Introduction to the Methods of Ecology−Geological Survey for Servicing Ecological Civilization: Example from Ecology−Supporting Sphere Survey
Abstract:In the new era, serving ecological civilization is a new duty entrusted to China geological survey. In a broad sense, all related geological survey can be called the eco−geological survey. Due to lacking of technical standards to support the work in the initial exploration stage, in fact, the content of eco−geological survey work is still unclear. So, it is greatly significant for achieving the objectives to sort out the connotation of relevant concepts, clarify work ideas, and determine survey contents. In this case, tasks and objectives of eco−geological survey will be discussed on the basis of the theory of Earth system science, in which the clue between geology and ecology is the constraints of supergene geological process on the surficial ecological development. Therefore, it is proposed that ecological geology belongs to the category of "Geology +". Based on the surface geological processes of different geological and geomorphic units in terrestrial ecosystems, this study selects ecology−supporting sphere survey as an example, and divides the terrestrial ecosystem into three types from erosion area to sedimentary area, for example, shallow mountain−hill area, river−lake−wetland area, and plain−basin area. According to the geological characteristics of different survey units, detail explanations are stated respectively for the survey content, survey methods, and methods. Consequently, the expression of achievements and their applications are discussed, which will provide a reference for other related ecology−geological survey works.
图 1 陆地生态系统中地表物质组成分布结构示意图(据朱永官等 ,2015修改)
Figure 1.
表 1 地表基质调查内容–要素指标体系表(据中国地质调查局“地表基质调查工程”提供修改)
Table 1. Surface substrate survey content–element index system of black soil (Provided by the surface matrix investigation project from the China Geological Survey)
调查内容 要 素 地质–地貌类型 获取手段 低山–丘陵区(基岩区) 山前过渡带 平原–盆地区 河流–湖泊–湿地 景观属性 地质景观 不同基质形成的地层单位、构造单元、沉积相等 收集资料
野外调查地理景观 地貌特征(高原、平原、盆地、山地、丘陵、荒漠、岩溶区等;低山、丘陵、漫川漫岗、平原、坳谷等);地形特征(陡坡、缓坡、平地等) 收集资料
野外调查时空结构 平面特征 二级分类、岩性、形成时代、风化特征等 二级分类、砾质类型、形成时代、成因类型、砾石含量、原岩成分等 二级分类、土壤质地、形成时代、土壤类型、土地利用类型等 二级分类、泥质类型、形成时代、成因类型等 收集资料
野外调查垂向特征 风化壳厚度 垂向分层、厚度、结构特征等 垂向结构特征、黑土层厚度、耕层厚度、有效土层厚度、障碍层深度及厚度、成土母质 垂向分层、厚度、结构特征等 最大调查
深度基岩顶面 50 m 50 m 水体以下2 m 野外调查 理化性质 物理特征 土壤物质组成与质地、岩石风化程度等 土壤的质地、成土母质物质组成与结构;胶结或松散程度、胶结物成分、持水能力等 土壤含水率、结构、质地、容重、孔隙度;成土母质的结构及物质组成等 颜色、
分析测试化学成分 主量元素、部分营养元素、有益元素 主量元素、部分营养元素、有益元素 土壤化学指标:pH、阳离子交换量、全盐量、有机碳、全碳、黏土矿物等
分析测试生态属性 表观生态 地表水类型、分布;植被类型、覆盖度;侵蚀类型、侵蚀程度等 收集资料 内部生态 地下水水位、水质 地下水水位、水质等 收集资料
分析测试气候环境 气候带类型(热带雨林气,候、干燥气候、温带多雨气候等),年、月平均温度变化,年积温,年平均降雨量、蒸发量、年均风速等 收集资料 -
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