Study on Photodegradation of Organic Depressants in Wastewater from Molybdenum-lead Separation and Wastewater Recycle
Abstract:The undecomposed residue of molybdenum-lead separation inhibitors remain in wastewater stream makes it difficult to be recycled. To tackle this issue, photodegradable inhibitor LM was used for molybdenum-lead separation, and the degradation kinetics of inhibitor in molybdenum-lead separation wastewater was also studied. The degradation method was photodegradation, and the effects of different light sources such as sunlight irradiation and ultraviolet light irradiation on the degradation rate were studied respectively. The results show that both sunlight and ultraviolet light sources can accelerate the decomposition process of LM, and the final degradation rate can reach more than 99.9%. The effect of different pH values on the degradation of LM in molybdenum-lead separation wastewater stream was further studied, which indicates that, the degradation rate was accelerated in an acidic environment. The verification flotation tests were conducted, the results of which suggest the molybdenum-lead separation wastewater after photodegradation can be directly reused. It is beneficial to clean production, energy saving and emission reduction.
Key words:
- molybdenum-lead separation /
- photodegradation depressant /
- wastewater recycling /
- flotation /
表 1 原料化学多元素分析结果
Table 1. Multi-elements analysis results of raw ores
/% 成分 Mo Fe Cu Pb Zn K2O Na2O 含量 16.61 8.00 1.04 0.21 0.23 2.39 0.38 成分 P S CaO MgO Ti SiO2 Al2O3 含量 0.052 18.21 2.32 1.24 0.24 40.25 7.97 表 2 采用清水与光照降解后的钼铅分离尾水钼铅分离试验结果
Table 2. Molybdenum-lead separation test results
/% 试验用水 产品名称 作业产率 品位 作业回收率 Mo Pb Mo Pb 清水 钼精矿 49.08 31.81 0.25 97.32 56.11 尾矿 50.92 0.84 0.19 2.68 43.89 钼粗精矿 100.00 16.04 0.22 100.00 100.00 365 nm波长紫外光降解20 h后的尾水 钼精矿 49.54 31.78 0.25 97.54 55.98 尾矿 50.46 0.79 0.19 2.46 44.02 钼粗精矿 100.00 16.14 0.22 100.00 100.00 254 nm波长紫外光降解20 h后的尾水 钼精矿 49.29 31.76 0.24 97.51 55.71 尾矿 50.71 0.79 0.19 2.49 44.29 钼粗精矿 100.00 16.05 0.21 100.00 100.00 太阳光降解20 h后的尾水 钼精矿 49.69 31.87 0.25 97.33 56.31 尾矿 50.31 0.86 0.19 2.67 43.69 钼粗精矿 100.00 16.27 0.22 100.00 100.00 -
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