对广东某伴生有石英的高岭土矿进行选矿试验研究,以期获得符合要求的石英砂产品。高岭土原矿捣浆、分级分离出−0.045 mm粒级高岭土产品后得到尾砂,尾砂中占比99.13%的+0.1 mm粒级物料可用作玻璃用石英原料。对可用作玻璃原料的+0.6 mm粒级进行了“拣选—磨矿—磁选”与“磨矿—磁选” 两种工艺对比试验,结果表明,拣选对最终选别指标影响较小,采用磨矿—磁选即可; +0.6 mm粒级经磁选后均可获得Fe2O3含量小于120 μg/g的石英精矿,−0.60 +0.10 mm粒级产品经磨矿—磁选可获得SiO2含量为99.04%、Fe2O3含量为104.46 μg/g的石英精矿,可达到光伏玻璃用石英砂的标准。该研究有助于高岭石伴生石英砂的综合利用,可提升伴生石英砂的价值。
Abstract:The experimental study on mineral processing of kaolinite accompanied by quartz in Guangdong was carried out in order to obtain quartz sand products meeting the requirements. The tailings were obtained after the kaolin raw ore was mashed and graded to separate the −0.045 mm particle size kaolin product. The +0.1 mm grain size material accounting for 99.13% of the tailings can be used as quartz raw material for glass. Two kinds of process comparison tests of "color sorting−grinding−magnetic separation" and "grinding−magnetic separation" were conducted on the +0.6 mm particle size. Results indicated that, color sorting had a relatively small impact on the final separation index, so grinding−magnetic separation was sufficient; Quartz concentrate with Fe2O3 content less than 120 μg/g and quartz concentrate with SiO2 content of 99.04%, Fe2O3 content of 104.46 μg/g were obtained by magnetic separation from + 0.6 mm particle size and grinding−magnetic separation from −0.60 +0.10 mm particle size, respectively, which can meet the standard of quartz sand for photovoltaic glass. This study is helpful to the comprehensive utilization of kaolinite associated quartz sand, and can enhance the value of associated quartz sand.
Key words:
- Kaolin /
- purification of quartz sands /
- photovoltaic glass /
- magnetic separation
表 1 试样化学成分分析结果
Table 1. Analysis of chemical constituents of sample
/% 成分 SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 TiO2 K2O CaO P2O5 SO2 MgO 含量 94.96 3.36 0.19 0.17 0.21 0.15 0.04 0.07 0.07 表 2 +0.6 mm粒级石英砂筛分结果
Table 2. Screening results of +0.6 mm particle class quartz sand
粒级/mm +2.36 −2.36+1.70 −1.70+0.60 产率/% 23.97 9.43 35.49 表 3 各试样磨矿、磁选产率及磁选精矿Fe2O3含量
Table 3. The grinding, magnetic separation yield of each sample and the content of Fe2O3 in magnetic separation concentrate
试样 磨矿产品各粒级产率/% 石英精矿产率/% 石英精矿Fe2O3含量/(μg·g−1) +0.60 mm −0.60+010 mm −0.10 mm 拣选试样+1.70 mm 9.82 56.24 33.94 99.37 74.97 未拣选原矿试样+1.70 mm 9.83 59.44 30.73 99.79 117.34 拣选试样−1.70+0.60mm 3.07 80.10 16.83 99.80 109.79 未拣选原矿试样−1.7 0+0.60 mm 11.76 74.92 13.32 99.85 119. 39 -
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