摘要: 页岩油实验测试分析在页岩油地质评价中发挥着重要作用,目前页岩油储层矿物组成、有机质类型、丰度、物性以及岩石脆性等诸多方面的评价参数均需要通过实验测试来获取。本文评述了页岩油储层评价中烃源岩特性、储层储集性、含油性、可动性及可压性等各项实验测试技术研究现状和趋势,重点阐述了各项实验测试技术的目的及方法。页岩油烃源岩特性要综合有机质类型,丰度,成熟度,生物标志化合物,主量、微量和稀土元素等进行全面准确的评价;储集性与页岩矿物组成、孔隙、裂缝等储集空间分布特征密切相关,结合页岩含油饱和度、页岩油黏度、密度等评价页岩含油性和可动性;页岩可压性评价需综合考虑页岩的矿物组成、岩石力学特征参数等因素。同时探讨了页岩油储层地质评价实验测试技术未来发展方向,指出多种方法联合表征页岩油储层储集空间分布特征、不同赋存状态页岩油的分布特征、天然裂缝发育分析等是页岩油储层地质评价技术的关键攻关方向。Abstract:
BACKGROUNDExperimental technologies played an important role in shale oil geological evaluation. The evaluation parameters such as mineral composition, organic matter type, organic matter content, properties and brittleness in shale oil reservoir were obtained by these technologies. OBJECTIVESTo find the appropriate experimental methods for shale oil geological evaluation.[LM] METHODSThe research status and trends of various experimental technologies for determination of parameters in shale oil reservoir evaluation, including characteristics of hydrocarbon source rocks, reservoir property, oiliness, movability and compressibility were reviewed. Purpose and method of the experimental testing technologies were focused. RESULTSEvaluation of the characteristics of hydrocarbon source rock should combine the parameters of organic matter type, organic carbon contents, organic maturity, biomarkers, major elements, trace elements and rare earth elements. The mineral composition and distributions of pores and fractures should be considered in reservoir evaluation. And the oil saturation, viscosity, density of shale oil should also be integrated in the evaluation of the oiliness and movability of shale oil reservoir. Evaluation of shale compressibility required comprehensive consideration of shale mineral composition, and rock mechanical characteristics. CONCLUSIONSThe future development direction of shale oil reservoir geological evaluation experimental technology is discussed. It is pointed out that multiple methods to characterize the spatial distribution characteristics of shale oil reservoir, the distribution characteristics of shale oil in different occurrences, and the analysis of natural fracture development, are the key research direction of shale oil reservoir geological evaluation technology. -
图 4 湖相细粒沉积岩岩石学类型划分方案(数据来源于姜在兴等[35])
Figure 4.
图 7 不同测试方法孔隙度结果对比[43]
Figure 7.
表 1 页岩油地质评价实验分析项目
Table 1. Testing items of geological evaluation of the shale oil
测试领域 分析项目 实验目的 样品保存及制备 岩心保存、溶剂抽提法 开展其他取样制样工作 烃源岩特性 有机质类型、总有机碳含量、岩石热解、氯仿沥青“A”、镜质体反射率、族组分、色谱-质谱分析、同位素分析测试等 生烃潜力、页岩油资源量、成烃机理分析 储集性 薄片鉴定、X射线衍射(XRD)矿物测试、X射线荧光光谱(XRF)元素测试、扫描电镜矿物定量评价(QEMSCAN) 岩性、沉积环境分析 氦气法测孔隙度、脉冲渗透率、基质渗透率、密度、块体密度、氩离子抛光-扫描电镜、CT扫描、气体吸附、高压压汞测试等 储存空间、流体运移通道及可动油量评价 含油性及可动性 原油黏度、密度测试、含油饱和度、核磁共振测试等 页岩油可动性评价分析 可压性 泊松比、弹性模量、抗压强度、抗拉强度测试等 脆性及可压性评价 -
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