为了解决强干扰地区电磁数据采集质量差和厚覆盖区目标热储层埋深大的难题, 丰富沉积盆地型地热资源勘探的技术手段, 在江苏苏北盆地厚覆盖区开展了广域电磁法地热勘查工作. 经过野外资料采集和数据处理, 获得了地下3.5 km以浅的电性结构, 划分出7套电性层, 结合地层物性特征识别出7套地层, 查明了主要热储层的埋深及厚度, 部署了DR1地热井, 完井井深2 535 m, 并于1 634~2 535 m钻遇三垛组一段和戴南组二段热储层, 涌水量432 m3/d, 出水水温63.0℃. 钻探结果表明广域电磁法在地热勘探中取得了良好的应用效果, 可为类似地区开展地热勘查工作提供参考.
Abstract:To solve the problems of poor quality of electromagnetic data acquisition in strong interference area and large buried depth of target thermal reservoir in thick covered area, and to enrich the technical means of sedimentary basin-type geothermal resource exploration, the geothermal exploration by means of wide field electromagnetic method (WFEM) is carried out in the thick covered area of Northern Jiangsu Basin. Through field data gathering and data processing, the study obtains the electrical structure at the depth of 3.5 km below surface, delineates 7 sets of electrical layers, identifies 7 sets of strata based on the physical characteristics, and ascertains the burial depth and thickness of major thermal reservoirs. The DR1 geothermal well is deployed with a completion depth of 2535 m. The thermal reservoirs from the first member of Sanduo Formation and the second member of Dainan Formation are drilled at 1634-2535 m, with the water inflow of 432 m3/d and water temperature of 63.0℃. The drilling results show that WFEM has achieved good results in geothermal exploration and can provide reference for geothermal exploration in similar areas.
表 1 研究区地层及电性分层
Table 1. Lithological and electrical stratification in study area
地层 特征描述 电阻率/Ωm 电性特征 东台组 Qd 土黄、灰黄色砂质黏土与黄灰色沙砾层互层 8~21 低阻层 盐城组 N1-2y 下段为浅棕红、灰绿色粉砂质泥岩与灰白、灰黄色中粗砂岩、砾状砂岩、细砾岩互层,上段为浅灰黄、浅灰色砂砾层与浅棕色黏土层,组成3~4个正旋回 3.9~41 中阻层
(高低变化)三垛组 E2-3s2 浅棕、浅灰黄色粉—细砂岩,含砾砂岩夹棕红色泥岩 11 低阻层 E2-3s1 中上部棕红色泥岩夹浅棕、浅灰色砂岩,下部棕色块状砂岩、含砾砂岩,分7个砂层组,均有油层 24 戴南组 E2d2 褐色泥岩与浅棕、灰色粉砂岩、细砂岩呈不等厚互层,分5个砂层组,有油气显示 44 中阻层 E2d1 灰紫、灰黑色泥岩与灰色薄层粉细砂岩互层,分3个砂层组,均有油层 67 中高阻层 阜宁组 E1f 分四段:一段为深灰、暗棕色泥岩与浅棕、灰色粉、细砂岩互层;二段为灰黑色泥岩、灰质泥岩夹薄层泥灰岩等;三段为灰黑色泥岩、灰质泥岩夹薄层灰质粉砂岩等;四段为灰黑色泥岩、页岩夹薄层浅灰色泥灰岩等 105 高阻层 泰州组 E1t 下部灰白色块状砂岩、砾岩夹深灰、暗棕色泥岩,上部灰黑色泥岩夹薄层泥灰岩 -
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