中国地质调查局 中国地质科学院主办


刘卫彬, 徐兴友, 张君峰, 陈珊, 白静, 刘畅, 李耀华. 2022. 陆相页岩地层地质-工程一体化水平井精确钻探技术——以松辽盆地吉页油1HF井为例[J]. 中国地质, 49(6): 1808-1822. doi: 10.12029/gc20220608
引用本文: 刘卫彬, 徐兴友, 张君峰, 陈珊, 白静, 刘畅, 李耀华. 2022. 陆相页岩地层地质-工程一体化水平井精确钻探技术——以松辽盆地吉页油1HF井为例[J]. 中国地质, 49(6): 1808-1822. doi: 10.12029/gc20220608
LIU Weibin, XU Xingyou, ZHANG Junfeng, CHEN Shan, BAI Jing, LIU Chang, LI Yaohua. 2022. Accurate drilling technology for horizontal wells in continental shale formation geology-engineering integration—Taking Jiyeyou 1HF well in Songliao Basin as an example[J]. Geology in China, 49(6): 1808-1822. doi: 10.12029/gc20220608
Citation: LIU Weibin, XU Xingyou, ZHANG Junfeng, CHEN Shan, BAI Jing, LIU Chang, LI Yaohua. 2022. Accurate drilling technology for horizontal wells in continental shale formation geology-engineering integration—Taking Jiyeyou 1HF well in Songliao Basin as an example[J]. Geology in China, 49(6): 1808-1822. doi: 10.12029/gc20220608


  • 基金项目:
    作者简介: 刘卫彬, 男, 1991年生, 工程师, 主要从事页岩油气调查评价与地质-工程一体化综合研究工作; E-mail:
    通讯作者: 徐兴友, 男, 1968年生, 教授级高级工程师, 主要从事页岩油气调查评价与地球化学综合研究工作; E-mail:
  • 中图分类号: P618.13;P634

Accurate drilling technology for horizontal wells in continental shale formation geology-engineering integration—Taking Jiyeyou 1HF well in Songliao Basin as an example

  • Fund Project: Supported by the project of China Geological Survey (No.DD20190115, No.DD20221852)
More Information
    Author Bio: LIU Weibin, male, born in 1991, engineer, mainly engaged in comprehensive research on shale oil and gas survey and evaluation and integration of geology and engineering; E-mail: .
    Corresponding author: XU Xingyou, born in 1968, senior engineer, mainly engaged in shale oil and gas geochemical investigation, evaluation and research; E-mail:
  • 研究目的








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  • 图 1  松辽盆地南部构造单元及地层柱状图

    Figure 1. 

    图 2  吉页油1井青一段页岩全岩矿物及黏土矿物组成

    Figure 2. 

    图 3  吉页油1HF井青一段页岩裂缝发育特征图

    Figure 3. 

    图 4  吉页油1HF井青一段页岩油甜点综合评价图

    Figure 4. 

    图 5  吉页油1HF井三开阶梯式水平段轨迹示意图

    Figure 5. 

    图 6  吉页油1井岩石流变模型地应力剖面和井二开、三开泥浆密度窗口预测

    Figure 6. 

    图 7  吉页油1HF井目标靶层顶面深度三维构造图

    Figure 7. 

    图 8  吉页油1HF井目标靶层小层精细划分及水平井导向综合模型

    Figure 8. 

    图 9  吉页油1井水平段多技术综合精确导向图

    Figure 9. 

    表 1  松辽盆地与国内其他含陆相页岩矿物成分对比数据

    Table 1.  Comparison data table of mineral composition of domestic continental shale between Songliao Basin and other Basins

    下载: 导出CSV

    表 2  吉页油1井青一段各层组级目标靶层参数对比

    Table 2.  Comparison table of target layer parameters of each layer in the Qing 1st of Jiyeyou 1 well

    下载: 导出CSV

    表 3  吉页油1HF井钻井液配方及钻屑回收率试验结果对比

    Table 3.  Comparison table of drilling fluid formulation and cuttings recovery test results of Jiyeyou 1HF well

    下载: 导出CSV
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