Evolution of Qian River system and neotectonic movement in the southwest margin of Ordos Block
鄂尔多斯地块西南缘新构造运动活跃,其河流阶地发育过程和水系演化历史蕴藏了丰富的新构造运动信息。发育于鄂尔多斯西南缘的千河水系两岸不对称分布5级河流阶地,通过野外调查和钻探揭露,厘清了阶地结构和发育特征,利用电子自旋共振(ESR)测年、光释光(OSL)测年和黄土地层对比定年,分析了阶地形成的时代和下切速率,结合区域地质背景,探讨千河阶地发育和水系变迁的动力背景。研究结果表明,千河干流T5~T1阶地分别形成于1.176 Ma、0.766 Ma、0.504 Ma、0.131 Ma和0.04 Ma,各级阶地对应的下切速率分别为76.6 mm/ka、88.3 mm/ka、111.3 mm/ka、149.6 mm/ka和115 mm/ka。通过研究认为,早更新世—晚更新世中期,千河流域区构造运动逐渐加强,晚更新世晚期以后,构造运动逐渐趋缓。河流演化受断裂构造控制,但不同时期构造应力场对千河水系的影响有差别,使千河向不同方向迁移。构造应力场的变化受控于鄂尔多斯地块所处大地构造位置,很可能是青藏高原构造系和西太平洋构造系晚新生代以来在鄂尔多斯西南缘共同作用的结果。
Abstract:The neotectonic movement is active in the southwest margin of Ordos Block, and the development process of river terraces and evolution history of drainage system contain abundant information of neotectonic movement.Five river terraces are asymmetrically distributed on the two banks of Qian River system in the southwest margin of Ordos.Through field investigation and drilling, the terrace structure and development characteristics were clarified.By using electron spin resonance (ESR), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)and correlation dating of loess strata, the formation age and cutting rate of terrace were analyzed.Combined with regional geological background, the dynamic background of Qian River terrace development and river system changes was also discussed.It is found that T5 to T1 terraces were formed in 1.176 Ma, 0.766 Ma, 0.504 Ma, 0.131 Ma and 0.04 Ma, respectively, with the incision rates of 76.6mm/ka, 88.3mm/ka, 111.3mm/ka, 149.6mm/ka and 115mm/ka, respectively.From the Early Pleistocene to the middle of the Late Pleistocene, the tectonic movement in Qian River basin was gradually strengthened, and after the Late Pleistocene, the tectonic movement was slowly diminished.It is inferred that the incision of the Qian River was driven by different tectonic stress fields, which caused the river to migrate in different directions.The variation of tectonic stress field is probably related to the interaction between the Qinghai-Tibet tectonic system and the western Pacific tectonic system.
表 1 宝鸡古土壤顶/底界线年龄[26]
Table 1. The top and bottom boundary ages of paleosoils in Baoji profile
层位 年龄/Ma B.P. 层位 年龄/Ma B.P. 层位 年龄/Ma B.P. 层位 年龄/Ma B.P. S0顶界/底界 0.000/0.010 S7顶界/底界 0.723/0.745 S16顶界/底界 1.218/1.237 S26顶界/底界 1.785/1.873 S1顶界/底界 0.092/0.127 S8顶界/底界 0.762/0.788 S17顶界/底界 1.259/1.291 S27顶界/底界 2.037/2.048 S2-1顶界/底界 0.185/0.220 S9-1顶界/底界 0.852/0.865 S18顶界/底界 1.307/1.325 S28顶界/底界 2.070/2.091 S2-2顶界/底界 0.225/0.242 S9-2顶界/底界 0.890/0.907 S19顶界/底界 1.395/1.411 S29顶界/底界 2.119/2.138 S3顶界/底界 0.272/0.330 S10顶界/底界 0.927/0.943 S20顶界/底界 1.425/1.440 S30顶界/底界 2.152/2.190 S4顶界/底界 0.375/0.422 S11顶界/底界 0.960/0.986 S21顶界/底界 1.471/1.495 S31顶界/底界 2.247/2.256 S5-1顶界/底界 0.468/0.505 S12顶界/底界 1.011/1.043 S22顶界/底界 1.513/1.540 S32顶界/底界 2.417/2.462 S5-2顶界/底界 0.512/0.526 S13顶界/底界 1.105/1.126 S23顶界/底界 1.551/1.573 S5-3顶界/底界 0.538/0.600 S14顶界/底界 1.142/1.152 S24顶界/底界 1.637/1.648 S6顶界/底界 0.680/0.695 S15顶界/底界 1.176/1.197 S25顶界/底界 1.677/1.718 表 2 千河阶地ESR测年结果
Table 2. ESR dating results of samples from terraces along Qian River
地点 编号 阶地 U /10-6 Th /10-6 K2O /% 含水量/% 古剂量/Gy 年剂量/(Gy·ka-1) 年龄/ka 左岸 XJC01 台塬 2.90 14.2 2.33 37.7 4998±787 2.49 2007±316 左岸 XXC01 T3 2.92 14.6 2.96 53.6 1064±100 2.11 504±50 左岸 NZ02 T4 2.70 12.5 2.56 11.29 2754±485 3.66 753±133 左岸 CQ03 T4 2.96 12.0 2.08 11.20 2567±227 3.30 778±77 表 3 千河阶地OSL测年结果
Table 3. OSL dating results of samples from terraces along Qian River
编号 阶地 等效剂量 U/10-6 Th /10-6 K /% 宇宙射线剂量/(Gy.ka-1) 年剂量率/(Gy.ka-1) 年龄/ka TZJ1 T2 547.49±14.59 2.85±0.14 12.42±0.62 1.95±0.10 0.035±0.003 4.17±0.25 131.20±8.50 LQS1 T1 174.00±10.00 3.11±0.16 12.90±0.65 1.95±0.10 0.126±0.013 4.39±0.26 39.64±3.25 HLC3 T2 502.54±15.63 2.87±0.14 14.55 ±0.73 2.14±0.11 0.117±0.012 4.63±0.27 108.46±7.20 表 4 千河阶地形成年代及下切速率
Table 4. Formation age and cutting rate of Qian River terraces
阶地 河漫滩砂拔河高度 上覆黄土厚度/m 最底层黄土层 形成年代/Ma 下切速率/(mm·ka-1) T5 90.03 80~93 L15 1.176 76.6 T4 67.67 67~80 S8 0.766 88.3 T3 56.1 40~44 S5-1 0.504 111.3 T2 19.6 10~15 L2 0.131 149.6 T1 4.6 4~5 L1 0.04 115.0 -
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