Zircon U–Pb Age and Tectonic Setting of the Manitu Formation in the Middle–East Inner Mongolia, China
玛尼吐组广泛分布在内蒙古中东部地区,长期以来与满克头鄂博组和白音高老组的地质时代被定为晚侏罗世,然而前人在玛尼吐组中发现Nestoriapissovi化石,并认为是早白垩世冀北阶的带化石,同位素年代学结果差异也较大,而且形成的大地构造环境仍然存在争论。因此,笔者对玛尼吐组火山岩进行了同位素年代学分析,并利用全岩成分探讨其形成的大地构造环境。玛尼吐组采集的3个安山岩和粗安岩的锆石U–Pb (LA–ICP–MS)测年结果分别为(142.4±1.4)Ma、(130.0±1.4)Ma和(145.0±1.5)Ma,显示该地区玛尼吐组形成于早白垩世。样品SiO2含量为59.43%~64.73%,Al2O3含量为15.66%~17.19%,K2O含量为2.56%~5.03%,Na2O含量为3.59%~4.53%,全碱含量为6.36%~9.56%;微量元素以富集大离子亲石元素和LREE,亏损Nb、Sr、P和Ti为特征;稀土元素ΣREE=118.71×10–6~189.99×10–6,轻重稀土分馏系数 (La/Yb)N为8.88~9.58,δEu值为0.66~0.95,Eu负异常,与岛弧火山岩地球化学特征相似。对比大兴安岭西部玛尼吐组西部、中部(~140 Ma)和东部火山岩年龄,笔者认为其玛尼图组火山岩类最老形成于晚侏罗世(~158 Ma),向东逐渐变新为早白垩世(140~130 Ma),这一变化与蒙古–鄂霍次克洋自西向东的闭合及陆块的后碰撞伸展有关。
Abstract:The Manitu Formation widely occurs in the middle–east Inner Mongolia Autonomous region, and was thought to be formed in the late Jurassic together with the regional Manketouebo Formation and the Baiyingaolao Formation. However, the Nestoriapissovi fossils in the andesite interlayer of the Manitu Formation indicate this formation was formed during the Jibei Stage of the early cretaceous by previous studies. In addition, the zircon U–Pb ages for the volcanic rocks in the Manitu Formation have a wide range, and the tectonic setting is still under debate. Therefore, this study carried out the analyses of zircon U–Pb dating and whole–rock compositions to examine the age and tectonic setting of the Manitu Formation. The zircon U–Pb ages for three samples collected from Zarutqi–Bahrainyouqi are 142.4±1.4Ma, 130.0±1.4Ma and 145.0±1.5Ma, respectively, suggesting the Manitu Formation in the Zarutqi–Bahrainyouqi area were formed in the early Cretaceous. Rocks from the Manitu Formation have SiO2, Al2O3, K2O and Na2O of 59.43%~64.73%, 15.66%~17.19%, 2.56%~5.03%, 3.59%~4.53%, respectively, with ALK of 6.36%~9.56%. They have high concentration of LILE and LREE, and depletion of Nb, Sr, P and Ti. Total rare earth element (ΣREE) concentration ranges from 118.71×10–6 to 189.99×10–6, and LREE and HREE are highly fractionated with (La/Yb)N of 8.88~9.58, with negative Eu anomalies (δEu=0.66~0.95), showing an island arc–like geochemistry. We propose that the formation age becomes younger from the west to east of the Great Xing’an Mountain based on the comparison of ages of rocks from the west, middle and east segment, and this may ascribed to the closure of the Mongol–Okhotsk ocean and the subsequent post–collision extension.
图 5 玛尼吐组样品全岩(K2O+Na2O)–SiO2图解(a)和K2O–SiO2图解 (b)(据Maitre et al.,2002)
Figure 5.
图 6 玛尼吐组流纹岩原始地幔标准化微量元素蛛网图 (a) 和球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分模式图 (b) (据Sun et al.,1989)
Figure 6.
表 1 大兴安岭中南部玛尼吐组锆石U–Pb年龄
Table 1. U–Pb ages of zircons from samples of the Manitu Formation in the middle–south Daxinganling region
点号 元素含量(10−6) Th/U 同位素比值 年龄 (Ma) Pb U Th 206Pb/238Pb 1σ 207Pb/235Pb 1σ 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ 207Pb/235Pb 1σ TW2326.1 8 316 104 0.33 0.02349 0.00064 0.16769 0.01990 0.05128 0.00587 149.69 2.87 157.41 11.93 TW2326.2 8 363 111 0.31 0.02326 0.00044 0.16373 0.01655 0.05089 0.00487 148.25 2.12 153.96 10.18 TW2326.3 35 1528 401 0.26 0.02320 0.00034 0.16817 0.00471 0.05257 0.00117 147.83 1.74 157.83 3.06 TW2326.4 10 483 140 0.29 0.02144 0.00034 0.15352 0.01326 0.05188 0.00434 136.73 1.86 145.02 8.72 TW2326.5 28 965 686 0.71 0.02389 0.00030 0.31506 0.01432 0.09553 0.00385 152.21 1.57 278.09 4.71 TW2326.6 28 1060 394 0.37 0.02398 0.00044 0.29215 0.02423 0.08634 0.00576 152.75 2.06 260.25 8.39 TW2326.7 12 560 195 0.35 0.01957 0.00036 0.27314 0.01919 0.10064 0.00583 124.92 2.09 245.20 7.14 TW2326.8 26 1097 506 0.46 0.02308 0.00033 0.14791 0.00568 0.04650 0.00163 147.11 1.72 140.06 4.03 TW2326.9 9 409 106 0.26 0.02247 0.00031 0.15433 0.01522 0.04959 0.00473 143.27 1.66 145.73 9.94 TW2326.10 29 1272 500 0.39 0.02255 0.00037 0.16631 0.00597 0.05336 0.00146 143.77 1.89 156.21 3.80 TW2326.11 44 1549 396 0.26 0.02570 0.00021 0.33995 0.00921 0.09597 0.00238 163.58 1.24 297.13 2.98 TW2326.12 68 578 203 0.35 0.05487 0.00238 3.87765 0.24811 0.50158 0.01341 344.35 4.44 1609.04 6.52 TW2326.13 19 854 241 0.28 0.02244 0.00028 0.15945 0.00715 0.05156 0.00220 143.08 1.56 150.22 4.65 续表1 点号 元素含量(10−6) Th/U 同位素比值 年龄 (Ma) Pb U Th 206Pb/238Pb 1σ 207Pb/235Pb 1σ 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ 207Pb/235Pb 1σ TW2326.14 16 734 153 0.21 0.02224 0.00030 0.14977 0.00723 0.04887 0.00227 141.79 1.63 141.71 4.98 TW2326.15 34 1449 498 0.34 0.02315 0.00047 0.16444 0.00572 0.05147 0.00131 147.56 2.23 154.58 3.69 TW2326.16 9 382 95 0.25 0.02251 0.00039 0.16942 0.01498 0.05428 0.00454 143.52 1.98 158.91 8.93 TW2326.17 5 219 77 0.35 0.02320 0.00034 0.16828 0.02544 0.05276 0.00814 147.82 1.76 157.93 15.17 TW2326.18 9 388 88 0.23 0.02278 0.00038 0.15895 0.01521 0.05045 0.00461 145.23 1.91 149.78 9.65 TW2326.19 24 1052 294 0.28 0.02236 0.00035 0.21381 0.00927 0.06899 0.00231 142.53 1.81 196.75 4.51 TW2326.20 37 1652 371 0.22 0.02319 0.00041 0.15479 0.00421 0.04847 0.00103 147.76 1.99 146.14 2.99 TW2326.21 6 280 67 0.24 0.02243 0.00034 0.13819 0.01737 0.04441 0.00542 143.01 1.77 131.43 12.63 TW2326.22 7 324 72 0.22 0.02298 0.00043 0.15859 0.01774 0.04979 0.00541 146.44 2.10 149.47 11.25 TW2326.23 10 311 88 0.28 0.02551 0.00034 0.58479 0.02173 0.16646 0.00575 162.39 1.65 467.54 3.92 TW2326.24 8 335 98 0.29 0.02239 0.00032 0.16204 0.01753 0.05244 0.00555 142.72 1.71 152.49 10.89 TW2326.25 18 802 372 0.46 0.02208 0.00029 0.15526 0.00745 0.05104 0.00234 140.78 1.60 146.54 4.96 TW2326.26 53 1559 517 0.33 0.02551 0.00054 0.60267 0.03035 0.16954 0.00563 162.38 2.30 478.93 5.19 TW2326.27 8 271 86 0.32 0.02461 0.00039 0.43185 0.02108 0.12709 0.00571 156.75 1.86 364.49 5.04 TW2326.28 31 1401 479 0.34 0.02169 0.00029 0.16072 0.00595 0.05367 0.00164 138.31 1.65 151.34 3.90 TW2326.29 19 804 331 0.41 0.02287 0.00047 0.15302 0.00786 0.04861 0.00220 145.79 2.27 144.57 5.28 TW2326.30 7 292 90 0.31 0.02217 0.00024 0.16746 0.02099 0.05478 0.00685 141.36 1.42 157.21 12.60 TW2326.31 9 399 131 0.33 0.02184 0.00026 0.15326 0.01282 0.05085 0.00416 139.30 1.51 144.79 8.46 TW2326.32 27 1138 607 0.53 0.02158 0.00036 0.17952 0.00679 0.06012 0.00170 137.61 1.92 167.65 3.98 TW2326.33 37 1584 610 0.38 0.02269 0.00036 0.16230 0.00522 0.05178 0.00126 144.65 1.83 152.71 3.45 TW2326.34 10 460 187 0.41 0.02175 0.00026 0.16811 0.01166 0.05603 0.00375 138.72 1.51 157.78 7.05 TW2326.35 12 522 396 0.76 0.02146 0.00032 0.15050 0.01078 0.05078 0.00344 136.89 1.76 142.35 7.27 TW2326.36 100 1708 847 0.50 0.03157 0.00105 1.34153 0.12576 0.29384 0.01826 200.39 3.44 863.89 9.46 TW2326.37 15 662 294 0.44 0.02179 0.00031 0.15082 0.00783 0.05019 0.00247 138.93 1.70 142.63 5.34 TW2326.38 8 363 142 0.39 0.02171 0.00033 0.14720 0.01446 0.04918 0.00474 138.44 1.78 139.44 9.90 TW2326.39 31 1344 482 0.36 0.02230 0.00045 0.18301 0.00783 0.05916 0.00169 142.15 2.22 170.65 4.45 TW2326.40 7 295 132 0.45 0.02241 0.00085 0.29629 0.08778 0.08097 0.01664 142.85 3.90 263.50 29.65 TW2326.41 38 1688 549 0.33 0.02251 0.00039 0.15431 0.00439 0.04973 0.00106 143.52 1.97 145.71 3.10 TW2326.42 4 194 65 0.33 0.02176 0.00038 0.15956 0.02759 0.05317 0.00903 138.76 2.00 150.32 17.34 TW2327.1 17 342 511 1.50 0.02478 0.00018 0.66169 0.01820 0.19129 0.00451 157.77 1.18 515.65 3.02 TW2327.2 26 1034 931 0.90 0.02027 0.00017 0.29131 0.00424 0.10432 0.00106 129.38 1.25 259.59 1.91 TW2327.3 5 115 270 2.34 0.02482 0.00022 0.13833 0.01427 0.04062 0.00410 158.05 1.28 131.56 10.39 TW2327.4 13 339 1052 3.10 0.02142 0.00017 0.16390 0.00468 0.05553 0.00148 136.61 1.22 154.11 3.11 TW2327.5 9 143 429 3.01 0.02640 0.00021 0.26508 0.01092 0.07332 0.00291 167.99 1.24 238.75 4.30 TW2327.6 10 245 774 3.16 0.02371 0.00019 0.15135 0.00613 0.04647 0.00181 151.07 1.22 143.10 4.24 TW2327.7 24 715 1314 1.84 0.02144 0.00018 0.20900 0.00362 0.07151 0.00119 136.73 1.25 192.72 2.13 TW2327.8 36 1260 2133 1.69 0.02050 0.00015 0.14288 0.00196 0.05053 0.00047 130.82 1.21 135.61 1.85 TW2327.9 43 1056 2414 2.29 0.01863 0.00020 0.27946 0.00405 0.11091 0.00160 119.00 1.44 250.23 1.91 TW2327.10 14 471 889 1.89 0.02056 0.00016 0.14307 0.00351 0.05053 0.00113 131.22 1.21 135.77 2.75 TW2327.11 27 887 1628 1.84 0.02056 0.00017 0.15523 0.00251 0.05482 0.00070 131.20 1.24 146.52 2.04 TW2327.12 38 1470 2063 1.40 0.01983 0.00015 0.13348 0.00173 0.04889 0.00044 126.56 1.19 127.22 1.80 TW2327.13 7 206 417 2.03 0.02060 0.00016 0.17978 0.00731 0.06306 0.00248 131.48 1.22 167.87 4.25 TW2327.14 8 240 583 2.42 0.02048 0.00016 0.12636 0.00661 0.04474 0.00223 130.71 1.22 120.82 5.38 续表1 点号 元素含量(10−6) Th/U 同位素比值 年龄 (Ma) Pb U Th 206Pb/238Pb 1σ 207Pb/235Pb 1σ 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ 207Pb/235Pb 1σ TW2327.15 37 1334 2137 1.60 0.01994 0.00014 0.16086 0.00202 0.05854 0.00050 127.28 1.16 151.46 1.76 TW2327.16 10 293 746 2.54 0.02033 0.00016 0.15833 0.00542 0.05637 0.00180 129.73 1.23 149.24 3.64 TW2327.17 11 284 912 3.21 0.02017 0.00014 0.14790 0.00537 0.05321 0.00187 128.70 1.18 140.05 3.83 TW2327.18 17 682 821 1.20 0.02005 0.00014 0.15224 0.00341 0.05502 0.00111 127.94 1.16 143.89 2.56 TW2327.19 38 1446 1959 1.36 0.02050 0.00016 0.14032 0.00186 0.04965 0.00043 130.81 1.21 133.33 1.82 TW2327.20 2 58 129 2.25 0.02038 0.00026 0.20532 0.02676 0.07019 0.00939 130.04 1.60 189.62 13.09 TW2327.21 49 1839 2414 1.31 0.02086 0.00017 0.14243 0.00196 0.04941 0.00038 133.10 1.25 135.21 1.85 TW2327.22 18 215 517 2.40 0.04758 0.00038 0.40677 0.01100 0.06175 0.00147 299.64 1.23 346.55 2.98 TW2331.1 19 761 342 0.45 0.02347 0.00019 0.19609 0.00386 0.06026 0.00095 149.58 1.23 181.82 2.33 TW2331.2 19 809 305 0.38 0.02290 0.00018 0.18881 0.00371 0.05936 0.00088 145.93 1.23 175.61 2.32 TW2331.3 8 337 97 0.29 0.02297 0.00019 0.20569 0.00865 0.06350 0.00234 146.40 1.26 189.93 4.38 TW2331.4 11 469 120 0.26 0.02292 0.00018 0.15807 0.00390 0.05013 0.00113 146.06 1.24 149.01 2.76 TW2331.5 24 808 287 0.35 0.02657 0.00026 0.33295 0.00789 0.08865 0.00152 169.04 1.35 291.82 2.67 TW2331.6 21 871 456 0.52 0.02343 0.00020 0.15582 0.00285 0.04798 0.00066 149.30 1.26 147.04 2.21 TW2331.7 11 465 140 0.30 0.02458 0.00020 0.17116 0.00425 0.05054 0.00115 156.51 1.25 160.42 2.78 TW2331.8 15 638 200 0.31 0.02383 0.00021 0.18555 0.00404 0.05597 0.00095 151.80 1.28 172.82 2.50 TW2331.9 46 2107 629 0.30 0.02129 0.00017 0.16866 0.00259 0.05724 0.00053 135.81 1.24 158.26 1.97 TW2331.10 17 725 282 0.39 0.02273 0.00019 0.15384 0.00288 0.04905 0.00075 144.90 1.25 145.30 2.25 TW2331.11 36 1491 529 0.35 0.02196 0.00016 0.25196 0.00517 0.08248 0.00136 140.04 1.19 228.17 2.40 TW2331.12 9 305 83 0.27 0.02505 0.00020 0.36700 0.00685 0.10663 0.00175 159.49 1.23 317.43 2.24 TW2331.13 16 659 185 0.28 0.02494 0.00023 0.18964 0.00407 0.05488 0.00094 158.78 1.31 176.32 2.48 TW2331.14 13 610 135 0.22 0.02189 0.00016 0.15236 0.00328 0.05048 0.00098 139.60 1.19 144.00 2.48 TW2331.15 32 1430 513 0.36 0.02206 0.00018 0.18644 0.00223 0.06166 0.00056 140.64 1.24 173.58 1.72 TW2331.16 17 511 141 0.28 0.03439 0.00024 0.24225 0.00449 0.05113 0.00083 217.95 1.16 220.26 2.23 TW2331.17 40 1774 475 0.27 0.02274 0.00018 0.17057 0.00266 0.05416 0.00054 144.98 1.24 159.91 1.99 TW2331.18 35 1412 743 0.53 0.02224 0.00017 0.21583 0.00278 0.07037 0.00056 141.78 1.20 198.43 1.79 TW2331.19 9 403 100 0.25 0.02199 0.00017 0.14691 0.00432 0.04845 0.00133 140.23 1.22 139.18 3.19 TW2331.20 10 494 108 0.22 0.02089 0.00017 0.16156 0.00511 0.05583 0.00163 133.28 1.26 152.06 3.39 TW2331.21 57 1621 738 0.45 0.02596 0.00021 0.65729 0.00793 0.18430 0.00151 165.24 1.25 512.96 1.73 TW2331.22 21 957 307 0.32 0.02242 0.00018 0.15313 0.00237 0.04954 0.00059 142.92 1.22 144.68 1.98 TW2331.23 78 1197 424 0.35 0.03692 0.00064 1.94308 0.08252 0.34079 0.01091 233.74 1.96 1096.06 4.42 TW2331.24 24 374 154 0.41 0.03714 0.00033 1.66787 0.02662 0.32799 0.00454 235.05 1.29 996.38 2.02 TW2331.25 7 291 88 0.30 0.02334 0.00021 0.12289 0.00564 0.03838 0.00168 148.73 1.29 117.69 4.75 TW2331.26 18 791 307 0.39 0.02257 0.00018 0.15203 0.00283 0.04892 0.00077 143.89 1.22 143.70 2.24 TW2331.27 7 259 69 0.27 0.02393 0.00026 0.37760 0.01618 0.10788 0.00386 152.42 1.45 325.27 4.46 TW2331.28 22 899 303 0.34 0.02384 0.00021 0.18737 0.00371 0.05644 0.00079 151.86 1.28 174.38 2.34 TW2331.29 8 369 92 0.25 0.02259 0.00019 0.18177 0.00512 0.05817 0.00148 143.99 1.26 169.58 3.08 TW2331.30 23 984 332 0.34 0.02269 0.00020 0.15238 0.00243 0.04873 0.00057 144.66 1.29 144.01 2.02 TW2331.31 15 534 247 0.46 0.02658 0.00026 0.19174 0.00403 0.05215 0.00090 169.09 1.36 178.11 2.44 TW2331.32 16 694 256 0.37 0.02281 0.00019 0.16339 0.00323 0.05186 0.00083 145.37 1.27 153.67 2.33 TW2331.33 6 283 72 0.25 0.02267 0.00018 0.18398 0.00713 0.05862 0.00215 144.54 1.24 171.48 4.07 TW2331.34 19 755 171 0.23 0.02475 0.00022 0.25184 0.00502 0.07455 0.00142 157.59 1.30 228.07 2.35 TW2331.35 33 1468 432 0.29 0.02232 0.00017 0.18773 0.00235 0.06105 0.00049 142.27 1.20 174.69 1.76 续表1 点号 元素含量(10−6) Th/U 同位素比值 年龄 (Ma) Pb U Th 206Pb/238Pb 1σ 207Pb/235Pb 1σ 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ 207Pb/235Pb 1σ TW2331.36 26 810 216 0.27 0.02671 0.00023 0.49023 0.01010 0.13206 0.00218 169.92 1.27 405.07 2.40 TW2331.37 25 1079 231 0.21 0.02362 0.00020 0.16449 0.00239 0.05066 0.00056 150.51 1.25 154.63 1.91 TW2331.38 26 1127 312 0.28 0.02341 0.00018 0.16370 0.00227 0.05071 0.00048 149.19 1.22 153.94 1.86 TW2331.39 21 886 204 0.23 0.02409 0.00021 0.16796 0.00266 0.05099 0.00071 153.44 1.29 157.64 2.01 TW2331.40 29 1029 282 0.27 0.02434 0.00023 0.36983 0.00976 0.10791 0.00211 155.03 1.32 319.53 2.91 注:测试单位为内蒙古自治区岩浆活动成矿与找矿重点实验室。 表 2 玛尼吐组火山岩全岩主量 (%) 和微量元素(10−6) 组成及相关地球化学参数
Table 2. Major (%) and trace element (10−6) contents and related parameters of the Manitu Formation
样号 SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 FeO CaO MgO K2O Na2O TiO2 P2O5 MnO 灼失 总量 ALK A/NK A/CNK TW2326 59.43 15.67 4.76 1.30 4.56 2.34 2.56 3.80 0.89 0.22 0.073 4.15 99.753 6.36 1.737 0.905 TW2327 58.94 17.19 5.35 0.79 1.39 1.13 5.03 4.53 0.81 0.40 0.093 4.17 99.823 9.56 1.333 1.114 TW2331 64.73 15.66 3.46 2.07 2.18 0.77 4.23 3.59 0.72 0.19 0.11 1.96 99.67 7.82 1.494 1.084 样号 Q An Ab Or A P C Di Hy Il Mt Ap DI SI σ AR TW2326 15.22 19.01 33.71 15.86 31.19 37.39 0 2.57 7.24 1.77 4.09 0.53 64.79 16.08 2.30 1.92 TW2327 9.61 4.49 40.17 31.15 66.26 9.55 2.85 0 4.4 1.61 4.75 0.97 80.93 6.8 5.35 2.90 TW2331 22.18 9.8 31.11 25.6 48.1 18.41 1.71 0 3.58 1.4 4.17 0.45 78.89 5.48 2.75 2.35 样号 Cr Ni Co Rb Cs Sr Ba V Sc Nb Ta Zr Hf Ga U Th TW2326 162 35.4 17.2 61.3 4.22 545 598 126 12.4 4.96 0.38 222 5.70 20.6 1.82 7.10 TW2327 2.45 2.95 8.01 125 3.73 389 836 65.0 10.6 7.95 0.48 227 5.44 20.6 1.64 5.59 TW2331 7.53 2.45 7.51 154 7.89 301 815 52.2 8.29 14.4 1.43 263 7.05 24.0 6.42 18.6 样号 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Y ΣREE TW2326 34.7 67.6 8.58 31.2 6.04 0.24 4.98 0.76 4.21 0.78 1.92 0.26 1.64 0.24 20.7 118.71 TW2327 22.4 46.8 6.31 23.5 5.01 1.28 4.18 0.66 3.72 0.72 1.86 0.18 1.81 0.28 20.3 132.23 TW2331 27.6 52.6 6.83 24.9 4.88 1.44 4.20 0.64 3.69 0.73 2.00 0.31 2.08 0.33 20.1 189.99 样号 LREE HREE LREE/HREE LaN/YbN δEu δCe TW2326 105.30 33.71 7.85 8.88 0.83 0.95 TW2327 118.25 34.08 8.46 9.52 0.95 0.91 TW2331 169.94 49.45 8.48 9.58 0.66 0.95 注:测试单位为河北省区域地质矿产调查研究所实验室。 表 3 玛尼吐组同位素年龄按阶统计表
Table 3. Compilation of the formation ages of the Manitu Formation
晚侏罗世 早白垩世 卡洛维阶 牛津阶 基默里奇阶 提塘阶 贝里阿斯阶 凡兰吟阶 欧特里沃阶 巴列姆阶 阿普特阶 冀北阶 热河阶 (166.1±1.2)~
139.8 Ma139.8~
132.9 Ma132.9~
129.4 Ma129.4~
125.0 Ma125.0~
113.0 Ma孙德有等,2011 杜岳丹,2017 崔玉斌等,2021 邵济安等,1999 林强等,1988 付俊彧等,2018 崔玉斌等,2021 张慧婷等,2019 邵积东等,2011 -
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