尾矿库内堆放的有污染的固体和液体废物若得不到合理妥善的处理, 会对周边的环境造成严重的污染. 为了确定尾矿库的稳定性, 分析尾矿库内的固、液废弃物对周边土壤和地下水的影响, 急需查明尾矿库的形态特征和库容规模. 高密度电法作为一种常规的物探方法, 以其简便、快捷、高效等特点, 在确定尾矿库形态特征方面成为现场探测的首选技术手段. 本研究运用高密度电法反演得到尾矿库的底界面范围, 并结合钻孔验证, 在Voxler平台构建了尾矿库的可视化三维模型, 从而更加精确计算尾矿砂的方量, 证明了高密度电法在确定尾矿库形态特征中的可行性.
Abstract:It will cause serious contamination to surroundings if the polluted solid and liquid wastes piled up in tailings pond are not properly treated. To determine the stability of tailings pond and analyze the influence of solid and liquid wastes on the surrounding soil and groundwater, it is urgent to find out the morphological characteristics and storage capacity scale of tailings pond. As a conventional geophysical prospecting method, high-density resistivity technique is simple, rapid and effective, and has become the preferred option of on-site detection in determining the morphological characteristics of tailing ponds. In this study, the range of bottom interface of tailings pond is obtained by inversion of high-density resistivity method. Combined with drilling verification, the 3D visualization model of tailings pond is built on Voxler platform for more accurate calculation of volume of tailing sand, which proves the feasibility of high-density resistivity method in determining the morphological characteristics of tailings pond.
Key words:
- high-density resistivity /
- tailings pond /
- visualization /
- 3D model /
- Voxler
表 1 尾矿库及周边岩性物性特征
Table 1. Physical parameters of tailings pond and surroundings lithology
岩性 电阻率范围/Ωm 尾矿砂 13~56.4 含水尾矿砂 < 13 第四系黄土 20.6~48 砂砾石层 60~200 基岩 >200 表 2 钻孔定位表
Table 2. Borehole positioning data
钻孔编号 X Y Z 方位角/(°) 倾角/(°) 终孔深度/m ZK01 1193.2671 6842.0693 582.414 0 -90 270 ZK02 1411.3651 6983.6941 527.82 0 -90 193 ZK03 1059.1113 6754.9383 623.545 0 -90 284 ZK04 1407.5774 7227.5323 520.987 0 -90 156 ZK05 1282.0356 7288.2616 575.998 0 -90 170 注:表中数据为处理过的非实际坐标,只做演示. 表 3 钻孔测斜表
Table 3. Borehole inclination measuring data
钻孔编号 层面深度/m 方位角/(°) 倾角/(°) ZK01 582.414 0 0 ZK01 404.414 0 0 ZK01 312.414 0 0 ZK02 527.83 0 0 ZK02 394.83 0 0 表 4 岩性分层表
Table 4. Lithological stratification data
钻孔编号 From To 属性 岩性 ZK01 582.414 565.414 30 黄褐色尾矿 ZK01 565.414 408.414 20 灰黑色尾矿 ZK01 408.414 312.414 10 砂砾石黄土 ZK02 527.83 516.83 30 黄褐色尾矿 ZK02 516.83 394.83 20 灰黑色尾矿 -
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