中国地质调查局 中国地质科学院主办

湖北省蒲圻县(赤壁)幅1∶50 000环境地质调查数据集

张傲, 邵长生, 王岑, 杨艳林, 路韬. 2019. 湖北省蒲圻县(赤壁)幅1∶50 000环境地质调查数据集[J]. 中国地质, 46(S2): 50-59. doi: 10.12029/gc2019Z205
引用本文: 张傲, 邵长生, 王岑, 杨艳林, 路韬. 2019. 湖北省蒲圻县(赤壁)幅1∶50 000环境地质调查数据集[J]. 中国地质, 46(S2): 50-59. doi: 10.12029/gc2019Z205
ZHANG Ao, SHAO Changsheng, WANG Cen, YANG Yanlin, LU Tao. 2019. Dataset of the Environmental Geological Survey on a Scale of 1∶50 000 in the Puqi County (Present Chibi City) Map Sheet, Hubei Province[J]. Geology in China, 46(S2): 50-59. doi: 10.12029/gc2019Z205
Citation: ZHANG Ao, SHAO Changsheng, WANG Cen, YANG Yanlin, LU Tao. 2019. Dataset of the Environmental Geological Survey on a Scale of 1∶50 000 in the Puqi County (Present Chibi City) Map Sheet, Hubei Province[J]. Geology in China, 46(S2): 50-59. doi: 10.12029/gc2019Z205

湖北省蒲圻县(赤壁)幅1∶50 000环境地质调查数据集

  • 基金项目: 中国地质调查局武汉市多要素城市地质调查(DD20190282)和中国地质调查局长江中游城市群咸宁—岳阳和南昌—怀化段高铁沿线1∶5万环境地质调查(DD20160248)联合资助
    作者简介: 张傲,男,1988年生,博士,工程师,研究方向为城市地质调查;

Dataset of the Environmental Geological Survey on a Scale of 1∶50 000 in the Puqi County (Present Chibi City) Map Sheet, Hubei Province

  • Fund Project: Jointly funded by two projects titled “Multi-element Urban Geological Survey of Wuhan City” (DD20190282) and “Environmental Geological Survey on a Scale of 1∶50 000 in the City Clusters of the Middle Reaches of Yangtze River Along Xianning – Yueyang and Nanchang – Huaihua High-speed Railway” (DD20160248) initiated by China Geological Survey.
More Information
    Author Bio: ZHANG Ao, male, born in 1988, engineer with doctorate degree, engages in urban geological survey; E-mail: .
  • 依托自然资源部中国地质调查局部署的“长江中游城市群咸宁—岳阳和南昌—怀化段高铁沿线1∶50 000环境地质调查”项目, 开展了蒲圻县幅1∶50 000环境地质调查。本数据集采取水文地质调查、岩溶地面塌陷调查、水文地质钻探、水质测试分析等方法而形成。数据集包含73个泉水调查点、7个矿泉水测试分析结果、1个岩溶地面塌陷点、7个岩溶洞穴点、10个水文钻孔等5方面数据。其中泉水调查成果包括泉点的分布位置、野外水质检测指标、泉水成因等; 矿泉水分析结果为针对区内泉点及水文钻孔所取水样进行室内测试, 达到矿泉水标准的测试结果; 岩溶地面塌陷数据主要包括岩溶地面塌陷的位置、塌陷坑特征、地质背景、塌陷后状态等信息; 岩溶洞穴调查成果包括洞穴点的位置、洞穴发育特征、开发利用情况等信息; 钻孔基本情况数据为钻孔位置信息、孔径、孔深等信息。数据集为赤壁市城镇规划建设, 土地安全利用, 优质地质资源开发提供重要的地质数据源支撑。

  • 加载中
  • 图 1  蒲圻县(赤壁)幅地理交通位置图

    图 2  地下水调查点分布图

    Figure 1. 

    Figure 2. 

    表 1  数据库(集)元数据简表

    条目 描述
    数据库(集)名称 湖北蒲圻县(赤壁)幅1∶50 000环境地质调查数据集
    数据库(集)作者 张傲,中国地质调查局武汉地质调查中心
    数据时间范围 2017.1—2017.12
    地理区域 湖北省咸宁市赤壁
    数据格式 *.xlsx
    数据量 76 KB
    基金项目 武汉市多要素城市地质调查(DD20190282)和长江中游城市群咸宁−岳阳和南昌−怀化段高铁沿线1∶50 000环境地质调查(DD20160248)联合资助
    语种 中文
    数据库(集)组成 泉水调查表.xlsx、矿泉水测试分析表.xlsx、岩溶地面塌陷调查表.xlsx、岩溶洞穴调查表.xlsx、钻孔基本情况表.xlsx
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    表 2  泉水调查表

    序号 数据项名称 数据类型 实例
    1 野外编号 字符串 Q120
    2 地理位置 字符串 赤壁市凤凰山镇公安泉村八组
    3 图幅编号 字符串 蒲圻县幅(H49E014024)
    4 泉水类型 字符串 下降泉
    5 含水层岩性 字符串 S2f2泥质粉砂岩夹砂岩
    6 主要用途 字符串 未利用
    7 补给来源 字符串 碎屑岩裂隙水
    8 天气 字符串 多云转晴
    9 气温/℃ 浮点型 33
    10 流量测定方法 字符串 流速仪
    11 泉的流量/(L/s) 浮点型 0.16
    12 动态变化特征 字符串 据访问,该泉流量随季节变化,长年有水,
    13 泉水温度/℃ 浮点型 18
    14 色度 字符串
    15 字符串
    16 气味 字符串
    17 透明度 字符串 透明
    18 pH 浮点型 7.06
    19 取样情况 字符串
    20 Eh/mV 浮点型 257
    21 DO/(mg/L) 浮点型 6.12
    22 电导率/(μs/cm) 浮点型 267.1
    23 周围可能的污染源 字符串 周围未见明显污染源
    24 含水层特征 字符串 地质:为志留系坟头组泥质粉砂岩。地貌:位于低岗地与堆积阶地过渡地带。含水层:点西侧为志留系坟头组碎屑岩裂隙含水岩组,富水性中等,据调查,该泉原供应生产队几十人同时使用
    25 备注 字符串 据访问,该泉原来流量较大,流量可达0.3 L/S。因废弃多年无人使用,致使先流量很小。点位于王洪山背斜北翼
    26 调查工作时间 字符串 2017-06-03
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    表 3  矿泉水测试分析表

    序号 数据项名称 数据类型 实例 序号 数据项名称 数据类型 实例
    1 送样号 字符串 Q02 23 Mg2+/(mg/L) 浮点型 4.14
    2 分析号 字符串 C172070002 24 NH4+/(mg/L) 浮点型 0
    3 HBO2/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.012 25 Fe3+/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.046
    4 Cu/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.001 0 26 Fe2+/(mg/L) 浮点型 0
    5 Pb/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.000 30 27 Cl/(mg/L) 浮点型 1.67
    6 Zn/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.001 1 28 SO42−/(mg/L) 浮点型 19.3
    7 Ni/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.007 8 29 HCO3−/(mg/L) 浮点型 266
    8 Co/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.001 4 30 CO32−/(mg/L) 浮点型 0
    9 Cd/(mg/L) 浮点型 <0.000 1 31 NO3/(mg/L) 浮点型 11.4
    10 Li/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.003 0 32 NO2/(mg/L) 浮点型 0
    11 Mo/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.000 20 33 F/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.19
    12 As/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.003 0 34 PO43−/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.022
    13 Hg/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.000 10 35 pH 浮点型 7.6
    14 Sr/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.36 36 H2SiO3/(mg/L) 浮点型 11.8
    15 Ba/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.016 37 Mn/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.004 1
    16 V/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.001 7 38 Br/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.009 0
    17 Se/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.000 30 39 耗氧量/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.64
    18 Ag/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.000 20 40 游离CO2/(mg/L) 浮点型 3.30
    19 I/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.001 0 41 可溶性SiO2/(mg/L) 浮点型 9.10
    20 K+/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.37 42 Cr6+/(mg/L) 浮点型 0
    21 Na+/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.90 43 Al3+/(mg/L) 浮点型 0.068
    22 Ca2+/(mg/L) 浮点型 91.4
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    表 4  岩溶地面塌陷调查表

    序号 数据项名称 数据类型 实例
    1 野外编号 字符串 TX446
    2 图幅编号 字符串 蒲圻县幅(H49E014024)
    3 天气 字符串
    4 地理位置 字符串 湖北省赤壁市赤马港镇砂子岭村八组
    5 塌陷前兆 字符串 地面裂缝
    6 诱发因素 字符串 道路施工,抽水,地面堆载
    7 塌陷坑深度 浮点型 3
    8 塌陷坑剖面形态 字符串 坛状
    9 塌陷坑平面形态 字符串 椭圆形
    10 下伏基岩是否可见 字符串
    11 水位埋深/m 浮点型 4.88
    12 塌陷坑长轴方向 浮点型 10
    13 有无洞穴存在 字符串
    14 江河水位高程/m 浮点型 29.9
    15 塌陷坑长轴半径/m 浮点型 57.5
    16 塌陷坑短轴半径/m 浮点型 35
    17 洞穴类型 字符串 土洞
    18 地貌类型 字符串 丘陵平原
    19 土地利用类型 字符串 旱地
    20 附近最近出现的塌坑或湖 字符串
    21 土层结构 字符串 单层结构Qp棕红色网纹状粉质黏土,密集坚硬
    22 土层厚度/m 浮点型 5
    23 基岩层位 字符串 三叠系下统嘉陵江组Tj
    24 基岩岩性 字符串 白云质灰岩、灰岩
    25 是否已处理 字符串
    26 处理方案 字符串 1号塌陷坑于2010年采用跨越式基础应急措施,目前为平地建成河北大道路面,塌陷区未见明显变形,处理措施效果较好;2号塌陷坑于2012年采用填土夯实措施,现已建成地下停车场至今未再发生过塌陷现象
    27 群体分布情况 字符串 距1号塌坑SE方向86 m处菜地发生2号塌坑
    28 调查日期 字符串 2017-06-19
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    表 5  岩溶洞穴调查表

    序号 数据项名称 数据类型 实例
    1 野外编号 字符串 DX422
    2 图幅编号 字符串 蒲圻县幅(H49E014024)
    3 地理位置 字符串 湖北省赤壁市赤马港办事处砂子岭社区九组
    4 天气 字符串
    5 温度/℃ 浮点型 27
    6 洞口高/m 浮点型 7.2
    7 洞口宽/m 浮点型 4.3
    8 洞口形状 字符串 拱形
    9 洞口朝向/° 字符串 西北向290°
    10 样品及数量 字符串 简分析2组(J21)
    11 地貌类型 浮点型 岩溶丘陵
    12 洞穴利用 浮点型 未利用
    13 地貌位置 字符串 低丘中底部
    14 地层及岩性 字符串 三叠系下统嘉陵江中段(T1j2)灰岩,产状:170°∠65°
    15 构造部位 字符串 位于B8蒲圻向斜南翼
    16 水文地质 字符串 为碳酸盐岩类岩溶裂隙水,具备良好的地下水运移通道,洞穴内部地表形成水流,顶部有多出渗水点,有水滴落,下大雨水量增大,干旱时水量减少。流速法测得流量Q=193.34 L/S
    17 工程地质 字符串 洞口走向110°,基岩裸露,出露地层岩性为三叠系下统嘉陵江组中段(T2j)灰色灰岩,薄层—中厚层状,溶蚀而光滑,小溶沟溶槽发育,岩层产状179°∠69°,方解石脉发育,较坚硬
    18 洞穴描述 字符串 溶穴走向110°,近水平方向延伸,约30 m向左发育(100°),长逾50 m,洞内宽3~6 m,高5~7 m,石针乳,石灰华发育,水底见砂石冲出物(卵石、细砂)。推测为地下河出口
    19 备注 字符串 本次实测:流速法,Q=192.57 L/S;水温T=16.9℃,pH=7.2,Eh=253.0 mV,Ec=446.01 μs/cm,DO=9.01
    20 调查日期 字符串 2017-06-14
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    表 6  钻孔基本情况表

    序号 数据项名称 数据类型 实例
    1 野外编号 字符串 SZK2
    2 地理位置 字符串 湖北省赤壁市中伙铺镇中伙村十六组
    3 图幅编号 字符串 蒲圻县幅(H49E014033)
    4 孔口高程/m 浮点型 44
    5 钻机类型 字符串 XY-2
    6 钻孔类型 字符串 水文钻孔
    7 开孔日期 字符串 2017-11-28
    8 终孔日期 字符串 2017-12-17
    9 井斜/° 浮点型 0.5
    10 开孔直径/mm 浮点型 219
    11 终孔直径/mm 浮点型 130
    12 终孔深度/m 浮点型 152
    13 含水层初见水位/m 0.6
    14 成井深度/m 浮点型 152
    15 静止水位/m 浮点型 0.98
    16 含水层特征 字符串 地质:钻孔揭露土层9.00 m为第四系黏土(Qh),9~152.00 m为P1q灰色灰岩。地貌:孔位位于岗地底部,地形起伏较小。含水层:主要含水段为9~152.00 m,其中孔深21.6~26.1 m,29.1~30.40 m为溶洞,含岩溶水,中等富水性
    17 调查日期 字符串 2017-12-17
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    Table 1.  Metadata Table of Database (Dataset)

    Items Description
    Database (dataset) name Dataset of the Environmental Geological Survey on a Scale of 1∶50 000 in the Puqi County (Present Chibi City) Map Sheet, Hubei Province
    Database (dataset) authors Zhao Ao, Wuhan Center, China Geological Survey
    Shao Changsheng, Wuhan Center, China Geological Survey
    Wang Cen, Wuhan Center, China Geological Survey
    Yang Yanlin, Wuhan Center, China Geological Survey
    Lu Tao, Wuhan Center, China Geological Survey
    Data acquisition time January—December in 2017
    Geographic area Chibi City, Xianning, Hubei Province
    Data format *.xlsx
    Data size 76 KB
    Data service system URL
    Fund project Jointly funded by two projects titled “Multi-element Urban Geological Survey of Wuhan City” (DD20190282) and “Environmental Geological Survey on a Scale of 1∶50 000 in the City Clusters of the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River Along Xianning – Yueyang and Nanchang – Huaihua High-speed Railway” (DD20160248).
    Language Chinese
    Database (dataset) composition Spring water survey.xlsx, Mineral water testing and analysis.xlsx, Karst collapse survey.xlsx, Karst cave survey.xlsx, and Basic information of boreholes.xlsx
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    Table 2.  Structure of “Spring water survey.xlsx” in the Dataset

    No. Data item name Data type Real example
    1 Field No. string Q120
    2 Geographic location string Group 8, Gonganquan Village, Fenghuangshan Town, Chibi City
    3 Map sheet No. string Puqi Map Sheet (H49E014024)
    4 Spring type string Gravity spring
    5 Aquifer lithology string S2f2 muddy siltstone interbedded with sandstone
    6 Main purpose string Not used
    7 Source of recharge string Fissure water in clastic rocks
    8 Weather string Clouds early/clearing late
    9 Atmospheric temperature, ℃ float 33
    10 Method of measuring flow string Flow meter
    11 Spring flow (L/s) float 0.16
    12 Dynamic change features string According to visits, water flow varies with seasons and it increases after rain while decreases in the dry season; water flows all year round
    13 Spring water temperature, ℃ float 18
    14 Chroma string Colorless
    15 Taste string Tasteless
    16 Odor string Odorless
    17 Transparency string Transparent
    18 pH value float 7.06
    19 Sampling string No sample taken
    20 Eh/mV float 257
    21 DO (mg/L) float 6.12
    22 EC (us/cm) float 267.1
    23 Possible pollution source nearby string No pollution source visible nearby
    24 Aquifer feature string Geology: hybrid siltstone of the Silurian Fentou Formation. Landform: located in the transitional zone between low downland and accumulation terrace. Aquifer: fissured water-bearing formation of clastic rocks of the Silurian Fentou Formation in the western part of the survey point, with medium water richness. This spring was concurrently consumed by dozens of people in the previous production team according to investigations.
    25 Remarks string According to visits, the water flow of this spring was up to 0.3 L/S before and then becomes very small after being discarded and unused for many years. It is located in the north wing of the anticline of the Wanghong Mount.
    26 Date of survey string June 3, 2017
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    Table 3.  Structure of “Mineral water testing and analysis.xlsx” in the Dataset

    No. Data item name Data type Real example No. Data item name Data type Real example
    1 No. of testing samples string Q02 23 Mg2+/(mg/L) float 4.14
    2 Analysis No. string C172070002 24 NH4+/(mg/L) float 0
    3 HBO2/(mg/L) float 0.012 25 Fe3+/(mg/L) float 0.046
    4 Cu/(mg/L) float 0.0010 26 Fe2+/(mg/L) float 0
    5 Pb/(mg/L) float 0.00030 27 Cl-/(mg/L) float 1.67
    6 Zn/(mg/L) float 0.0011 28 SO42-/(mg/L) float 19.3
    7 Ni/(mg/L) float 0.0078 29 HCO3-/(mg/L) float 266
    8 Co/(mg/L) float 0.0014 30 CO32-/(mg/L) float 0
    9 Cd/(mg/L) float <0.0001 31 NO3-/(mg/L) float 11.4
    10 Li/(mg/L) float 0.0030 32 NO2-/(mg/L) float 0
    11 Mo/(mg/L) float 0.00020 33 F-/(mg/L) float 0.19
    12 As/(mg/L) float 0.0030 34 PO43-/(mg/L) float 0.022
    13 Hg/(mg/L) float 0.00010 35 pH float 7.6
    14 Sr/(mg/L) float 0.36 36 H2SiO3/(mg/L) float 11.8
    15 Ba/(mg/L) float 0.016 37 Mn/(mg/L) float 0.0041
    16 V/(mg/L) float 0.0017 38 Br-/(mg/L) float 0.0090
    17 Se/(mg/L) float 0.00030 39 DO/(mg/L) float 0.64
    18 Ag/(mg/L) float 0.00020 40 Free CO2/(mg/L) float 3.30
    19 I-/(mg/L) float 0.0010 41 Soluble SiO2/(mg/L) float 9.10
    20 K+/(mg/L) float 0.37 42 Cr6+/(mg/L) float 0
    21 Na+/(mg/L) float 0.90 43 Al3+/(mg/L) float 0.068
    22 Ca2+/(mg/L) float 91.4
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    Table 4.  Structure of “Karst collapse survey.xlsx” in the Dataset

    No. Data item name Data type Example
    1 Field No. string TX446
    2 Map sheet No. string Puqi Map Sheet (H49E014024)
    3 Weather string Sunny
    4 Geographical location string Group 8, Shaziling Village, Chimagang Town, Chibi City, Hubei Province
    5 Precursor of collapse string Ground fissures
    6 Inducing factors string Road construction, water pumping and stacking on the ground
    7 Depth of collapse pit float 3
    8 Profile morphology of collapse pit string Jar-shaped
    9 Plane morphology of collapse pit string Ellipse
    10 Whether underlying bedrock is visible string No
    11 Burial depth of water level/m float 4.88
    12 Direction of long axis of collapse pit float 10
    13 Caves string No
    14 Elevation of river
    float 29.9
    15 Radius of long axis of collapse pit/m float 57.5
    16 the radius of the short axis of collapse pit/m float 35
    17 Cave type string Soil cave
    18 Landform type string Hills and plain
    19 Type of land utilization string Dry land
    20 Collapse pits or lakes occurring nearby recently string No
    21 Soil layer structure string Single-layer structure: Qp brownish red reticulate silty clay, dense and hard
    22 Soil layer thickness/m float 5
    23 Bedrock horizon string Lower-Triassic Jialing River Formation Tj
    24 Bedrock lithology string Dolomitic limestone, limestone
    25 Whether the collapse has been treated string Yes
    26 Treatment plan string The #1 collapse pit was treated with a spanning fundamental emergency measure in 2010. It is flat and has been built into a part of Hebei Road now with no marked deformation visible, indicating a good treatment effect. The #2 collapse pit was filled with soil and compacted in 2012. It has been converted into an underground parking lot now and no collapse has ever happened so far.
    27 Distribution of collapse bit cluster string The #2 collapse pit occurred in the vegetable plot which is 86 m SE from the # 1 collapse pit.
    28 Date of survey string June 19, 2017
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    Table 5.  Structure of “Karst cave survey.xlsx” in the Dataset

    No. Data item name Data type Example
    1 Field No. string DX422
    2 Map sheet No. string Puqi Map Sheet (H49E014024)
    3 Geographical location string Group 9, Shaziling Community, Chimagang Office, Chibi City, Hubei Province
    4 Weather string Sunny
    5 Temperature (℃) float 27
    6 Cave opening elevation (m) float 7.2
    7 Cave opening width (m) float 4.3
    8 Cave opening shape string Arch
    9 Cave opening direction (°) string 290°, Northwest
    10 Samples and their qualities string 2 for simple chemical analysis (J21)
    11 Landform type float Karst hills
    12 Cave utilization float Not used
    13 Landform location string Medium – bottom part of low hills
    14 Stratam and lithology string Limestone of the Middle Member of Lower-Triassic Jialing River Formation (T1j2), attitude: 170°∠65°
    15 Tectonic position string Located in the south wing of Puqi Syncline B8
    16 Hydrogeology string The groundwater is fissure water in a carbonate-type karst with developed transportation channels. Inside the cave, water flows on the surface and water leaks and drops in some places of the ceiling. Water yield increases during cases of heavy rain and decreases in the dry season. The water flow is Q=193.34 L/S measured by the flow velocity method.
    17 Engineering geology string The strike of the cave opening is 110° and the bedrock is exposed. The lithology of outcrops is characterized by thin-medium laminated, corroded and smooth gray limestone of the Middle Member of Lower-Triassic Jialing River Formation (T2j), with the occurrence of 179°∠69° and small karrens and water-eroded grooves developed. Hard calcite veins are developed.
    18 Cave description string The karst cave, with a strike of 110° and length of more than 50 m, extends nearly horizontally and one part with a length of about 30 m developed leftwards (100°). It is 3–6 m in width and 5–7 m in height inside, with lithostyle-shaped stalactites and travertines developed. Materials made of sand and stone washed out by water are visible in the water bottom (such as pebble and fine sand). It is inferred that the cave is located at an outlet of a subsurface river.
    19 Remarks string Parameter values measured in this Survey: Q=192.57 L/S determined by flow velocity method; water temperature T=16.9°C, pH=7.2, Eh=253.0 mv, Ec=446.01 μs/cm and DO=9.01
    20 Date of survey string June 14, 2017
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    Table 6.  Structure of “Basic information of boreholes.xlsx”

    No. Data item name Data type Example
    1 Field No. string SZK2
    2 Geographic location string Group 16, Zhonghuo Village, Zhonghuopu Town, Chibi City, Hubei Province
    3 Map sheet No. string Puqi Map Sheet (H49E014033)
    4 Borehole head elevation/m float 44
    5 Drilling rig type string XY-2
    6 Borehole type string Hydrological borehole
    7 Start date of drilling string November 28, 2017
    8 End date of drilling string December 17, 2017
    9 Well deviation/° float 0.5
    10 Open hole diameter/mm float 219
    11 Final hole diameter/mm float 130
    12 Hole hole depth/m float 152
    13 Initial water level of aquifer/m 0.6
    14 Well depth/m float 152
    15 Static water level/m float 0.98
    16 Aquifer features string Geology: it is revealed by the borehole that the soil layer at the depth of 9.00 m is Quaternary clay (Qh) and the rock layer at the depth of 9–152.00 m is gray limestone of P1q. Landform: located in the bottom of downland, with topography rising and falling slightly. Aquifer: main water-bearing segment is located at the depth of 9–152.00 m, with the borehole at the depth of 21.6–26.1 m and karst caves at the depth of 29.1–30.40 m; the aquifer bears karst water, with medium water richness.
    17 Date of survey string December 17, 2017
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收稿日期:  2019-10-25
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