中国地质调查局 中国地质科学院主办

内蒙古昌图希勒斯台幅1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库

何鹏, 郭硕, 苏航, 王贵鹏, 张跃龙. 2020. 内蒙古昌图希勒斯台幅1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库[J]. 中国地质, 47(S2): 45-56. doi: 10.12029/gc2020Z204
引用本文: 何鹏, 郭硕, 苏航, 王贵鹏, 张跃龙. 2020. 内蒙古昌图希勒斯台幅1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库[J]. 中国地质, 47(S2): 45-56. doi: 10.12029/gc2020Z204
HE Peng, GUO Shuo, SU Hang, WANG Guipeng, ZHANG Yuelong. 2020. Database of 1∶50 000 Mineral Geological Map of Changtuxilesitai Map-sheet, Inner Mongolia[J]. Geology in China, 47(S2): 45-56. doi: 10.12029/gc2020Z204
Citation: HE Peng, GUO Shuo, SU Hang, WANG Guipeng, ZHANG Yuelong. 2020. Database of 1∶50 000 Mineral Geological Map of Changtuxilesitai Map-sheet, Inner Mongolia[J]. Geology in China, 47(S2): 45-56. doi: 10.12029/gc2020Z204

内蒙古昌图希勒斯台幅1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库

  • 基金项目: 中国地质调查局项目“二连—东乌旗成矿带西乌旗和白乃庙地区地质矿产调查(项目编号:DD20160041)”、“内蒙古温都尔庙-镶黄旗地区区域地质调查(项目编号:DD20190038)”资助
    作者简介: 何鹏,男,研究生,工程师,从事区域地质矿产调查研究工作;E–mail:

Database of 1∶50 000 Mineral Geological Map of Changtuxilesitai Map-sheet, Inner Mongolia

  • Fund Project: China Geological Survey Projects entitled “Geological and Mineral Survey of West Ujimqin Banner and Bainaimiao Area, Erenhot—East Ujimqin Banner Metallogenic Belt” (No.: DD20160041) and “Regional Geological Survey of Wenduermiao—Boarder Yellow Banner Area, Inner Mongolia”(No.: DD20190038)
More Information
    Author Bio: HE Peng, male, master’s degree, engineer, engages in geological and mineral survey and research; E-mail: .
  • 内蒙古昌图希勒斯台幅(L50E015021)1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库基于数字地质填图系统建立,实现了从前期资料准备→野外地质填图→室内综合整理→最终成果表达的全程数字化,有效开展了对各类数据的一体化描述、存储、组织和利用。数据库建立过程中采用“火山构造—岩性岩相—火山地层”填图方法,重新厘定了火山岩地层,详细划分了火山岩相、喷发旋回及其组合类型,重点查明了火山岩、火山构造、火山活动与成矿作用的关系,总结了中生代火山岩区金属矿产成矿地质条件和成矿规律。数据库的数据内容包含8个地层单位、4期火山喷发旋回、8处成矿远景区、6处找矿靶区,此外,还包含有1170件化学样品数据、261件土壤样分析数据、108件岩石地球化学数据、222件光薄片样品、35件S和Pb同位素数据、10件H和O同位素数据和4个锆石U–Pb年龄。初步查明图幅内新发现的昌图锡力银铅锌锰矿3341银金属量为1028.35 t,铅金属量为11.25万t,锌金属量为9.36万t,锰金属量为55.24万t,达到大型银多金属矿床规模。本数据库内容详实、可利用度高,为大兴安岭中南段中生代火山岩区深入开展矿产资源调查评价和金属矿产勘探开发提供了重要基础性数据资料支撑。

  • 加载中
  • 图 1  大兴安岭中南段地质矿产简图

    Figure 1. 

    表 1  数据库(集)元数据简表

    条目 描述
    数据库(集)名称 内蒙古昌图希勒斯台幅1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库
    数据库(集)作者 何 鹏,中国地质调查局天津地质调查中心
    郭 硕,中国地质调查局天津地质调查中心
    苏 航,黑龙江省地质调查研究总院
    数据时间范围 2017—2018年
    地理区域 东经119°00′~119°15′,北纬45°30′~45°40′
    数据格式 MapGIS
    数据量 6.27 MB
    基金项目 中国地质调查局地质调查项目“二连—东乌旗成矿带西乌旗和白乃庙地区地质矿产调查”(项目编号:DD2016041)资助
    语种 中文
    数据库(集)组成 昌图希勒斯台幅1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库包括1∶50 000矿产地质图库和图饰。地质图库包括火山岩、侵入岩、第四系、脉岩、构造、地质界线、产状、蚀变、岩性花纹、各类代号等;图饰包括接图表、图例、综合柱状图、图切剖面、矿化异常及编号、矿产远景区、所属成矿区带位置图、责任表
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    表 2  内蒙古昌图希勒斯台幅(L50E015021)1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库一览表

    基本要素类 对象类 综合要素类 独立要素类
    名称及标准编码 实体个数 名称及标准编码 说明 名称及标准编码 说明 名称及标准编码
    地质体面实体(_GEOPOLYGON.WP) 82 沉积(火山)岩岩石地层单位(_STRATA) 包括第四系全新统冲积层(Qhal),第四系全新统冲湖积层(Qhall),第四系全新统冲洪积层(Qhalp),第四系全新统湖积层(Qhl),上侏罗统玛尼吐组一段(J3mn1),下白垩统白音高老组一段(K1b1),下白垩统白音高老组二段(K1b2),下白垩统大磨拐河组(K1d),新近系上新统宝格达乌拉组(N2b),新近系上新统五叉沟组(N2w)共10个 标准图框(_MAP_FRAME.WL) 标准图框内图框4条线,属性相同 接图表(MAP_SHEET)
    地质界线(_GEOLINE.WL) 101 综合柱状图(COLUMN)
    蚀变点(_ALTERATION_ PNT.WT) 63 图切剖面(PROFILE)
    矿化点(_MINERAL_PNT.WT) 2 图例(LEGEND)
    火山口(_CRATER.WT) 6 脉岩(_DIKE_OBJECT) 包括晚侏罗世安山岩脉(αJ3),早白垩世安山岩脉(αK1),晚侏罗世安山玢岩脉(αμJ3),晚侏罗世闪长玢岩脉(δμJ3),晚侏罗世英安岩脉(ζJ3),早白垩世流纹岩脉(λK1),早白垩世流纹斑岩脉(λπK1)共7个 火山岩相带(_VOLCA_FACIES) 主要有喷溢相(EFF)、爆发空落相(FOF)、火山碎屑流相(PRF)、火山通道相(VNF)、火山爆发崩塌相(VECF) 责任表(DUTY_TABLE)
    产状(_ATTITUDE.WT) 30
    样品(_SAMPLE.WT) 568 断层(_FAULT) 共18条
    同位素(_ISOTOPE.WT) 4 面状河和水库(_WATER_REGION) 从地理底图中提取 蚀变带(_ALTERATION
    主要有铅锌矿化、褐铁矿化、硅化、碳酸盐化 其他(OTHER)主要包括火山岩相构造图、侵入岩单位划分及其他图廓外整饰
    照片(_PHOTOGRAPH.WT) 186
    河湖水库岸线(_LINE_GEOGRAPHY.WL) 50
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    表 3  内蒙古昌图希勒斯台幅(L50E015021)岩石地层单位划分一览表

    组(段) 代号 岩石组合 同位素测年/Ma
    新生界 新近系 上新统 五叉沟组 N2w 深灰、灰黑色、紫红色气孔状玄武岩、致密块状玄武岩、安山玄武岩、玄武质集块角砾岩、砂砾岩
    宝格达乌拉组 N2b 砖红色(含砾)泥岩、含砾中粒长石岩屑杂砂岩、中粒岩屑长石杂砂岩、灰黑色泥岩、砂砾岩
    中生界 白垩系 下统 大磨拐河组 K1d 以泥岩、粉砂岩为主,夹中、细粒砂岩、含砾砂岩,在泥岩、粉砂岩内夹煤层
    梅勒图组 K1m 灰黑色、灰褐色、紫红色气孔状、杏仁状、致密块状玄武岩、安山岩、凝灰质(长石)岩屑砂岩、凝灰质砾岩、凝灰质砂砾岩、晶屑玻屑沉凝灰岩
    白音高老组二段 K1b2 灰褐色、灰色、浅紫色流纹岩、流纹质(角砾)晶屑(玻屑、岩屑)凝灰岩、流纹质(角砾)晶屑熔结凝灰岩、球粒流纹岩,英安质晶屑凝灰岩、沉凝灰岩、松脂岩、珍珠岩、英安岩等 130±1
    白音高老组一段 K1b1 深灰、灰黑色、灰褐色英安质凝灰岩、流纹质(含角砾)晶屑凝灰岩、流纹质玻屑凝灰岩、英安质沉火山角砾岩、中、细粒岩屑长石砂岩、细砾岩、中、中粗砾砾岩、凝灰质砾岩、流纹岩、英安岩等 134.2±1
    侏罗系 上统 玛尼吐组二段 J3mn2 深灰、灰、灰紫、灰红、紫红色辉石粗面安山岩、石英粗安岩、粗安岩、粗面岩、粗面质英安岩、英安岩的岩石组合,火山机构附近可见粗面质、粗安质火山角砾岩、火山角砾集块岩
    玛尼吐组一段 J3mn1 灰色、灰褐色、褐色、紫色安山岩、杏仁状安山岩、气孔状安山岩、英安岩、安山质集块火山角砾岩、安山质(含角砾)晶屑熔结凝灰岩、安山质晶屑凝灰岩、英安质晶屑熔结凝灰岩 154.7±1.3
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    表 4  内蒙古昌图希勒斯台幅(L50E015021)火山喷发旋回划分表

    时代 火山喷发旋回 岩石地层 岩石组合 构造环境
    上新世 4 五叉沟组 气孔杏仁状、致密块状玄武岩
    早白垩世 3 梅勒图组 气孔杏仁状、致密块状玄武岩 大陆溢流玄武岩
    2 白音高老组 流纹质晶屑凝灰岩、流纹质熔结凝灰岩、流纹岩、松脂岩、英安质晶屑凝灰岩、砾岩 活动大陆边缘
    晚侏罗世 1 玛尼吐组 安山岩、气孔杏仁状安山岩、粗面岩、粗面英安岩、火山角砾岩、安山质晶屑熔结凝灰岩、安山质晶屑凝灰岩
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    表 5  内蒙古昌图希勒斯台幅(L50E015021)样品测试分析数据表

    数据类型 数据量 数据属性
    化学样 1170件 Ag、Pb、Zn、Mn、Cd等5项化学样分析
    原岩光谱样 597件 Au、Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn、As、Sb、Sn、W、Mo、Cd、Mn
    岩石地球化学 108件 火山岩的11种主量元素、31种微量元素
    光薄片 222件 透明矿物及金属矿物鉴定
    S、Pb同位素 35件 金属矿物的S、Pb同位素分析
    H、O同位素 10件 透明矿物的H、O同位素分析
    同位素年龄数据 12件 火山岩的锆石U–Pb同位素年龄
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    Table 1.  Metadata Table of Database (Dataset)

    Item Description
    Database (dataset) name Database of 1∶50 000 Mineral Geological Map of Changtuxilesitai Map-sheet, Inner Mongolia
    Database (dataset) authors He Peng, Tianjin Center, China Geological Survey
    Guo Shuo, Tianjin Center, China Geological Survey
    Su Hang, Heilongjiang Institute of Geological Survey and Research
    Wang Guipeng, Heilongjiang Institute of Geological Survey and Research
    Zhang Yuelong, Heilongjiang Institute of Geological Survey and Research
    Data acquisition time from 2017 to 2018
    Geographical area 119°00′–119°15′E, 45°30′–45°40′N
    Data format MapGIS
    Data size 6.27 MB
    Data service system URL
    Fund project China Geological survey project entitled Geological and Mineral Survey of Erenhot-East Ujimqin Banner Metallogenic Belt, West Ujimqin Banner, and Bainaimiao Area (No.: DD2016041)
    Language Chinese
    Database (dataset) composition The Database consists of a library of 1∶50 000 mineral geological map and map decorations. The former includes volcanics, intrusions, Quaternary strata, dikes, structures, geological boundaries, attitude, alteration, lithologic pattern and all kinds of symbols. The latter includes an index map, legends, synthetic histograms, transverse cutting profiles, mineralization anomalies and their numbers, mineral prospect areas, maps of locations of their metallogenic belts and a duty table
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    Table 2.  Information list of the database of 1∶50 000 mineral geological map of Changtuxilesitai Map-sheet (L50E015021), Inner Mongolia

    Basic feature class Object class Complex class Independent feature class
    Name and standard code Entity quantity Name and standard code Description Name and standard code Description Name and standard code
    Geological polygon entity (_GEOPOLYGON.WP) 82 Lithostratigraphic unit of sedimentary (volcanic) rocks (_STRATA) Including ten strata, namely Quaternary Holocene alluvial deposit (Qhal), Quaternary Holocene alluvial-lacustrine deposit (Qhall), Quaternary Holocene alluvial-diluvial deposit (Qhalp), Quaternary Holocene lacustrine deposit (Qhl), the first member of Upper Jurassic Manitu Formation (J3mn1), the first member of Lower Cretaceous Baiyingaolao Formation (K1b1), the second member of Lower Cretaceous Baiyingaolao Formation (K1b2), Lower Cretaceous Damoguaihe Formation (K1d), Neogene Pliocene Baogedawula Formation (N2b), and Neogene Pliocene Wuchagou Formation (N2w) Standard map frame (_MAP_FRAME.WL) Four lines of inner map frame (standard frame), with same attributes Map index (MAP_SHEET)
    Geological boundary (_GEOLINE.WL) 101 Comprehensive histogram (COLUMN)
    Alteration point (_ALTERATION_ PNT.WT) 63 Transverse cutting profile (PROFILE)
    Mineralized point (_MINERAL_PNT.WT) 2 Legend (LEGEND)
    Crater (_CRATER.WT) 6 Dike (_DIKE_OBJECT) Including seven dikes, namely late Jurassic andesitic dike (αJ3), early Cretaceous andesitic dike (αK1), late Jurassic andesitic porphyrite dike (αμJ3), late Jurassic diorite porphyrite dike (δμJ3), late Jurassic dacite dike (ζJ3), early Cretaceous rhyolite dike (λK1), early Cretaceous rhyolite porphyry dike (λπK1) Volcanic lithofacies zone (_VOLCA_FACIES) Mainly including effusive facies (EFF), fallout facies (FOF), pyroclasic flow facies (PRF), volcanic vent facies (VNF), and volcanic explosion-collapse facies (VECF) Duty table (DUTY_TABLE)
    Attitude (_ATTITUDE.WT) 30
    Sample (_SAMPLE.WT) 568 Fault (_FAULT) 18 in total
    Isotope (_ISOTOPE.WT) 4 Planar river and reservoir (_WATER
    Extracted from geographical base map Alteration zone (_ALTERATION
    Mainly including Pb–Zn mineralization, limonitization, Silicification, and carbonatization Other (OTHER) mainly includes volcanic lithofacies tectonic map, units of intrusions and other map decorations outside map border
    Photo (_PHOTOGRAPH.WT) 186
    Bank line of river, lake, and reservoir (_LINE_GEOGRAPHY.WL) 50
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    Table 3.  Lithostratigraphic units in Changtuxilesitai Map-sheet (L50E015021), Inner Mongolia

    Erathem System Series Formation (member) Code Rock association Isotopic dating /Ma
    Cenozoic Neogene Pliocene Wuchagou Formation N2w Dark-gray, grayish-black and amaranthine vesicular basalt, dense massive basalt, andesitic basalt, basaltic agglomeratic breccia, sandy conglomerate
    Baogedawula Formation N2b Brick-red (pebbly) mudstone, pebbly medium-grained feldspathic lithic greywacke, medium-grained lithic feldspathic greywacke, grayish dark mudstone, and sandy conglomerate
    Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower Cretaceous Damoguaihe Formation K1d Mainly consisting of mudstone and siltstone, interbedded with medium- and fine-grained sandstone and pebbly sandstone as well as coal seams
    Meiletu Formation K1m Grayish-black, grayish-brown, and amaranthine vesicular, amygdaloidal, and dense massive basalt, andesite, tuffaceous (feldspathic) lithic sandstone, tuffaceous conglomerate, tuffaceous sandy conglomerate, and crystal vitric sedimentary tuff
    The second member of Baiyingaolao Formation K1b2 Grayish-brown, gray, light purple rhyolite, rhyolitic (brecciaceous) crystal (vitric, lithic) tuff, rhyolitic (brecciaceous) crystal ignimbrite, pelletized rhyolite, dacitic crystal tuff, sedimentary tuff, pitchstone, perlite, dacite, etc. 130±1
    The first member of Baiyingaolao Formation K1b1 Dark-gray, grayish-black, and grayish-brown dacitic tuff, rhyolitic (brecciaceous) crystal tuff, rhyolitic vitric tuff, dacitic tuff sendimentary volcanic breccia, medium- and fine-grained lithic feldspathic sandstone, fine-grained conglomerate, medium-grained and medium-coarse grained conglomerate, tuffaceous conglomerate, rhyolite, dacite, etc. 134.2±1
    Jurassic Upper Jurassic The second member of Manitu Formation J3mn2 Consisting of dark-gray, gray, grayish-purple, grayish-red, and amaranthine pyroxene-bearing trachyandesite, quartz trachyandesite, trachyandesite, trachyte, trachydacite, and dacite. Trachytic and trachyandesitic volcanic breccia and volcanic brecciaceous agglomerate are visible near volcanic edifice
    The first member of Manitu Formation J3mn1 Gray, grayish-brown, brown, and purple andesite, amygdaloidal andesite, vesicular andesite, dacite, andesitic agglomeratic volcanic breccia, andesitic (brecciaceous) crystal ignimbrite, andesitic crystal tuff, and dacitic crystal ignimbrite 154.7±1.3
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    Table 4.  Volcanic eruption cycles in Changtuxilesitai Map-sheet (L50E015021), Inner Mongolia

    Era Volcanic eruption cycle Rock stratum Rock association Tectonic environment
    Pliocene 4 Wuchagou Formation Vesicular, amygdaloidal, and dense massive basalt
    Early Cretaceous 3 Meiletu Formation Vesicular, amygdaloidal, and dense massive basalt Continental flood basalts
    2 Baiyingaolao Formation Rhyolitic crystal tuff, rhyolitic ignimbrite, rhyolite, pitchstone, andesitic crystal tuff, and conglomerate Active continental margin
    Late Jurassic 1 Manitu Formation Andesite, vesicular and amygdaloidal andesite, trachyte, trachydacite, volcanic breccia, andesitic crystal ignimbrite, andesitic crystal tuff
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    Table 5.  Analytical data list of the samples collected in the Changtuxilesitai Map-sheet (L50E015021) area, Inner Mongolia

    Data type Number of samples Data description
    Samples for chemistry 1170 Five metal elements of Ag, Pb, Zn, Mn, Cd
    Samples for rock spectroscopy 597 12 elements of Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Sb, Sn, W, Mo, Cd, Mn
    Samples for petrochemistry 108 11 main elements and 31 trace elements of volcanic rocks
    Samples for thin slice identification 222 Microscopic petrography identification of the transparent and metallic minerals
    Samples for S and Pb isotopes 35 S and Pb isotopic analysis on the metallic minerals
    Samples for H and O isotopes 10 H and O isotopic analysis on the transparent minerals
    Samples for isotopic dating 12 Zircon U–Pb dating ages of the volcanic rocks
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