Distributions, properties and clean utilization of the low rank inertinite-rich coals in China
研究目的 富惰质组煤以高惰质组含量为特征,煤质及工艺性质随之发生相应的变化,对清洁利用方式产生一定影响;本文以梳理、厘定低阶富惰质组煤的时空分布、煤质特征为目的,并在此基础上探讨西北地区低阶富惰质组煤的清洁利用方式。
研究方法 通过梳理大量前人勘查资料及研究成果,分析、归纳其中的煤岩、煤质数据,以此厘定中国煤富惰质组煤的时空分布特征、煤质特征,进而结合各用途的煤岩煤质指标,讨论西北低阶富惰质组煤的清洁潜势和用途。
研究结果 结果显示,中国的富惰质组煤主要分布时代为早—中侏罗世,分布区为西北地区,以鄂尔多斯盆地延安组煤,新疆北部诸盆地西山窑组煤为典型代表。西北地区低阶富惰质组煤具有低灰、低硫、低有害元素、低黏结性、较低氢含量、较低挥发分、较高二氧化碳反应性,高发热量等特点;其中氢含量、黏结性、挥发分、二氧化碳反应性等明显与高惰质组含量相关。煤质特征表明西北地区侏罗纪煤具有高清洁度和高发热量,是优质的动力用煤;同煤阶相对低挥发分和氢含量使其不利于作为直接液化用煤;而低灰、低硫、低黏结性、较强与二氧化碳反应性有利于其作为气化用煤,适用于多种气化工艺流程。此外,以陕西北部为代表的部分低阶富惰质组煤具有较高的焦油产率,为富油煤,适于低温干馏热解。
结论 西北地区低阶富惰质组煤以动力用煤和气化用煤为主要清洁利用方式,部分富油煤则应优先低温干馏热解。
Abstract:This paper is the result of mineral exploration engineering.
Objective Inertinite-rich coal is characterized by the high inertinite content, and several coal properties are personalized accordingly, which affecting its clean utilization. In this paper, we focus on both the determination of the time-space distribution of the inertinite-rich coals in China and the induction of the coal properties, clean potential and utilization mode of the low rank inertinite-rich coals in Northwest China.
Methods We sort out a large number of exploration data and research results, and coal macerals and coal properties data were analyzed and summarized. The determination of inertinite-rich coal's time-space distribution in China and their coal properties were based on the data. The clean potential and utilization mode of the low rank inertinite-rich coal in Northwest China were carried out along the coal properties combined with the indexes for various purposes.
Results It shows that the inertinite-rich coals are mainly distributed in the Early-Middle Jurassic in Northwest China. The low rank inertinite-rich coals in Northwest China are characterized by low ash, low sulfur, low harmful elements, low cohesiveness, low hydrogen content, low volatile matter, high carbon dioxide reactivity and high calorific value, among which, the hydrogen content, cohesiveness, volatile matter and carbon dioxide reactivity are obviously related to the high inertinite content. The coal properties show that the Jurassic coals in Northwest China are of high cleanliness and high calorific value, which is a high-quality power coal. The relatively low volatile matter and hydrogen content in the same coal rank make it not conducive to be used as coal for direct liquefaction. The low ash, low sulfur, low cohesiveness, strong reactivity with carbon dioxide are conducive to being used as coal for gasification, which is suitable for a variety of gasification processes. In addition, part of the low rank inertinite-rich coals represented by the northern part of Shaanxi Province are of high tar yield, which is suitable for low temperature retorting.
Conclusions The low rank inertinite-rich coals in Northwest China are suitable for power coal and gasification coal, and the tar-rich coal should be given priority to low temperature retorting.
表 1 西北地区主要侏罗系矿区显微煤岩组分统计
Table 1. Statistical of macerals in the main Jurrassic coal mining areas in Northwest China
表 2 污染物及有害元素分级标准及西北地区部分侏罗系矿区煤对照统计
Table 2. Classification standard of pollutants and harmful elements and comparison statistics of coal in some Jurassic mining areas in Northwest China
表 3 煤炭清洁利用指标要求与西北地区部分矿区低阶富惰质组煤煤质指标平均值及清洁利用方式
Table 3. Index of coal clean utilization requirements and the average coal property values with clean utilization suggestions of low rank inertinite-rich coals in Northwest China
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