Database of 1∶50 000 Mineral Geological Map of the Shiren Town Map-sheet, Jilin Province
吉林省石人镇幅(K52E013003)1∶50 000矿产地质图是依据《矿产地质调查技术要求(1∶50 000)》(DD2019-02),在充分利用原1∶50 000区域地质调查工作成果资料的基础上,以成矿作用类型为主线、以成矿要素为对象、以预研究为基础、以矿产地质专项填图为核心,采用室内与室外填编图相结合的方法完成的。该工作积极探索创新了矿产地质专项填图成果表达方式,基本查明石人镇幅地层层序并详细划分了沉积岩、侵入岩和变质岩的建造类型,在建造构造图的基础上添加地理信息及矿产信息编制矿产地质图,突出成矿信息的表达。在矿产综合检查、成矿规律总结的基础上,初步圈定金找矿靶区6处,预测资源量65.09 t,为今后找矿突破提供了基础地质依据及找矿方向。本数据库包含1张MapGIS矢量矿产地质图,以及7个样品的全岩地球化学分析数据,20个样品的主量、微量和稀土元素的岩石地球化学分析数据和16个样品的锆石U–Pb同位素测年数据,13条金及多金属矿产地信息,矿床成因类型分别为石英脉型和蚀变岩型,累计查明资源储量矿石量 1098.41 ×104 t,金的金属量49 989 kg,矿床平均品位4.55 g/t,数据容量约80.70 MB。该数据库充分反映了1∶50 000矿产地质专项填图成果,为今后找矿提供了基础地质依据及找矿方向。
Abstract:The 1∶50 000 mineral geological map of the Shiren Town map-sheet (K52E013003) in Jilin Province was prepared by adopting indoor and field mapping (compilation) according to the Technical Requirement of1∶50 000Solid Mineral Geological Survey (DD 2019-02), during which the results of previous 1∶50 000 regional geological surveys were fully utilized. With mineralization types as the main line, this project focused on mineral and geology-specific mapping based on a preliminary study and mainly researched metallogenic factors. Meanwhile, the presentation of geology-specific mapping results was actively explored and innovated, the stratigraphic sequences of the Shiren Town map-sheet were basically ascertained, and the sedimentary rock suites, intrusion suites, and metamorphic rock suites were determined in detail. The map was completed by adding geographic data and mineral resource information to the suite-tectonic map, highlighting the expression of metallogenic information. The database of the map (also referred to as the Database) contains a mineral geological vector map in MapGIS format, whole-rock petrogeochemical data of seven samples, petrogeochemical data of major, trace, and rare earth elements of 20 samples, and zircon U–Pb isotopic dating data of 16 samples. Besides, it includes the data of 13 gold and polymetallic deposits, whose genetic types are quartz vein and alteration types. The total amount of resource reserves is 1098.41 ×104 t, and that of gold is 49 989 kg, with the average Au grade of 4.55 g/t. With a data size of about 80.70 MB, the database fully reflects the results of 1∶50 000 mineral and geology-specific mapping, thus providing basic geological bases and prospecting direction for future strategic actions on prospecting breakthroughs.
表 1 吉林省白山市板石沟地区整装勘查区区域金矿床基本特征表
编号 名称 矿种 规模 成因类型 成矿时代 查明资源储量 1 板庙子金矿 金 大型 远成中低温热液型 中生代 金49.99 t 2 天桥金矿 金 小型 中低温热液型 中生代 金1.56 t 3 狼洞沟金银矿 金, 共生银 中型 矽卡岩型 中生代 银206 t、金5.75 t 4 前八里沟金矿 金 小型 中低温热液型 中生代 金0.10 t 5 八里沟金矿 金 小型 中低温热液型 中生代 金0.15 t 6 大松树金矿点 金 矿点 中低温热液型 中生代 7 二道沟金矿点 金 矿点 远成中低温热液型 中生代 8 荒沟山金矿 金 中型 中低温热液型 中生代 金9.32 t 9 错草沟金矿 金, 伴生银 小型 中低温热液型 中生代 金0.61 t、银2 t 10 双顶沟岭金矿 金 小型 中低温热液型 古元古代—太古宙 金2.58 t 表 2 数据库(集)元数据简表
条目 描述 数据库(集)名称 吉林省石人镇幅1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库 数据库(集)作者 沉积岩类:王海建,吉林省第四地质调查所
岩浆岩类:吴玉诗,吉林省第四地质调查所数据时间范围 2016.05—2017.03 地理区域 位于吉林省东南部,白山市板石沟地区铁及金矿整装勘查区东部,面积384 km2
地理坐标:E 126°30′00″~126°45′00″;N 41°50′00″~42°00′00″数据格式 *.jpg,*.wt,*.wl,*.wp 数据量 80.70 MB 数据服务系统网址 基金项目 中国地质调查局地质调查项目“整装勘查区找矿预测与技术应用示范(121201004000150017)”子项目“吉林省白山市板石沟地区铁及金矿整装勘查区矿产调查与找矿预测(编号:121201004000150017-28)” 语种 中文 数据库(集)组成 吉林省石人镇幅1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库包括1∶50 000地质图库和整饰。地质图库分为地理和地质图层。地理图层包括地名、道路、水系;地质图层包括沉积岩建造、变质岩建造、侵入岩建造、脉岩、构造、地质界线、产状、矿床(点)、蚀变、岩性花纹、各类代号、典型矿床平面图、典型矿床剖面图、图切地质剖面图、矿产图例、矿产地名录、矿化蚀变图例、成矿区带位置图。整饰部分包括接图表、中国地质调查局局徽、图名、比例尺、坐标参数、责任签等 表 3 沉积岩建造特征一览表
年代地层单位 岩石地层单位 建造单元特征 系 统 群 组 段 代号 建造类型 厚度/m 岩性组合 第四系 全新统 Ⅰ级阶地 Q4a 松散砂、砾石、河卵石堆积建造 5~10 松散砂、砾石、河卵石堆积 白垩系 中统 小南沟组 K2xa 中砾岩—粗砾岩夹巨砾岩建造 969.88 中砾岩—粗砾岩夹巨砾岩 上统 石人组 K1sc 凝灰质砂岩建造 826 凝灰质砂岩 K1sb 炭质页岩建造 930 炭质页岩 K1sa 砾岩建造 32.10 砾岩 林子头组 K1lb 凝灰质粉砂岩建造 131.36 凝灰质粉砂岩 K1la 凝灰岩建造 121.32 凝灰质粉砂岩 三叠系 上统 小河口组 二段 T3xh2b 粉砂岩建造 319 粉砂岩夹煤 T3xh2a 长石砂岩建造 481 长石砂岩 一段 T3xhla 砾岩建造 764 巨砾岩—砾岩 二叠系 中统 石盒子组 二段 P2s2a 含砾粗粒砂岩建造 4.61 含砾粗粒砂岩、砂岩及粉砂岩 一段 P2sla 细粒砂岩建造 31 细粒砂岩、粉砂岩 石炭系 上统 山西组 C2P1sa 粗粒长石砂岩建造 45 粗粒长石砂岩夹煤、粉砂岩、杂色页岩 太原组 C2ta 粗粒长石砂岩建造 84 粗粒长石砂岩、粉砂岩 下统 本溪组 C2ba 含云母长石砂岩建造 70 含云母长石砂岩、砂岩夹煤层 奥陶系 中统 马家沟组 O2mb 角砾状灰岩建造 49 角砾状灰岩 O2ma 亮晶砂屑灰岩建造 586 亮晶砂屑灰岩 下统 亮甲山组 O2ia 豹皮灰岩建造 527 豹皮灰岩 冶里组 O2ya 含泥质灰岩建造 527 含泥质灰岩 寒武系 芙蓉统 炒米店子组 Є3ca 条带状灰岩建造 446 条带状灰岩、纹层泥晶灰岩 崮山组 Є3ga 竹叶状灰岩建造 317 竹叶状灰岩、页岩、粉砂岩、泥晶灰岩 第三统 张夏组 Є3za 鲕状灰岩建造 353 鲕状灰岩 馒头组 河口段 Є1-2mha 亮晶砂屑灰岩建造 346 亮晶砂屑灰岩、砾屑灰岩、粉砂岩 第二统 东热段 Є1-2mda 粉砂质页岩建造 66 粉砂质页岩、白云质灰岩 昌平组 Є1ca 亮晶砂屑灰岩建造 211 亮晶砂屑灰岩、条带状灰岩 水洞组 Є1sa 粉砂岩建造 55 粉砂岩、砂岩 震旦系 中统 浑江群 青沟子组 Z2qga 白云质灰岩建造 110 白云质灰岩、黑色页岩、泥晶灰岩、角砾状灰岩 八道江组 Z2ba 叠层石灰岩建造 371 叠层石灰岩、碎屑灰岩 下统 万隆组 Z2wa 纹层灰岩建造 355 纹层灰岩夹薄层粉砂岩、钙质页岩、藻屑灰岩 青白口系 细河群 桥头组 Qbqa 含铁锈斑点石英砂岩建造 40 含铁锈斑点石英砂岩、页岩 南芬组 Qbna 杂色页岩建造 54 杂色页岩 钓鱼台组 Qbdb 石英砂岩建造 250 石英砂岩 Qbda 含赤铁矿砾岩 35 含赤铁矿砾岩、含赤铁矿石英砂岩 马达岭组 Qbma 长石石英砂岩建造 64.33 长石石英砂岩、含砾长石石英砂岩 达台山组 Qbdtb 细粒石英砂岩建造 491 细粒石英砂岩 Qbdta 炭质板岩建造 36 炭质板岩 表 4 侵入岩建造特征一览表
时代 建造单元特征 代 纪 世 期 代号 建造类型 岩性特征 同位素年龄/Ma 中生代 侏罗纪 晚侏罗世 早期 γπJ3 花岗斑岩建造 花岗斑岩 152.87±1.85,全岩K–Ar 中侏罗世 早期 γδJ2 花岗闪长岩建造 花岗闪长岩 ηγβJ2 似斑状黑云母二长花岗岩建造 似斑状黑云母二长花岗岩 176±7,锆石U–Pb γβJ2 似斑状黑云母花岗岩建造 似斑状黑云母花岗岩 178±8,锆石U–Pb 新太古代 γδοAr 英云闪长岩建造 英云闪长岩 2570,Rb–Sr等时线 γοAr 奥长花岗岩建造 奥长花岗岩 表 5 变质岩建造特征一览表
时代 岩石地层单位 建造单元特征 代 纪 岩群 岩组 代号 建造类型 岩性特征 古元古代 老岭群 大栗子组 Pt1dl2b 二云石英片岩建造 二云石英片岩 Pt1dl2a 千枚岩建造 千枚岩 Pt1dl1a 绢云绿泥千枚岩建造 绢云绿泥千枚岩 珍珠门组 Pt1z3c 角砾状白云质大理岩建造 角砾状白云质大理岩 Pt1z3b 硅化白云质大理岩建造 硅化白云质大理岩 Pt1z3a 白云质大理岩建造 白云质大理岩 Pt1z2c 炭质条带状白云质大理岩建造 炭质条带状白云质大理岩 Pt1z2b 白云质大理岩建造 白云质大理岩 Pt1z2a 透闪石硅质条带状白云质大理岩建造 透闪石条带状白云质大理岩 Pt1z1a 炭质条带状白云质大理岩建造 炭质条带状白云质大理岩 林家沟组 Pt1ld 炭质板岩建造 炭质板岩 Pt1lc 黑云变粒岩建造 黑云变粒岩 Pt1lb 白云质大理岩建造 白云质大理岩 Pt1la 长石石英岩建造 长石石英岩 太古宙 鞍山群 杨家店组 Arayb 斜长角闪岩建造 斜长角闪岩 Araya 黑云斜长角闪片麻岩建造 黑云斜长角闪片麻岩 Table 1. Basic characteristics of regional gold deposits in the integrated exploration area of Banshigou, Baishan City, Jilin Province
No. Deposit name Mineral
typeScale Genetic type of
depositMetallogenetic epoch Identified resources reserve 1 Banmiaozi gold deposit Au large telethermal low-to-moderate temperature hydrothermal deposit Mesozoic Au 49.99 t 2 Tianqiao gold deposit Au small low-to-moderate temperature hydrothermal deposit Mesozoic Au 1.56 t 3 Langdonggou goldargentid deposit Au, Ag medium skarn-type deposit Mesozoic Ag 206 t,
Au 5.75 t4 Qianbaligou gold deposit Au small low-to-moderate temperature hydrothermal deposit Mesozoic Au 0.10 t 5 Baligou gold deposit Au small low-to-moderate temperature hydrothermal deposit Mesozoic Au 0.15 t 6 Dasongshu gold occurrence Au ore occurrence low-to-moderate temperature hydrothermal deposit Mesozoic 7 Erligou gold occurrence Au ore occurrence telethermal low-to-moderate temperature hydrothermal deposit Mesozoic 8 Huanggoushan gold deposit Au medium low-to-moderate temperature hydrothermal deposit Mesozoic Au 9.32 t 9 Cuocaogou gold deposit Au, associated Ag small low-to-moderate temperature hydrothermal deposit Mesozoic Au 0.61 t,
Ag 2 t10 Shuangdinggouling gold deposit Au small low-to-moderate temperature hydrothermal deposit Archean–Paleoproterozoic Au 2.58 t Table 2. Metadata Table of Database (Dataset)
Item Description Database (dataset) name Database of 1∶50 000 Mineral Geological Map of the Shiren Town Map-sheet, Jilin Province Database (dataset) authors Sedimentary rocks: Wang Haijian, The Fourth Geological Survey of Jilin Province
Metamorphic rocks: Che Hailong, The Fourth Geological Survey of Jilin Province
Igneous rocks: Wu Yushi, The Fourth Geological Survey of Jilin ProvinceData acquisition time From May 2016 to March 2017 Geographical area Located in the eastern part of the integrated exploration area of iron and gold deposit in Banshigou, Baishan City, Southeastern Jilin Province, covering an area of 384 km2;
Coordinates: 126°30′00″−126°45′00″E; 41°50′00″−42°00′00″NData formats *.jpg, *.wt, *.wl, *.wp Data size 80.70 MB Data service system URL Fund project The project titled Mineral Resources Survey and Prospecting Predication of Integrated Exploration Area of Iron and Gold Deposits in Banshigou Area, Baishan City, Jilin Province (No.: 121201004000150017-28), which is a subject of the geological survey project titled Prospecting Predication of Integrated Exploration Areas and Technical Application Demonstration (No.: 121201004000150017) initiated by the China Geological Survey Language Chinese Database (dataset) composition The Database consists of a library of 1∶50 000 mineral geological maps and map decorations. The map library includes geographic and geological map layers. The former include geographic name, roads and water system, while the latter include sedimentary rock suites, metamorphic rock suites, intrusive rock suites, vein rocks, structures, geological boundaries, attitude, deposits (mineralized points), alteration, lithologic patterns, various codes, plans and sections of typical deposits, geological cross-sections, mineral legends, mineral deposit list, mineralized alteration legends, and maps of metallogenic area and belt locations. The map decorations contain index maps, logo of the China Geological Survey, map title, scale, coordinate parameters, and signatures Table 3. List of characteristics of sedimentary rock suites
Chronological stratigraphic unit Lithostratigraphic unit Characteristics of suite units System Series Group Formation Member Code Type Thickness/m Lithological association Quaternary Holocene First-order terrace Q4a loose sand, gravel and river pebbles accumulative suite 5–10 accumulation of loose sand, gravel and river pebbles Cretaceous Middle Xiaonangou Formation K2xa suite of medium−coarse conglomerates interbedded with giant conglomerates 969.88 medium−coarse conglomerates interbedded with giant conglomerates Upper Shiren Formation K1sc tuffaceous sandstone suite 826 tuffaceous sandstone K1sb carbonaceous shale suite 930 carbonaceous shale K1sa conglomerate suite 32.10 conglomerate Linzitou Formation K1l b tuffaceous siltstone suite 131.36 tuffaceous siltstone K1l a tuff suite 121.32 tuffaceous siltstone Triassic Upper Xiaohekou Formation Member II T3xh2b siltstone suite 319 siltstone interbedded with coal T3xh2a arkose suite 481 arkose Member I T3xhla conglomerate suite 764 giant conglomerate-conglomerate Permian Middle Shihezi Formation Member II P2s2a gravel-bearing coarse-grained sandstone suite 4.61 gravel-bearing coarse-grained sandstone, sandstone, and siltstone Member I P2sla fine-grained sandstone suite 31 fine-grained sandstone and siltstone Carboniferous Upper Shanxi Formation C2P1sa coarse-grained arkose suite 45 coarse-grained arkose interbedded with coal, siltstone, and variegated shale Taiyuan Formation C2ta coarse-grained arkose suite 84 coarse-grained arkose and siltstone Lower Benxi Formation C2ba mica-bearing arkose suite 70 mica-bearing arkose and sandstone interbedded with coal Ordovician Middle Majiagou Formation O2mb brecciaous limestone suite 49 brecciaous limestone O2ma sparry calcarenite suite 586 sparry calcarenite Lower Liangjiashan Formation O2ia leopard limestone suite 527 leopard limestone Yeli Formation O2ya argillaceous limestone suite 527 argillaceous limestone Cambrian Furongian Chaomidianzi Formation Є3ca banded limestone suite 446 banded limestone and lamellar micritic limestone Gushan Formation Є3ga edgewise limestone suite 317 edgewise limestone, shale, siltstone, and micritic limestone Third Zhangxia Formation Є3za oolitic limestone suite 353 oolitic limestone Mantou Formation Hekou Member Є1-2mha sparry calcarenite suite 346 sparry calcarenite, calcarenite, and siltstone Second Dongre Member Є1-2mda silty shale suite 66 silty shale and dolomitic limestone Changping Formation Є1ca sparry calcarenite suite 211 sparry calcarenite and banded limestone Shuidong Formation Є1sa siltstone suite 55 siltstone and sandstone Sinian Middle Hunjiang Group Qinggouzi Formation Z2qga dolomitic limestone suite 110 dolomitic limestone, black shale, micritic limestone, and brecciaous limestone Badaojiang Formation Z2ba stromatolite limestone suite 371 stromatolite limestone and calcarenite Lower Wanlong Formation Z2wa lamellar limestone suite 355 lamellar limestone interbedded with -laminated siltstone, calcareous shale, and algal clast limestone Qingbaikouan Xihe Group Qiaotou Formation Qbqa rust spot-bearing quartz sandstone suite 40 rust spot-bearing quartz sandstone and shale Nanfen Formation Qbna variegated shale suite 54 variegated shale Diaoyutai Formation Qbdb quartz sandstone suite 250 quartz sandstone Qbda hematite-bearing conglomerate suite 35 hematite-bearing conglomerate hematite-bearing quartz sandstone Madaling Formation Qbma feldspathic quartz sandstone suite 64.33 feldspathic quartz sandstone gravel-bearing feldspathic quartz sandstone Dataishan Formation Qbdtb fine-grained quartz sandstone suite 491 fine-grained quartz sandstone Qbdta carbonaceous slate suite 36 carbonaceous slate Table 4. List of characteristics of intrusive rock suites
Age Characteristics of suite units Era Period Epoch Stage Code Type Lithologic characteristic Isotopic age/Ma Mesozoic Jurassic Late Jurassic Early γπJ3 granite porphyry suite granite porphyry 152.87±1.85, whole-rock K–Ar age Middle Jurassic Early γδJ2 granodiorite suite granodiorite ηγβJ2 porphyric biotite monzogranite suite porphyric biotite monzogranite 176±7, zircon U–Pb age γβJ2 porphyric biotite granite suite porphyric biotite granite 178±8, zircon U–Pb age Neoarchean γδοAr tonalite suite tonalite 2570, Rb–Sr isochron age γοAr Trondhjemite granite suite Trondhjemite Table 5. List of characteristics of metamorphic rock suites
Age Lithostratigraphic unit Characteristics of suite unit Era Period Group Formation Code Type Lithologic characteristic Paleoproterozoic Laoling Group Dalizi Formation Pt1dl2b two-mica-quartz schist suite two-mica-quartz schist Pt1dl2a phyllite suite phyllite Pt1dl1a sericite-chlorite phyllite suite sericite-chlorite phyllite Zhenzhumen Formation Pt1z3c brecciaous dolomitic marble suite brecciaous dolomitic marble Pt1z3b silicified dolomitic marble suite silicified dolomitic marble Pt1z3a dolomitic marble suite dolomitic marble Pt1z2c carbonaceous banded dolomitic marble suite carbonaceous banded dolomitic marble Pt1z2b dolomitic marble suite dolomitic marble Pt1z2a remolite-bearing siliceous banded dolomitic marble suite remolite-bearing siliceous banded dolomitic marble Pt1z1a carbonaceous banded dolomitic marble suite carbonaceous banded dolomitic marble Linjiagou Formation Pt1ld carbonaceous slate suite carbonaceous slate Pt1lc biotite granulite suite biotite granulite Pt1lb dolomitic marble suite dolomitic marble Pt1la arkose suite arkose Archean Anshan Group Yangjiadian Formation Arayb amphibolite suite amphibolite Araya biotite-amphibolite gneiss suite biotite-amphibolite gneiss -
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