Application of Geological Hazard Risk Assessment in Territorial Space Planning: A Case Study of Gaoxigou Village in Yulin City of Northern Shaanxi Province
Abstract:Gaoxigou village of Mizhi county in Yulin city, is located in the hilly and gully region of the Loess plateau. It is a geological disaster prone area. Therefore, it is of great importance to consider the risk of geological disaster in territorial space planning. Based on geological disaster survey data, evaluation indexes such as slope, slope aspect and geological disaster development density were selected, the information quantity model was used to evaluate the risk with slope element, on this basis, the vulnerability of disaster bearing body was superimposed for quantitative risk assessment, and delineated risk zones of geological disasters. Using ArcGIS, the risk zoning of geological disasters and current functional areas were superimposed, and Gaoxigou was reconstructed into four territorial space zones: medium risk in geological hazards–living area, low risk in geological hazards–ecological functional area, low risk in geological hazards–agricultural production area, and ravine region, and put forward the territorial space optimization strategy.
表 1 信息量值对应危险性等级及灾点分布的对比表
Table 1. Comparison of information value corresponding to risk grade and disaster point distribution
占比例(%)危险性中 2.401~6.015 0.850 20.89 20 76.9 危险性低 0~2.401 0.932 22.90 6 23.1 危险性极低 −2.171~0 2.133 52.40 0 0 沟谷区 0 0.155 3.81 0 0 总计 4.07 100 26 100 表 2 高西沟地质灾害风险评价结果表
Table 2. Risk assessment results of geological hazards in Gaoxigou
概率P(LoL)1号 10−4 1.0 0.625 0.5 0.2 60 0.0019 1.25×10−5 2号 10−3 1.0 0.625 0.6 0.3 30 0.0113 1.88×10−4 3号 10−4 1.0 0.625 0.5 0.3 100 0.0031 1.88×10−5 4号 10−3 1.0 0.625 0.6 0.3 20 0.0075 1.88×10−4 5号 10−3 1.0 0.625 0.6 0.3 50 0.0188 1.88×10−4 6号 10−3 1.0 0.625 0.7 0.3 15 0.0066 1.88×10−4 7号 10−4 1.0 0.625 0.5 0.2 40 0.0013 1.25×10−5 8号 10−3 1.0 0.625 0.7 0.3 60 0.0263 1.88×10−4 9号 10−3 1.0 0.625 0.6 0.5 80 0.0300 3.13×10−4 10号 10−4 1.0 0.625 0.5 0.3 90 0.0028 1.88×10−5 11号 10−4 1.0 0.625 0.3 0.2 30 0.0006 1.25×10−5 12号 10−3 1.0 0.625 0.6 0.5 80 0.0300 3.13×10−4 13号 10−4 1.0 0.625 0.4 0.2 85 0.0021 1.25×10−5 14号 10−4 1.0 0.625 0.5 0.2 90 0.0028 1.25×10−5 15号 10−3 1.0 0.625 0.6 0.5 80 0.0300 3.13×10−4 16号 10−4 1.0 0.625 0.5 0.2 50 0.0016 1.25×10−5 17号 10−4 1.0 0.625 0.5 0.2 16 0.0005 1.25×10−5 18号 10−3 1.0 0.625 0.6 0.3 18 0.0068 1.88×10−4 19号 10−4 1.0 0.625 0.5 0.3 40 0.0013 1.88×10−5 20号 10−4 1.0 0.625 0.5 0.2 30 0.0009 1.25×10−5 21号 10−4 1.0 0.625 0.5 0.2 15 0.0005 1.25×10−5 22号 10−4 1.0 0.625 0.5 0.2 38 0.0012 1.25×10−5 23号 10−3 1.0 0.625 0.6 0.3 40 0.0150 1.88×10−4 24号 10−3 1.0 0.625 0.7 0.3 80 0.0350 1.88×10−4 25号 10−4 1.0 0.625 0.5 0.2 15 0.0005 1.25×10−5 26号 10−4 1.0 0.625 0.5 0.2 85 0.0027 1.25×10−5 -
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