Mechanism of organic matter accumulation in a marine-terrestrial transitional residual bay environment: A case of Early Cretaceous organic-rich shales in the Qiangtang Basin
研究目的 羌塘盆地从海相向陆相转换的过程中,形成了残留海湾盆地,该过渡沉积环境能够形成富有机质的页岩,由于其生物母源复杂,有机质富集机理尚不清楚。
研究方法 本文选择长梁山地区残留海湾环境沉积的页岩,开展有机质富集机理研究。EF值、Mn含量、U/Th等氧化还原指标揭示页岩沉积期水体为次还原—还原环境,生物钡含量指示水体具有较低的初始生产力。
研究结果 氧同位素、Mg/Ca、Fe/Mn等气候指标表明页岩沉积期发生了明显的气候变化,由泥灰岩沉积期的干燥寒冷转换为页岩沉积期的温暖潮湿。
结论 结合相对较快的沉积速率及页岩以Ⅱ型干酪根为主的情况,长梁山页岩的有机质富集可能与温暖潮湿的气候条件、相对较快的沉积速率和高的陆源有机质输入有关。
Abstract:This paper is the result of oil and gas exploration engineering.
Objective Residual bay basin was developed during the transition from marine to continental deposition in the Qiangtang Basin. This transition environment enables Qiangtang Basin to generate organic-rich shales. The mechanism of organic matter accumulation is still controversial due to its complicated organism origin.
Methods In this study, we choose residual bay organic-rich shales from the Changliangshan section to study the mechanism of organic material accumulation. Redox-sensitive indices including EF values, Mn contents and U/Th ratios reveal that the water volume was dyoxic to anoxic condition during the shale deposition. The relatively low primary productivity during deposition is supported by the relatively low biogenic barium concentrations.
Results Climate change indices including oxygen-isotope, Mg/Ca and Fe/Mn ratio show that a significant climatic change has taken place during the shale deposition. Climate has changed into warm and humid during the shale deposition compared with dry and cold during underlying marl deposition.
Conclusions Combined with sedimentary rate and type Ⅱ kerogen, this paper proposed that warm and humid climate conditions, relatively high sedimentation rate, and high input from terrigenous higher plants are the main factors controlling organic matter accumulation in the Changliangshan shales.
表 1 长梁山地区样品TOC及主量元素含量(%)
Table 1. Contents of TOC and major elements in samples from the Changliangshan section (%)
表 2 长梁山地区泥岩样品微量元素含量(10-6)
Table 2. Contents of trace elements in samples from the Changliangshan section (10-6)
表 3 长梁山地区样品稀土元素含量(10-6)
Table 3. Contents of rare earth elements in samples from the Changliangshan section (10-6)
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