Identification of Jadeite Filled with Inorganic Materials Using UV Fluorescence, Infrared Spectroscopy and LIBS Techniques
通过走访翡翠市场得知存在无机材料充填的翡翠,目前与其相关的研究资料较少,对无机材料充填翡翠缺少鉴定依据。本模拟实验使用水玻璃和硅溶胶这两类无机材料对低档翡翠进行充填以了解其鉴定特征。利用常规宝石学测试、钻石观测仪荧光观察、红外光谱分析(FTIR)、激光诱导击穿光谱分析(LIBS)对无机充填翡翠样品进行测试。结果表明: ①翡翠充填后其透明度、颜色、密度及结构均有所改善。②通过钻石观测仪观察,样品中的翡翠颗粒显示出绿色荧光,实验充填材料在裂隙以及颗粒间显示蓝色荧光且颜色分布不均匀。③通过中红外反射光谱测试,硅溶胶与水玻璃的谱图有微弱差别,经无机材料充填的样品在1162cm-1、1070cm-1、949cm-1,以及579cm-1、529cm-1、470cm-1处的吸收峰逐渐减弱,峰形逐渐变圆滑或消失,结合近红外光谱7062cm-1、5204cm-1、4537cm-1范围的波谱形态和吸收峰特征鉴别充填翡翠。④激光诱导击穿光谱测试,验证了经过硅溶胶或钠钾水玻璃充填的翡翠中硅的含量偏高,钠钾水玻璃充填的翡翠具有钾含量高的特点。模拟实验充填的样品效果有待提高,但从中认识到无机材料充填翡翠的鉴定特征,对理解翡翠的优化处理机理有指导意义。
Abstract:BACKGROUND Through visiting the jadeite market, the existence of inorganic material-filled jadeite is known, but there is a lack of identification basis due to rare references.
OBJECTIVES To understand the identification characteristics of inorganic material-filled jadeite.
METHODS Two types of inorganic materials, water glass and silica sol, were used to fill low-grade jadeite in the simulation experiment. Conventional gemological tests, fluorescence image observation with DiamondViewTM, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) were used to test the inorganic filled jadeite samples.
RESULTS The transparency, color, density and structure of jadeite were improved after filling. Under the DiamondViewTM, the jadeite particles in the sample showed green fluorescence, and the filling around the cracks and between the particles displayed blue fluorescence with non-uniform distribution. Mid-infrared reflectance spectrum analysis showed that the spectra of silica sol and water-glass were slightly different from each other. The absorption peaks of the samples filled with inorganic materials at 1162cm-1, 1070cm-1, 949cm-1, 579cm-1, 529cm-1 and 470cm-1 gradually weakened, and the peak shape gradually became smooth or disappeared. In addition, the differences between the jadeite and inorganic filled jadeite can be determined by the near-infrared spectral morphology and the shape of the absorption peak changed in the range of 7062cm-1, 5204cm-1 and 4537cm-1. The laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy demonstrated that the content of the silicon in the jadeite filled with silicon sol or sodium and potassium water-glass was higher. The high potassium content was an important feature for the jadeite filled by sodium and potassium water-glass.
CONCLUSIONS The samples effect of the simulation experiment needs to be improved, but the identification characteristics of the filled jadeite with inorganic materials are recognized, which has caused a further breakthrough in the enhancement and treatment of jadeite identification.
Key words:
- jadeite /
- water-glass /
- silica sol /
- DiamondViewTM /
- infrared spectroscopy /
- laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
表 1 翡翠充填前与充填后的宝石学特征对比
Table 1. Comparison of gemological characteristics of jadeite samples before and after being filled
样品编号 充填前 样品编号 充填后 颜色 密度 放大观察 颜色 密度 放大观察 AY-1 白 3.26 粒状、结构松散 AGL-1 浅绿 3.28 粒状结构较致密,有色根 AF-1 浅绿 3.29 粒状结构较致密,有色根 AY-2 白 3.23 颗粒粗糙、结构松散 AGK-2 浅绿 3.25 粒状结构较致密,颜色均匀 AY-3 浅绿 3.27 粒状结构 AF-3 浅绿 3.29 粒状结构较致密,颜色均匀 AGK-3 浅绿 3.29 粒状结构较致密,颜色均匀 AY-4 白 3.24 颗粒粗糙、结构松散 AF-4 白 3.27 粒状结构较致密 AGL-4 白 3.26 粒状结构较致密 表 2 样品AF-1的硅、钾强度归一化处理结果
Table 2. Intensity normalization results of elements Si and K in sample AF-1
样品编号+测试点 Si (288.158nm) 积分面积 K (769.896nm) 积分面积 190~950nm全谱面积 Si归一化处理结果 K归一化处理结果 AF-1-1 1200 699.9 673600.00 0.178147268 0.103904394 AF-1-2 1411 577.0 726300.00 0.194272339 0.079443756 AF-1-3 1769 510.9 797600.00 0.221790371 0.064054664 AF-1-4 1480 463.9 772800.00 0.191511387 0.060028468 AF-1-5 1318 409.3 731600.00 0.180153089 0.055945872 AF-1-6 1444 424.2 731800.00 0.197321673 0.057966658 AF-1-7 1297 384.8 701800.00 0.184810487 0.054830436 AF-1-8 1283 371.9 685000.00 0.18729927 0.054291971 AF-1-9 1302 354.9 699500.00 0.186132952 0.05073624 AF-1-10 1465 377.6 725100.00 0.202041098 0.052075576 AF-1-11 1313 365.2 702500.00 0.186903915 0.051985765 AF-1-12 1194 347.1 656200.00 0.181956721 0.052895459 AF-1-13 1218 368.7 671800.00 0.18130396 0.054882405 AF-1-14 1320 372.7 698800.00 0.188895249 0.053334287 -
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