中国地质调查局 中国地质科学院主办


王龙平, 魏永霞, 程宏超, 康佳, 廖安然. 2022. 安徽长江经济带地热资源赋存特征及潜力评价[J]. 中国地质, 49(6): 1765-1777. doi: 10.12029/gc20220605
引用本文: 王龙平, 魏永霞, 程宏超, 康佳, 廖安然. 2022. 安徽长江经济带地热资源赋存特征及潜力评价[J]. 中国地质, 49(6): 1765-1777. doi: 10.12029/gc20220605
WANG Longping, WEI Yongxia, CHENG Hongchao, KANG Jia, LIAO Anran. 2022. Characteristics and potential evaluation of geothermal resources in Anhui of Yangtze River Economic Zone[J]. Geology in China, 49(6): 1765-1777. doi: 10.12029/gc20220605
Citation: WANG Longping, WEI Yongxia, CHENG Hongchao, KANG Jia, LIAO Anran. 2022. Characteristics and potential evaluation of geothermal resources in Anhui of Yangtze River Economic Zone[J]. Geology in China, 49(6): 1765-1777. doi: 10.12029/gc20220605


  • 基金项目:
    作者简介: 王龙平, 男, 1965年生, 教授级高级工程师, 主要从事环境地质调查、地质环境监测和技术质量管理; E-mail:
    通讯作者: 廖安然, 女, 1990年生, 博士, 主要从事流域水循环和水环境研究工作; E-mail:
  • 中图分类号: P314

Characteristics and potential evaluation of geothermal resources in Anhui of Yangtze River Economic Zone

  • Fund Project: Supported by Public Welfare Geological Project of Anhui Province (No.118 of Anhui Land Resources [2015])
More Information
    Author Bio: WANG Longping, male, born in 1965, professor-level senior engineer, mainly engaged in hydraulic and environmental geological survey, geological environment monitoring and technical quality management; E-mail: .
    Corresponding author: LIAO Anran, female, born in 1990, Ph.D., mainly engaged in catchment hydrological cycle and aquatic environment; E-mail:
  • 研究目的








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  • 图 1  安徽长江经济带地热异常点分布图

    Figure 1. 

    图 2  隆起山地型地热模式图

    Figure 2. 

    图 3  隆起山地型和沉积盆地型地热分布图

    Figure 3. 

    图 4  沉积盆地和隆起山地不同水体δD和δ18O值与全国、中国东部大气降水线的关系

    Figure 4. 

    图 5  沉积盆地型地热资源潜力分区图

    Figure 5. 

    表 1  安徽长江经济带地热流体水化学成分

    Table 1.  Hydrochemical composition of geothermal fluids in Anhui of Yangtze River Economic Zone

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    表 2  安徽长江经济带地热田稳定同位素(δD和δ18O)测定值

    Table 2.  Stable isotope (δD and δ18O) values of geothermal fields in Anhui of Yangtze River Economic Zone

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    表 3  盆地地热流体资源量估算参数

    Table 3.  Estimation parameters of geothermal fluid resources in the basin

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    表 4  部分盆地内地热流体资源估算

    Table 4.  Estimation of thermal fluid resources in the interior of the part of the basins

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    表 5  部分隆起山地地热流体资源估算

    Table 5.  Estimates of geothermal fluid resources in the part of uplift mountains

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    表 6  大别山隆起带和巢湖—和县隆起带地热资源潜力

    Table 6.  Geothermal resource potential of Dabie Mountain uplift and Chaohu-Hexian uplift

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收稿日期:  2021-10-12
修回日期:  2022-03-10
刊出日期:  2022-12-25
