Groundwater Resource Assessment for Regional Eco-environmental Protection and Urban Planning and Layout ― A Case Study of the Hydrogeological Dataset of the 1∶50 000 Dongshi Map Sheet in the Downland, Western Hubei
鄂西岗地1∶50 000水文地质图数据集是在董市幅实施水文地质测绘、地球物理勘探、遥感地质解译、水文地质钻探、水样品采集测试及地下水位监测与统测等工作基础上完成原始数据采集, 综合前期收集资料的整理分析与最新采集数据集成编制而成。原始数据采集主要包括遥感地质解译面积450 km2, 机(民)调查点226个, 地质调查点125个, 环境地质调查点16个, 水文地质钻探孔12眼, 工程地质钻探孔8眼, 水样品(全分析、同位素及有机污染样)合计采集80组, 丰、枯水期地下水位统测各40点次, 以及机(民)井监测12点位(一个水文年监测)等, 数据采集严格遵守《水文地质调查规范》(DZ/T 0282−2015)、《 水文水井地质钻探规程》(DZ/T 0148−2014)等规范与技术要求组织实施, 保证数据的准确可靠。数据集采用MapGIS 6.7平台辅助制图, 坐标系为1984年西安坐标系, 投影方式为高斯−克吕格投影(6度带)。水文地质图编制是以地下水系统理论为指导, 充分展现关键水文地质信息与地下水资源现状条件, 为区域地下水资源开发利用远景规划与有效保护提供直接依据, 能够促进长江中游生态文明建设与长江中游经济带快速发展。
Abstract:The dataset of the hydrogeological map at a scale of 1∶50 000, of the downland in West Hubei was developed based on the organization and analysis of pre-existing data and the integration of the latest original data obtained from a practical field survey in the Dongshi Map Sheet area, such as hydrogeological mapping, geophysical prospecting, hydrogeological drilling, collecting and testing of water samples and monitoring and simultaneous measurement of groundwater level. The original data involved remote-sensing geological interpretation of an area of 450 km2, 226 pumping (domestic) wells, 125 points of geological survey, 16 points of environmental geological survey, 12 boreholes of hydrogeological prospecting, 8 boreholes of engineering geological survey, 80 water samples (for total chemical, isotopic and organic pollution analysis), 40 discrete point-times of simultaneous measurement of groundwater levels during the wet and dry seasons and 12 point-locations of pumping (domestic) wells (for monitoring during an entire hydrological year). The original data were acquired in strict accordance with DZ/T 0282–2015 Specification for Hydrogeological Survey (1∶50 000) , DZ/T 0148–2014 The Specification for Hydrogeological Well Drilling and other technical requirements in order to ensure the accuracy and credibility of the data. The software MapGIS 6.7 was used to prepare the maps in the dataset, adopting the 1984 Xi’an Coordinate System and the Gauss-Kruger projection (6-degree zone). With the theory on groundwater system as a mapping guidance, the hydrogeological map in the dataset can fully reflect the key hydrogeological information and current conditions of groundwater resources, providing a direct basis for long-term planning of the development, utilization and effective protection of regional groundwater resources. Therefore, the dataset will promote the ecological civilization construction and repaid development of the economic belt along the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.
Key words:
- groundwater /
- hydrogeological map /
- theory on groundwater system /
- dataset /
- hydrogeology engineering /
- urban geology /
- Dongshi Map Sheet /
- Zhijiang city /
- Hubei
表 1 数据库(集)元数据简表
条目 描述 数据库(集)名称 董市幅1∶50 000水文地质图数据集 数据库(集)作者 何军, 中国地质调查局武汉地质调查中心
肖攀, 中国地质调查局武汉地质调查中心
彭轲, 中国地质调查局武汉地质调查中心
许珂, 中国地质调查局武汉地质调查中心数据时间范围 2017—2018年 地理区域 宜昌市枝江市 数据格式 MapGIS 6.7矢量格式(*.wt、*.wl、*.wp、*.msi) 数据量 14.0 M 数据服务系统网址 基金项目 中国地质调查局地质调查项目 “长江中游宜昌-荆州和武汉-黄石沿岸段1∶50 000环境地质调查(编号: DD20160250)” 语种 中文 数据库(集)组成 数据集包括1幅水文地质图, 主要包括主图、水文地质柱状图、5个镶图、2个水文地质剖面图。修饰部分包括图名、接图表、比例尺、中国地质调查局局徽、责任签等 表 2 基础数据信息采集表
数据类型 数据子分类 单位 数据量 机(民)井点 个 226 地质调查点 地质界线点 个 112 岩土调查点 个 13 地下水位监测点 机井监测点 个 6 民井监测点 个 6 地下水位统测点 处/点次 40/80 环境地质调查点 江河湖库岸坡稳定性 个 14 农业污染源点 个 1 垃圾场调查点 个 1 样品采集 地下水全分析样 个 40 氢氧同位素样 个 20 地下水有机污染分析样 个 20 地质钻探 水文地质钻探 眼/进尺 12/1 001.6 工程地质钻探 眼/进尺 8/402.2 表 3 董市幅地下水化学分析数据表
序号 字符名称 数据类型 数据样例 序号 字符名称 数据类型 数据样例 1 水样批号 字符串 C17407 18 Li 浮点型 0.004 6 2 水样编号 字符串 ZJ21 19 Sr 浮点型 0.58 3 分析编号 字符串 C174070018 20 Zn 浮点型 0.000 89 4 地下水类型 字符串 孔隙潜水 21 Se 浮点型 0.00 5 K+ 浮点型 1.28 22 游离CO2 浮点型 27.00 6 Na+ 浮点型 49.2 23 溶解性总固体 浮点型 662 7 Ca2+ 浮点型 126.0 24 Cu 浮点型 0.001 8 Mg2+ 浮点型 44.2 25 Mn 浮点型 0.018 9 NH4+ 浮点型 0.0 26 HBO2 浮点型 0.004 2 10 Fe2+ 浮点型 0.00 27 Ag 浮点型 0.000 2 11 Fe3+ 浮点型 0.015 28 Al3+ 浮点型 0.000 4 12 Cl− 浮点型 0.3 29 总硬度 浮点型 496 13 SO42− 浮点型 163.0 30 暂时硬度 浮点型 339 14 HCO3− 浮点型 413 31 永久硬度 浮点型 158 15 CO32− 浮点型 0.00 32 总碱度 浮点型 339 16 NO3− 浮点型 75.6 33 总酸度 浮点型 30.71 17 PO43− 浮点型 0.12 注:元素计量单位mg·L−1。 表 4 董市幅1∶50 000水文地质图数据集图层划分
图层类型 图层名称 图层内容 数据格式 主图 含水岩组类型 地下水类型、界线 *.WP、*.WL 含水岩组富水性 地下水富水程度、界线 *.WP、*.WL 水系 河流、湖泊及注记 *.WP、*.WL、*.WT 居民地 房屋、地名 *.WP、*.WL、*.WT 流向 地下水流动方向 *.WT 地层构造 地质界线、断层、地层代号 *.WL、*.WT 交通道路 公路、铁路 *.WL 图框 图框、比例尺 *.WP、*.WL、*.WT 剖面部署 剖面线及其注记 *.WL、*.WT 水文地质点 机井、民井及其注释 *.WT 图例 水文地质图例 *.WP、*.WL、*.WT 图饰 责任签、接图表、图名、位置索引图、局徽 *.WP、*.WL、*.WT 镶图 综合水文地质柱状图 柱状图 *.WP、*.WL、*.WT 区域背景图 地势图 *.msi、*.WL、*.WT 碎屑岩裂隙孔隙水
分布图新近系碎含水层富水性分区 *.WP 水系 *.WP 新近系含水层镶图图名 *.WT 图例 *.WP、*.WL、*.WT 孔隙潜水地下水位
等值线图等水位线 *.WL、*.WT 水位埋深 *.WP 水系 *.WP 图例 *.WP、*.WL、*.WT 地下水水化学图 地下水化学类型划分 *.WP 总硬度分区 *.WP 水系 *.WP 水化学图 *.WL、*.WT 图例 *.WP、*.WL、*.WT 立体水文地质结构图 立体图 *.WP、*.WL、*.WT 水文地质剖面图 剖面图 *.WP、*.WL、*.WT 图例 *.WL、*.WT 表 5 董市幅1∶50 000水文地质图空间投影参数
投影类型 参数 坐标系类型 投影平面直角 椭圆参数 西安80/1975年I.U.G.G推荐椭球 投影类型 高斯-克吕格(横切椭圆柱等角)投影 比例尺分母 50 000 椭球面高程 0 m 坐标单位 mm 投影面高程 0 m 投影中心点经度(DMS) 1 110 000 Table 1. Metadata Table of Database (Dataset)
Items Description Database (dataset) name Hydrogeological Dataset of the 1∶50 000 Dongshi Map Sheet Database (dataset) authors He Jun, Wuhan Center, China Geological Survey
Xiao Pan, Wuhan Center, China Geological Survey
Peng Ke, Wuhan Center, China Geological Survey
Xu Ke, Wuhan Center, China Geological SurveyData acquisition time 2017 — 2018 Geographical area Zhijiang City under Yichang City Data format Vector formats of MapGIS 6.7 (*.wt, *.wl, *.wp, *.msi) Data size 14.0 MB Data service system URL Fund project China Geological Survey project titled “Environmental Geological Survey on a Scale of 1∶50 000 in Yichang–Jingzhou and Wuhan–Huangshi in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River” (No. DD20160250) Language Chinese Database (dataset) composition The dataset consists of one hydrogeological map, which mainly includes a master map, hydrogeological histograms, five mosaic maps and two hydrogeological profiles. The other decorations include map name, index map, scale, logo of the China Geological Survey and responsibility signatures. Table 2. Acquisition of Basic Data
Data type Data subtype Unit Data quantity Pumping (domestic) well point pcs 226 Geological survey point Geological boundary point pcs 112 Survey point of rock and soil strata pcs 13 Monitoring point of groundwater level Monitoring point of pumping well pcs 6 Monitoring point of domestic well pcs 6 Point for simultaneous measurement of groundwater level location/point-time 40/80 Environmental geological survey point Stability of bank slopes of rivers, lakes and reservoirs pcs 14 Survey point of agricultural pollution source pcs 1 Point for dump survey pcs 1 Groundwater sample Samples for total chemical analysis pcs 40 Samples for isotope analysis of H and O pcs 20 Samples for organic pollution analysis pcs 20 Geological drilling Hydrogeological drilling Borehole/footage 12/1 001.6 Engineering geological drilling Borehole/footage 8/402.2 Table 3. The Analytical Chemical Compositions of the Groundwater from Dongshi Map-sheet Area
No. Character name Data category Real example No. Character name Data catagory Real example 1 Water sample batch No. String C17407 18 Li Floating point 0.004 6 2 Water sample No. String ZJ21 19 Sr Floating point 0.58 3 Analysis No. String C174070018 20 Zn Floating point 0.000 89 4 Groundwater type String Pore diving 21 Se Floating point 0.00 5 K+ Floating point 1.28 22 Free CO2 Floating point 27.00 6 Na+ Floating point 49.2 23 Soluble total solids Floating point 662 7 Ca2+ Floating point 126.0 24 Cu Floating point 0.001 8 Mg2+ Floating point 44.2 25 Mn Floating point 0.018 9 NH4+ Floating point 0.0 26 HBO2 Floating point 0.004 2 10 Fe2+ Floating point 0.00 27 Ag Floating point 0.000 2 11 Fe3+ Floating point 0.015 28 Al3+ Floating point 0.000 4 12 Cl− Floating point 0.3 29 Total hardness Floating point 496 13 SO42− Floating point 163.0 30 Contemporary hardness Floating point 339 14 HCO3− Floating point 413 31 Permanent hardness Floating point 158 15 CO32− Floating point 0.00 32 Total alkalinity Floating point 339 16 NO3− Floating point 75.6 33 Total acidity Floating point 30.71 17 PO43− Floating point 0.12 Note: Elemental measurement unit mg·L−1 Table 4. Division of Map Layers in the Dataset of Hydrogeological Maps on a Scale of 1∶50 000 of Dongshi Map Sheet
Map layer type Map layer name Map layer contents Data format Master map Type of water-bearing rock formation Groundwater types and their boundaries *.WP, *.WL Water-yield property of water-bearing rock formation Groundwater water-yield property grades and their boundaries *.WP, *.WL Water system Rivers, lakes and marks *.WP, *.WL, *.WT Residential area Houses and area names *.WP, *.WL, *.WT Flow direction Flow direction of groundwater *.WT Stratigraphic structure Geological boundaries, faults and stratum codes *.WL, *.WT Traffic road Highways and railways *.WL Map frame Frames and scales *.WP, *.WL, *.WT Profile deployment Profile lines and their notes *.WL, *.WT Hydrogeological point Pumping and domestic wells and their notes *.WT Legend Hydrogeological legends *.WP, *.WL, *.WT Decoration Responsibility signatures, index map, map titles
Location index plan*.WP, *.WL, *.WT Mosaic map Integrated hydrogeological histogram Histograms *.WP, *.WL, *.WT Regional landform map Relief map *.msi*,
.WTClastic-rock pore-fissure water distribution map Water-yield-property-based zones of Neogene aquifer of clastic rocks *.WP Water systems *.WP Mosaic map titles of Neogene aquifers *.WT Legends *.WP, *.WL, *.WT Groundwater level contour map of pore water Water contour *.WL, *.WT Burial depth of water level *.WP Water systems *.WP Legends *.WP, *.WL, *.WT Hydrochemical map of groundwater Hydrochemical-type-based zones of groundwater *.WP Total hardness-based zones *.WP Water systems *.WP Hydrochemical maps *.WL, *.WT Legends *.WP, *.WL, *.WT 3D hydrogeological structure map 3D map *.WP, *.WL, *.WT Hydrogeological profile Profiles *.WP, *.WL, *.WT Legends *.WL, *.WT Table 5. Spatial Projection Parameters of the Dataset of Hydrogeological Maps of Dongshi Map Sheet on a Scale of 1∶50 000
Projection type Parameter Coordinate system type Projected rectangular plane coordinate system Ellipsoid parameters Xi’an 80 Coordinate System/the ellipsoid parameters recommended by I.U.G.G in 1975 Projection type Gauss-Kruger (transverse elliptic cylinder equiangular) projection Scale denominator 50 000 Ellipsoid elevation 0 m Coordinate Unit mm Projection plane elevation 0 m Longitude of central point of projection (DMS) 1 110 000 -
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