂砾石层、细砂岩、泥岩、粗砂岩 岩芯 ZK14 90.00 黄土、红黏土、细砂岩、泥岩 有 土样 ZK15 99.00 细砂岩、泥岩、粗砂岩 有 岩芯 ZK16 130.00 细砂岩、泥岩、粗砂岩 岩芯 ZK17 174.00 细砂岩、泥岩、粗砂岩 有 岩芯 ZK18 92.00 细砂岩、泥岩、粗砂岩 ZK19 120.00 黄土、红黏土、粗砂岩 有 ZK21 118.00 细砂岩、泥岩、粗砂岩 有 ZK22 98.00 黄土、细砂岩、泥岩、粗砂岩 有 ZK23 173.00 红黏土、细砂岩、泥岩、粗砂岩 有 ZK24 104.00 黄土 土样 ZK25 89.00 黄土、红黏土 ZK26 64.00 黄土、红黏土、细砂岩、泥岩、 土样 ZK27 123.00 黄土 土样 ZK28 108.00 黄土、红黏土、细砂岩、泥岩、 土样 ZKP2-1 126.80 黄土、红黏土、细砂岩、泥岩、 ZKP2-2 75.40 红黏土、细砂岩、泥岩 ZKP2-3 50.00 黄土、细砂岩、泥岩、粗砂岩 ZKP3-1 117.00 黄土、红黏土 土样 ZKP3-2 110.00 黄土、红黏土、细砂岩、泥岩、 土样 ZKP3-3 131.50 黄土、红黏土 土样 表 4 山阳县工程地质钻孔基本情况
钻孔编号 钻孔深度/m 编录岩性 测井 随钻监测 实验测试 山阳中学ZK1 20.00 黏土、粗砂、砂砾石层 有 山阳中学ZK3 20.00 黏土、粗砂、砂砾石层 有 山阳中学ZK4 20.00 粉质黏土、黏土、钙质结核 有 山阳中学ZK5 20.00 黏土、中砂、粗砂、砂砾石层 有 桥儿沟ZK2 20.00 坡积层、千枚岩 有 桥儿沟ZK3 34.00 滑坡堆积物、千枚岩 有 桥儿沟ZK4 20.00 坡积层、千枚岩 有 桥儿沟ZK5 20.00 坡积层、千枚岩 有 表 5 随钻监测提取钻进过程有效数据的判断条件
钻机状态 位移传感器C 转速传感器R 油压传感器P 钻进过程 加压钻进 C2-C1<a R>0 P1>P2 不加压钻进 C2-C1=0 R>0 P1=P2=0 其他过程 空钻 C2-C1>a R>0 P1>P2 下钻杆、上钻杆 C2-C1=0 R=0 P1<P2 注:P1是上油压,P2是下油压,a是根据随钻监测数据和钻孔记录确定的数值,在岩石和土中钻进的a值不同。 表 6 西安城市地下空间探测基本情况
序号 工作方法 测量日期 工作量 采样间隔/m 1 多参数综合测井 9月11~21日 200 m 0.05 2 微动台阵 10月11~14日 16点 100 3 高密度电法 10月19~22日 2.01 km 7 4 浅层地震 10月14~28日 1.8 km 4 5 地质雷达 10月23~26日 2.8 km 1 6 高密度电法 11月8~11日 2.04 km 5 表 7 工程地质钻孔文件格式
数据名称 文件格式 西安钻孔地层柱状图 dwg格式(CAD文件) 延安钻孔地层柱状图 mpj格式(MapGIS文件) 表 8 测井数据文件格式
数据名称 文件格式 初始数据 txt格式 测井曲线、对比图 mpj格式(MapGIS文件) 等值线图 jpg格式 单孔测井总结 doc格式 技术说明、报告 doc格式、pdf格式 表 9 延安工程地质钻孔测井结果统计表
层位 岩性 视电阻率/(Ω·m) 密度/(g/cm3) 自然伽玛/API 孔隙度/% 渗透率/md−1 平均 平均 平均 平均 平均 第四系(Q) 粉质黏土 60.08 2.13 111.48 10.11 13.36 粉土 108.12 1.95 109.62 18.58 12.40 粉砂 21.60 2.10 92.40 10.01 12.02 细砂 108.04 2.03 81.30 10.96 11.24 砾石 136.23 2.48 54.30 15.22 12.25 黄土 140.16 1.98 113.04 16.99 15.16 J2y2 砂质泥岩 33.62 2.26 121.58 8.41 10.59 细粒砂岩 40.74 2.28 106.31 6.13 12.62 泥岩 21.50 2.37 167.82 7.50 13.52 中粒砂岩 33.62 2.26 121.58 8.41 10.59 粉砂岩 31.84 2.40 130.50 7.00 11.24 细砾岩 37.56 2.21 82.81 9.20 10.25 粗粒砂岩 42.39 2.07 56.56 10.26 9.56 J2y1 砂质泥岩 31.53 2.26 155.29 8.38 10.93 泥岩 21.22 2.33 160.82 9.60 10.15 粗粒砂岩 78.45 2.33 58.15 9.82 9.57 细粒砂岩 60.81 2.30 93.72 9.24 10.18 中粒砂岩 49.47 2.31 79.19 9.27 10.60 粉砂岩 46.29 2.46 103.01 13.25 11.34 细砾岩 226.96 2.41 43.20 13.10 11.24 中砾岩 53.86 2.44 85.37 7.42 11.17 J2f 泥岩 15.32 2.43 173.38 8.31 11.42 砂质泥岩 26.88 2.41 130.50 6.22 10.81 粗粒砂岩 28.08 2.49 60.62 14.62 9.61 细粒砂岩 25.36 2.49 118.32 12.62 10.53 中粒砂岩 35.36 2.37 106.68 11.15 9.84 粉砂岩 31.12 2.51 143.58 9.05 9.55 T3w 泥岩 26.29 2.46 184.23 10.82 10.08 砂质泥岩 41.05 2.45 163.14 9.73 9.78 中粒砂岩 60.75 2.50 82.99 13.04 9.50 细粒砂岩 67.70 2.49 110.10 12.83 10.65 炭质泥岩 25.53 1.93 178.53 9.26 9.53 泥质粉砂岩 42.91 2.45 164.40 8.53 9.83 表 10 随钻监测数据文件格式
数据名称 文件格式 初始数据 txt格式 分析结果 xls格式 随钻参数曲线 srf格式(surfer文件) 技术说明、报告 doc格式 表 11 延安黄土及红黏土物理力学指标试验结果统计表
层号 值别 含水率
/kN·m−3孔隙比 饱和度
/MPa−1湿陷系数 内聚力
/°晚更新世黄土 统计频数 30 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 29 15 8 8 最大值 20.2 19 16.8 1.31 76.0 28.2 17.5 11.0 0.72 0.2 0.099 62.1 32.2 最小值 3.0 13.3 12.4 0.61 15.0 24.6 16.7 9.4 <0 0.1 0.030 22.1 15.3 平均值 12.72 15.9 14.1 0.94 38.86 27.13 17.15 9.89 0.19 0.075 33.54 24.1 标准差 4.77 1.6 1.1 0.16 17.0 0.47 0.12 0.3 0.08 13.33 5.31 变异系数 0.38 0.10 0.08 0.17 0.44 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.44 0.40 0.22 中更新世黄土 统计频数 127 127 127 127 127 126 128 128 129 126 12 60 60 最大值 22.6 21.0 18.1 0.987 98.0 29.9 17.9 12.0 0.92 0.46 0.078 75.8 45.0 最小值 4.9 16.8 13.8 0.482 38.0 24.3 16.6 7.7 0.0 0.07 0.004 10.8 13.6 平均值 18.39 19.0 16.0 0.7 71.94 29.16 17.46 11.7 0.17 0.13 0.013 45.41 29.81 标准差 3.73 0.9 0.8 0.09 12.9 1.91 0.74 0.24 0.20 0.06 19.33 7.06 变异系数 0.20 0.05 0.05 0.12 0.18 0.07 0.04 0.11 1.19 0.43 0.43 0.24 红黏土 统计频数 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 最大值 17.60 20.9 18.8 0.618 91.6 30.7 21.2 11.7 0.71 0.12 0.005 450.8 54.5 最小值 7.07 17.5 17.8 0.443 66.9 25.9 16.8 9.1 0.57 0.02 0.002 41.65 24.0 平均值 11.99 19.2 18.2 0.517 75.56 29.03 18.9 10.2 0.67 0.08 0.003 201.8 32.4 表 12 延安砂岩物理力学指标试验结果统计表
统计指标 统计数 最大值 最小值 平均值 标准差 变异系数 饱和容重/g·cm−3 36 2.72 2.66 2.68 0.02 0.01 比重 36 2.54 2.23 2.31 0.09 0.03 普通吸水率 36 6.92 6.26 6.53 0.22 0.03 软化系数 36 0.72 0.57 0.67 0.05 0.11 抗拉强度/MPa 36 2.4 1.5 1.97 0.28 0.14 单轴抗压强度/MPa 干燥 36 75.1 43.0 61.2 10.9 0.20 饱水 36 51.3 28.2 41.2 9.07 0.22 弹性模量/MPa 36 4583 3865 4203 233.4 0.10 泊松比 36 0.26 0.17 0.22 0.03 0.12 内聚力/MPa 36 4.6 3.9 4.23 0.24 0.10 内摩擦角/° 36 43.5 40.0 41.6 1.00 0.02 表 13 延安泥岩物理力学指标试验结果统计表
统计指标 统计数 最大值 最小值 平均值 标准差 变异系数 单轴抗压强度/MPa 干燥 33 1.336 0.747 0.944 0.15 0.16 饱水 33 0.774 0.311 0.502 0.16 0.31 弹性模量/MPa 33 9.8 6.86 7.26 2.08 0.25 泊松比 33 0.30 0.25 0.26 0.04 0.13 内聚力/kPa 33 71.1 16.7 53.85 3.8 0.21 内摩擦角/° 33 35 21 26 1.0 0.16 Table 1. Metadata Table of Database (Dataset)
Items Description Database (dataset) name All-Element Dataset of Combined Exploration of Urban Underground Spaces with Strong Interference Database (dataset) authors Zhang Maosheng, Xi’an Center, China Geological Survey; Shaanxi Engineering Technical Research Center of Water Resources and Environment
Wang Yimin, Xi’an Center, China Geological Survey; Shaanxi Engineering Technical Research Center of Water Resources and Environment
Zhang Ge, Xi’an Center, China Geological Survey; Shaanxi Engineering Technical Research Center of Water Resources and Environment
Dong Ying, Xi’an Center, China Geological Survey; Shaanxi Engineering Technical Research Center of Water Resources and Environment
Sun Pingping, Xi’an Center, China Geological Survey; Shaanxi Engineering Technical Research Center of Water Resources and Environment
Jia Jun, Xi’an Center, China Geological Survey; Shaanxi Engineering Technical Research Center of Water Resources and EnvironmentData acquisition time 2013—2018 Geographical area Xi’an City, located at E 107°24′–109°30′ and N 33°24′–34°24′
Yan’an, located at E 109°22′–109°37′ and N 36°27′–36°40′
Shanyang County, located at E 109°50′10″–109°56′57″ and N 33°30′27″–33°33′05″Data format .jpg, .xls, .doc, .mpj, .dwg Data size 1.19 GB Data service system URL Fund project China Geological Survey projects titled “Risk Assessment of Geological Disasters in Important Towns in Shaanxi” (DD20160261) and “Comprehensive Geological Survey in Guanzhong – Tianshui Economic Region” (DD20189220) and “Multi-element Urban Geological Survey in Xi’an and Comprehensive Geological Survey in Yan’an, a Former Base of the Communist Party of China” (DD20189270) Language Chinese Database (dataset) composition Data of drilling: the No., geographical location and coordinates of borehole, elevation of borehole head, drilling rig type, drilling method, drilling date, borehole depth, stratigraphic lithologic description, sub-layer No., sub-layer depth and sampling depth
Data of logging: measuring date, measuring depth, natural gamma ray, spontaneous potential, density, interval transit time, dual laterolog resistivity, polarizability, magnetic susceptibility, gamma-ray spectrometry and the temperature, diameter and deviation of well
Data of MWD: measuring date, drilling roundtrip, length of added drill rod, borehole depth, cylinder displacement, drill rod rpm, oil pressure and torsion pressure
Data of testing: testing data of soil samples consisting of sample No., sampling depth, moisture content, natural density, cohesive force, inner friction angle, coefficient of self-weight collapsibility and specific surface area; testing data of core samples including sample No., sampling depth, acoustic velocity and uniaxial compressive strength
Data of ground geophysical prospecting: measuring date, prospecting method, electrode arrangement device, number of measuring points, length of measuring line and sampling intervalTable 2. Basic Information of Engineering Geological Boreholes in Xi’an
Borehole No. Borehole depth/m Lithology recorded Logging MWD Testing Bailuyuan 200.00 Loess, silty clay, sandy gravel layer Yes Airport 200.00 Loess, silty clay, fine sand, sandy gravel layer Yes F1 150.00 Fine sand, medium sand, silty clay, sandy gravel layer Yes F2 100.00 Loess-like soil, silty clay, medium sand, coarse sand F3 100.00 Loess-like soil, silty clay, fine sand, medium sand F4 100.00 Loess-like soil, silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, sandy gravel layer Yes F5 100.00 Loess-like soil, medium sand, sandy gravel layer Yes F6 100.00 Loess-like soil, silty clay, fine sand, coarse sand Yes F7 100.20 Loess-like soil, silty clay, coarse sand, gravelly sand F8 100.00 Loess-like soil, silty clay, fine sand, medium sand F9 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, and sandy gravel layer Yes F10 100.00 Loess-like soil, silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, gravelly sand Yes Soil sample F11 100.00 Loess-like soil, silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, gravelly sand, sandy gravel layer Yes F12 150.00 Loess-like soil, silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Soil sample F13 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand, sandy gravel layer Yes F14 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand Yes Yes Soil sample F15 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes F16 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes Yes Soil sample F17 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes Soil sample F18 100.10 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand, sandy gravel layer Yes F19 100.00 Medium sand, gravelly sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Yes Soil sample F20 150.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, gravelly sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Yes Soil sample F21 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Soil sample F22 100.00 Loess-like soil, silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand Yes Soil sample F23 150.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Soil sample F24 100.00 Loess-like soil, silty clay, fine sand, medium sand Yes F25 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand Yes Soil sample F26 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Soil sample F27 100.00 Silty clay, medium sand, coarse sand Yes Yes Soil sample F28 150.00 Silty clay, fine sand, coarse sand Yes Soil sample F29 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, coarse sand Yes Soil sample F30 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, coarse sand Yes F31 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand Yes Soil sample F32 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Soil sample F33 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, gravelly sand, sandy gravel layer Soil sample F34 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, gravelly sand Yes Soil sample F35 150.00 Loess-like soil, silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand Yes Soil sample F36 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Soil sample F37 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes Soil sample F38 100.00 Loess-like soil, silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes F39 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Soil sample F40 100.20 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, gravelly sand Yes F41 150.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes Yes Soil sample F42 100.00 Fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes Soil sample F43 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes Yes F44 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Soil sample F45 150.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes Yes Soil sample F46 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Soil sample F47 150.00 Loess-like soil, silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, gravelly sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Yes Soil sample F48 100.00 Loess-like soil, silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand, sandy gravel layer Yes F49 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand Yes Soil sample F50 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Soil sample F51 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Soil sample F52 100.00 Fine sand, medium sand, gravelly sand Yes Soil sample F53 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, gravelly sand Yes Soil sample F54 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand Yes Soil sample F55 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand Yes Soil sample F56 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, gravelly sand Yes F57 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes Yes Soil sample F58 150.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Yes Soil sample F59 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, gravelly sand Yes Soil sample F60 100.50 Loess-like soil, silty clay, fine sand, medium sand Yes F61 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, gravelly sand Yes Soil sample F62 100.40 Loess-like soil, silty clay, medium sand Yes F63 100.00 Silty clay, medium sand, gravelly sand Yes F64 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Yes Soil sample F66 150.00 Loess-like soil, silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Yes F67 100.10 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand Yes F68 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Soil sample F69 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand Yes Soil sample F70 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes Yes Soil sample F71 150.00 Silty clay, fine sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand Yes Yes Soil sample F72 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand Yes Yes Soil sample F73 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand Yes Soil sample F74 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes Soil sample F75 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand Yes Soil sample F76 150.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand Yes Soil sample F77 100.20 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes F78 100.10 Loess-like soil, silty clay, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand F79 100.10 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes F80 150.10 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, gravelly sand Yes F81 100.50 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand Yes F82 100.30 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand Yes F83 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, gravelly sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Soil sample F84 100.50 Loess-like soil, silty clay, fine sand, medium sand Yes F85 100.10 Loess-like soil, silty clay, medium sand, gravelly sand F86 100.20 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand Yes F87 150.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, gravelly sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Soil sample F88 100.20 Loess-like soil, silty clay, medium sand, coarse sand, gravelly sand Yes F89 100.20 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes F90 150.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes Yes Soil sample F91 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand Yes Soil sample F92 100.00 Silty clay, medium sand Yes Yes Soil sample F93 150.40 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, sandy gravel layer Yes F95 100.20 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand Yes F96 150.30 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes F97 100.50 Loess-like soil, silty clay, medium sand, coarse sand Yes F98 100.50 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes F99 100.10 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes F100 100.10 Silty clay, medium sand, coarse sand Yes F101 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand Yes Soil sample F102 100.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand Yes F103 100.20 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand Yes F104 150.00 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand Yes Yes Soil sample F105 100.40 Silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes Yes F106 100.00 Loess-like soil, silty clay, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand Yes Soil sample Table 4. Basic information of Engineering Geological Boreholes in Shanyang
Borehole No. Borehole depth/m Lithology recorded Logging MWD Testing Shanyang Middle School ZK1 20.00 Clay, coarse sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Shanyang Middle School ZK3 20.00 Clay, coarse sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Shanyang Middle School ZK4 20.00 Silty clay, clay, calcareous nodule Yes Shanyang Middle School ZK5 20.00 Clay, medium sand, coarse sand, sandy gravel layer Yes Qiaoergou ZK2 20.00 Diluvium layer, phyllite Yes Qiaoergou ZK3 34.00 Diluvium caused by landslide, phyllite Yes Qiaoergou ZK4 20.00 Diluvium layer, phyllite Yes Qiaoergou ZK5 20.00 Diluvium layer, phyllite Yes Table 3. Basic Information of Engineering Geological Boreholes in Yan’an
Borehole No. Borehole depth/m Lithology recorded Logging MWD Testing ZK01 52.30 Silty clay, sandy gravel layer, fine sandstone, mudstone ZK02 192.86 Silty clay, sandy gravel layer, fine sandstone, mudstone, coarse sandstone Yes Yes Core sample ZK03 272.68 Silty clay, sandy gravel layer, fine sandstone, mudstone, coarse sandstone Yes Yes Core sample ZK04 293.00 Fine sandstone, mudstone, coarse sandstone Yes Yes ZK05 214.00 Fine sandstone, mudstone, coarse sandstone Yes Core sample ZK06 139.00 Sandy gravel layer, fine sandstone, mudstone Yes Yes Core sample ZK07 202.00 Fine sandstone, mudstone, coarse sandstone Yes Yes ZK08 56.80 Silty clay, sandy gravel layer, fine sandstone, mudstone ZK09 151.00 Loess, fine sandstone, mudstone, coarse sandstone Yes ZK10 119.50 Fine sandstone, mudstone, coarse sandstone ZK12 102.00 Silty clay, sandy gravel layer, fine sandstone, mudstone, coarse sandstone Yes ZK13 92.00 Silty clay, fine sand, sandy gravel layer, fine sandstone, mudstone, coarse sandstone Core sample ZK14 90.00 Loess, red clay, fine sandstone, mudstone Yes Soil sample ZK15 99.00 Fine sandstone, mudstone, coarse sandstone Yes Core sample ZK16 130.00 Fine sandstone, mudstone, coarse sandstone Core sample ZK17 174.00 Fine sandstone, mudstone, coarse sandstone Yes Core sample ZK18 92.00 Fine sandstone, mudstone, coarse sandstone ZK19 120.00 Loess, red clay, coarse sandstone Yes ZK21 118.00 Fine sandstone, mudstone, coarse sandstone Yes ZK22 98.00 Loess, fine sandstone, mudstone, coarse sandstone Yes ZK23 173.00 Red clay, fine sandstone, mudstone, coarse sandstone Yes ZK24 104.00 Loess Soil sample ZK25 89.00 Loess, red clay ZK26 64.00 Loess, red clay, fine sandstone, mudstone Soil sample ZK27 123.00 Loess Soil sample ZK28 108.00 Loess, red clay, fine sandstone, mudstone Soil sample ZKP2-1 126.80 Loess, red clay, fine sandstone, mudstone ZKP2-2 75.40 Red clay, fine sandstone, mudstone ZKP2-3 50.00 Loess, fine sandstone, mudstone, coarse sandstone ZKP3-1 117.00 Loess, red clay Soil sample ZKP3-2 110.00 Loess, red clay, fine sandstone, mudstone Soil sample ZKP3-3 131.50 Loess, red clay Soil sample Table 5. Conditions Used to Determine Effective MWD Data During Extraction from Initial Drilling Data
Drilling rig state Displacement
sensor CRotational speed
sensor ROil pressure
sensor PDrilling progresses Pressurized drilling C2−C1<a R>0 P1>P2 Non-pressurized drilling C2−C1=0 R>0 P1=P2=0 Other processes Hollow drilling C2−C1>a R>0 P1>P2 Remove drilling rod, install drilling rod C2−C1=0 R=0 P1<P2 Notes: P1 and P2 refers to upper oil pressure and lower oil pressure, respectively. a refers to the value determined based on the MWD data and drilling records and it differs between drilling in rocks and drilling in soils. Table 6. Basic Information of the Urban Underground Space Exploration in Xi’an
No. Method Measuring date Workload Sampling interval/m 1 Multi-parameter comprehensive logging September 11–21 200 m 0.05 2 Microtremor array method October 11–14 16 points 100 3 High-density resistivity method October 19–22 2.01 km 7 4 Shallow seismic prospecting October 14–28 1.8 km 4 5 Geological radar method October 23–26 2.8 km 1 6 High-density resistivity method November 8–11 2.04 km 5 Table 7. Engineering Geological Borehole Data and Their File Formats
Data name File format Stratigraphic Column of the Boreholes in Xi’an .dwg (CAD file) Stratigraphic Column of the Boreholes in Yan’an .mpj (MapGIS file) Table 8. Logging Data of Boreholes and Their File Formats
Data name File format Initial data .txt Logging curve, comparison diagram .mpj (Mapgis file) Isoline map .jpg Summary of logging of single boreholes .doc Technical description, report .doc, .pdf Table 9. Statistics of Logging Results from Engineering Geological Boreholes in Yan’an
Horizon Lithology Apparent resistivity/Ω.m Density/
(g/cm3)Natural gamma
md−1Average Average Average Average Average Quaternary (Q) Silty clay 60.08 2.13 111.48 10.11 13.36 Silty soil 108.12 1.95 109.62 18.58 12.40 Silty sand 21.60 2.10 92.40 10.01 12.02 Fine sand 108.04 2.03 81.30 10.96 11.24 Gravel 136.23 2.48 54.30 15.22 12.25 Loess 140.16 1.98 113.04 16.99 15.16 J2y2 Sandy mudstone 33.62 2.26 121.58 8.41 10.59 Fine-grained sandstone 40.74 2.28 106.31 6.13 12.62 Mudstone 21.50 2.37 167.82 7.50 13.52 Medium-grained sandstone 33.62 2.26 121.58 8.41 10.59 Siltstone 31.84 2.40 130.50 7.00 11.24 Fine conglomerate 37.56 2.21 82.81 9.20 10.25 Coarse-grained sandstone 42.39 2.07 56.56 10.26 9.56 J2y1 Sandy mudstone 31.53 2.26 155.29 8.38 10.93 Mudstone 21.22 2.33 160.82 9.60 10.15 Coarse-grained sandstone 78.45 2.33 58.15 9.82 9.57 Fine-grained sandstone 60.81 2.30 93.72 9.24 10.18 Medium-grained sandstone 49.47 2.31 79.19 9.27 10.60 Siltstone 46.29 2.46 103.01 13.25 11.34 Fine conglomerate 226.96 2.41 43.20 13.10 11.24 Medium conglomerate 53.86 2.44 85.37 7.42 11.17 J2f Mudstone 15.32 2.43 173.38 8.31 11.42 Sandy mudstone 26.88 2.41 130.50 6.22 10.81 Coarse-grained sandstone 28.08 2.49 60.62 14.62 9.61 Fine-grained sandstone 25.36 2.49 118.32 12.62 10.53 Medium-grained sandstone 35.36 2.37 106.68 11.15 9.84 Siltstone 31.12 2.51 143.58 9.05 9.55 T3w Mudstone 26.29 2.46 184.23 10.82 10.08 Sandy mudstone 41.05 2.45 163.14 9.73 9.78 Medium-grained sandstone 60.75 2.50 82.99 13.04 9.50 Fine-grained sandstone 67.70 2.49 110.10 12.83 10.65 Carbonaceous mudstone 25.53 1.93 178.53 9.26 9.53 Argillaceous siltstone 42.91 2.45 164.40 8.53 9.83 Table 10. MWD Data and Their File Formats
Data name File format Initial data .txt Analytical result .xls MWD parameter curve .srf (surfer file) Technical manual, report .doc Table 11. Statistics of Test Results of the Physical and Mechanical Indices of the Loess and Red Clay in Yan’an
Layer No. Value type Moisture content/% Unit weight/kN.m−3 Dry unit weight/kN.m−3 Pore ratio Degree of saturation/% Liquid limit/% Plastic limit/% Plastic index/% Liquidity index/% Compression coefficient/
MPa−1Coefficient of collapsibility Cohesion/kPa Inner friction angle/° Late Pleistocene loess Statistic frequency 30 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 29 15 8 8 Max. 20.2 19 16.8 1.31 76.0 28.2 17.5 11.0 0.72 0.2 0.099 62.1 32.2 Min. 3.0 13.3 12.4 0.61 15.0 24.6 16.7 9.4 <0 0.1 0.030 22.1 15.3 Mean 12.72 15.9 14.1 0.94 38.86 27.13 17.15 9.89 0.19 0.075 33.54 24.1 Standard deviation 4.77 1.6 1.1 0.16 17.0 0.47 0.12 0.3 0.08 13.33 5.31 Coefficient of variation 0.38 0.10 0.08 0.17 0.44 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.44 0.40 0.22 Middle Pleistocene loess Statistic frequency 127 127 127 127 127 126 128 128 129 126 12 60 60 Max. 22.6 21.0 18.1 0.987 98.0 29.9 17.9 12.0 0.92 0.46 0.078 75.8 45.0 Min. 4.9 16.8 13.8 0.482 38.0 24.3 16.6 7.7 0.0 0.07 0.004 10.8 13.6 Mean 18.39 19.0 16.0 0.7 71.94 29.16 17.46 11.7 0.17 0.13 0.013 45.41 29.81 Standard deviation 3.73 0.9 0.8 0.09 12.9 1.91 0.74 0.24 0.20 0.06 19.33 7.06 Coefficient of variation 0.20 0.05 0.05 0.12 0.18 0.07 0.04 0.11 1.19 0.43 0.43 0.24 Red clay Statistic frequency 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Max. 17.60 20.9 18.8 0.618 91.6 30.7 21.2 11.7 0.71 0.12 0.005 450.8 54.5 Min. 7.07 17.5 17.8 0.443 66.9 25.9 16.8 9.1 0.57 0.02 0.002 41.65 24.0 Mean 11.99 19.2 18.2 0.517 75.56 29.03 18.9 10.2 0.67 0.08 0.003 201.8 32.4 Table 13. Statistics of Test Results of Physical and Mechanical Indices of Mudstone in Yan’an
Statistic index Statistic number Max. Min. Mean Standard deviation Coefficient of variation Uniaxial compressive strength/MPa Dry 33 1.336 0.747 0.944 0.15 0.16 Water saturated 33 0.774 0.311 0.502 0.16 0.31 Elastic modulus/MPa 33 9.8 6.86 7.26 2.08 0.25 Poisson’s ratio 33 0.30 0.25 0.26 0.04 0.13 Cohesion/kPa 33 71.1 16.7 53.85 3.8 0.21 Inner friction angle/° 33 35 21 26 1.0 0.16 Table 12. Statistics of Test Results of Physical and Mechanical Indices of Sandstone in Yan’an
Statistic index Statistic number Max. Min. Mean Standard deviation Coefficient of variation Saturated unit weight/−3 36 2.72 2.66 2.68 0.02 0.01 Specific gravity 36 2.54 2.23 2.31 0.09 0.03 Normal water absorption 36 6.92 6.26 6.53 0.22 0.03 Softening coefficient 36 0.72 0.57 0.67 0.05 0.11 Tensile strength/MPa 36 2.4 1.5 1.97 0.28 0.14 Uniaxial compressive strength/MPa Dry 36 75.1 43.0 61.2 10.9 0.20 Water saturated 36 51.3 28.2 41.2 9.07 0.22 Elastic modulus/MPa 36 4583 3865 4203 233.4 0.10 Poisson’s ratio 36 0.26 0.17 0.22 0.03 0.12 Cohesion/MPa 36 4.6 3.9 4.23 0.24 0.10 Inner friction angle/° 36 43.5 40.0 41.6 1.00 0.02 -
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