Application and Quantum Chemical Analysis of Novel Sulfur-Containing Heterocyclic Inhibitors in Separation of Molybdenite and Galena
传统钼铅分离过程中使用磷诺克斯作为抑制剂, 存在毒性大、污染严重等问题。为了降低金堆城钼精矿中铅的含量, 对比了毒性较弱的巯基丙醇、L-半胱氨酸、1, 3-氧硫杂戊环-羧酸、硫普罗宁的铅抑制效果, 并对抑制剂用量进行了考察, 经过比较选取1, 3-氧硫杂戊环-羧酸作为金堆城钼铅混合精矿的抑制剂。经过条件试验, 最终确定在再磨细度-38 μm占80%时, 经过一次粗选、五次精选, 可以获得钼品位52.20%、回收率85.01%、含铅0.010%的钼精矿产品, 其效果与磷诺克斯相当。采用配位化学以及密度泛函理论计算了方铅矿和辉钼矿的前线轨道特征, 并通过对方铅矿和辉钼矿中金属位点的前线轨道特征进行分析指出, 钼铅分离抑制剂的前线轨道对称性是影响抑制剂选择性的关键。
Abstract:In the traditional separation of molybdenum and lead, phosphorus nox is used as an inhibitor, which has serious toxicity and pollution. In order to reduce the content of lead in molybdenum concentrate from Jinduicheng, the lead inhibition effects of mercaptopropanol, L-cysteine, 1, 3-oxythiopentane carboxylic acid and tiopronin with weak toxicity were compared, and the amount of inhibitor were investigated. After comparison, 1, 3-oxythiopentane carboxylic acid was selected as the inhibitor of molybdenum-lead-bearing concentrate in Jinduicheng. After condition test, molybdenum concentrate can be obtained with molybdenum grade of 52.20%, recovery rate of 85.01% and lead content of 0.010% through one roughings and five cleanings when the regrinding fineness of -38 μm was 80%. The effect of 1, 3-oxythiopentane carboxylic acid is equivalent to that of phosphorus Knox. The characteristics of frontier orbits of galena and molybdenite were calculated by means of coordination chemistry and density functional theory, and the characteristics of frontier orbits of metal sites in galena and molybdenite were analyzed. It is pointed out that the symmetry of frontier orbits of the inhibitors is the key to affect the selectivity of inhibitors.
表 1 原料多元素分析结果
Table 1. Multi-composition analysis result of raw ores
/% 元素 Mo Fe Pb Zn Cu K2O Na2O 含量 16.61 8 0.21 0.23 1.04 2.39 0.38 元素 P S CaO Ti MgO SiO2 Al2O3 含量 0.052 18.21 2.32 0.24 1.24 40.25 7.97 表 2 矿石的矿物组成及相对含量
Table 2. Mineral composition and relative content of ore
/% 矿物名称 含量 矿物名称 含量 辉钼矿 27.69 石英 33.19 黄铁矿 17.18 钾长石 13.58 闪锌矿 0.34 钠长石 3.22 黄铜矿 2.98 磷灰石 0.28 方铅矿 0.24 其他 0.89 金红石 0.41 表 3 分子结构示意图
Table 3. Molecular structures of depressant reagents
抑制剂 分子结构 巯基丙醇 L-半胱氨酸 1, 3-氧硫杂戊环-羧酸 硫普罗宁 表 4 钼精矿降铅工艺开路试验结果
Table 4. Results of open circuit for lead reduction in molybdenum concentrate
/% 抑制剂种类 产品名称 作业产率 品位 作业回收率 Cu Mo Pb SiO2 Cu Mo Pb SiO2 1, 3-氧硫杂戊环-羧酸 钼精矿 24.07 0.057 52.20 0.010 5.74 1.03 85.01 1.10 3.65 中矿1 1.60 0.27 29.26 0.33 30.12 0.33 3.16 2.43 1.27 中矿2 5.40 0.69 5.68 0.38 58.52 2.80 2.08 9.42 8.34 中矿3 3.08 2.54 15.90 0.75 38.31 5.91 3.31 10.46 3.11 中矿4 5.87 4.89 5.96 0.82 41.03 21.72 2.37 21.77 6.35 中矿5 20.92 2.10 1.21 0.30 54.09 33.25 1.71 28.31 29.84 精尾 39.07 1.18 0.89 0.15 46.03 34.95 2.36 26.52 47.44 给矿 100.00 1.32 14.78 0.22 37.91 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 磷诺克斯 钼精矿 24.41 0.044 51.92 0.010 5.34 0.84 85.20 1.08 3.41 中矿1 1.13 0.21 23.96 0.069 31.81 0.19 1.82 0.35 0.94 中矿2 5.62 0.41 7.58 0.11 52.30 1.78 2.86 2.73 7.69 中矿3 3.39 1.49 19.23 0.25 36.75 3.89 4.38 3.81 3.26 中矿4 4.56 3.83 4.14 0.61 44.93 13.51 1.27 12.40 5.36 中矿5 20.57 2.07 1.46 0.37 54.38 32.87 2.01 33.32 29.28 精尾 40.33 1.51 0.91 0.26 47.43 46.92 2.45 46.32 50.06 给矿 100.00 1.29 14.87 0.23 38.21 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 表 5 前线轨道分析
Table 5. The analysis of frontier molecular orbitals
/eV 前线轨道能 巯基丙醇 L-半胱氨酸 1, 3-氧硫杂戊环-羧酸 硫普罗宁 方铅矿 辉钼矿 E(HOMO) -5.215 -5.540 -5.479 -6.044 -11.464 -22.612 E(LUMO) -1.077 -2.331 -2.113 -2.745 -9.253 -22.146 ΔE1 4.038 3.68 3.774 3.656 ΔE2 10.387 9.933 9.351 9.724 ΔE3 16.931 16.573 16.667 16.549 ΔE4 21.535 21.081 20.499 20.872 注:ΔE1=|E(HOMO-药剂)-E(LUMO-方铅矿)|; ΔE2=|E(HOMO-方铅矿)-E(LUMO-药剂)|;ΔE3=|E(HOMO-药剂)-E(LUMO-辉钼矿)|;ΔE4=|E(HOMO-辉钼矿)-E(LUMO-药剂)|。 -
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