Ecological Problems, Systematically Protection and Restoration Strategies of Yulin Coarse Sand Area in the Middle Yellow River
黄河中游粗泥沙是黄河下游地上悬河形成的最重要组成物质,从源头遏制粗泥沙入黄是保障黄河长久安澜的根本之策。笔者采用从大尺度向小尺度梯度分析、生态问题识别诊断与综合评判等方法,确定了陕西省榆林市北部7个黄河一级支流区为粗泥沙主要来源区,并在识别出粗泥沙主要来源区生态问题及其之间关联性、紧迫度、优先度的基础上,提出了榆林黄河中游粗沙区生态保护修复的系统性对策。即围绕2个核心目标、3个关键问题,将研究区划分为10个保护修复单元,提出布局7类工程和29个子项目,构建“1廊2带3区多点” 的人与自然和谐共生的生态安全格局,从而达到提升粗泥沙集中来源区生态系统稳定性和韧性,实现从源头遏制粗泥沙入黄,缓解拦沙坝、水库和“地上悬河”泥沙淤积压力的目标。研究成果对于保障中国北方生态安全和能源资源安全等具有极为重要的意义。
Abstract:Coarse sediment in the middle reaches of the Yellow River is the most important component of the formation of suspended rivers in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. Preventing coarse sediment from entering the Yellow River from the source is a fundamental measure to ensure the long-term stability of the Yellow River. Using methods such as gradient analysis from large scale to small scale, ecological problem identification, diagnosis, and comprehensive evaluation, this paper identifies seven primary tributaries of the Yellow River in the north of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province as the main source areas of coarse sediment. Based on identifying the ecological problems in the main source areas of coarse sediment and their correlation, urgency, and priority, it proposes systematic countermeasures for ecological protection and restoration of the coarse sediment areas in the middle reaches of the Yellow River in Yulin. That is, around two core objectives and three key issues, the research area is divided into 10 protection and restoration units, and it is recommended to arrange 7 types of projects and 29 subprojects, so as to build an ecological security pattern of "one corridor, two belts, and three areas with multiple points" in which people and nature coexist harmoniously, ultimately improving the stability and resilience of the ecosystem in the source area of coarse sediment concentration, achieving the goal of controlling the inflow of coarse sediment into the Yellow River from the source, and alleviating the impact of sand barriers The target of sediment deposition pressure in reservoirs and "suspended rivers"; At the same time, this study has extremely important significance for ensuring ecological security and energy resource security in northern China.
表 1 国家级水土流失重点治理区水土流失变化情况 (中华人民共和国水利部,2021)
Table 1. Changes of soil and water loss in key state–level control areas
治理区年度 水土流失面积(km2) 轻度 中度 强烈及以上 合计 黄河
粗沙区2021 58067 31212 17478 106757 2020 57924 30933 19123 107980 变化情况 143 279 −1645 −1223 表 2 各流域内生态问题识别
Table 2. Identification of ecological problems in each watershed
流域名称 流域面积(km2) 主 要 生 态 问 题 描 述 皇甫川流域 457.18 砒砂岩区支沟水土流失风险大、四乱集中、湿地退化及景观破碎化、土地沙化及植被退化趋势尚存、沿黄林草质量较低、农田质量不高、水源地保护待加强 清水川流域 617.61 历史遗留矿山生态、中游农用地耕地质量差、砒砂岩区及黄土沟壑区支沟水土流失风险大、湿地退化及景观破碎化、土地沙化及植被退化趋势尚存 孤山川流域 1111.63 工矿水污染仍存、水土流失风险大、历史遗留矿山问题突出、矿山开发引起水土资源破坏、林草存在退化趋势、绿色矿山建设亟待加强 石马川流域 593.21 支沟林草覆盖率低、存在水土流失风险、沿黄破面裸露,崩滑灾害风险较大、景观破碎化、耕地质量差 窟野河流域 4559.53 水土流失风险大、历史遗留矿山问题突出、土地及植被退化趋势尚存、沿黄林草质量不高、滚石风险较大、矿区地下水污染风险较大、局部采空区塌陷严重、绿色矿山建设亟待加强 秃尾河流域 3964.04 上游:沿黄林草质量较低、坡面裸露,灾害风险较大、农田质量不高、水源地保护待加强、人居环境较差、湿地萎缩,生物多样性降低、防风固沙与水源涵养功能呈低等格局;下游:历史遗留矿山问题突出、支沟水土流失风险大、支沟水生态问题凸现、沿黄湿地保护待加强 佳芦河流域 1204.64 上游:沿黄林草质量较低、坡面裸露,灾害风险较大、农田质量不高、水源地保护待加强、人居环境较差、湿地萎缩,生物多样性降低、防风固沙与水源涵养功能呈低等格局;中下游:支沟水土流失风险大、林草质量不高、河道水环境较差、交通绿带灾害风险大、城区景观格局低等 -
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