Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Topsoil on Human Health in Fuping County, Hebei Province
Abstract:BACKGROUND Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), as a typical persistent organic pollutant, widely exist in the environment and have high stability. Studying of the content distribution and source analysis of PAHs in soil will provide a technical basis for PAHs pollution prevention and control, ecological environment improvement and environmental protection policy-making.
OBJECTIVES In order to investigate the content, composition and source of PAHs in the soil environment of different functional areas in Beijing City.
METHODS A large-scale sampling was carried out in the core area of Beijing City. At the same time, regional sampling was carried out for different functional areas such as industrial areas, agricultural planting areas, water source protection areas and residential areas. A total of 459 topsoil samples were collected, and the monomer contents of 16 PAHs were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS).
RESULTS The average values of the total contents of 16 PAHs (∑16PAHs) in topsoil of the three subregions in the core area (southeast, center and northwest) were 153.7, 333.2 and 142.9μg/kg, respectively. The average values of ∑16PAHs in topsoil of the industrial zone, including Southeast Factory, Shougang Industry and Datai Coal Mine, were 1006.9, 1379.4 and 146.8μg/kg, respectively. The average values of ∑16PAHs in topsoil of the water-conserving areas, Huairou and Miyun, were 86.4μg/kg and 154.5μg/kg, respectively. The average values of ∑16PAHs in topsoil of four agricultural planting regions (Changping, Pinggu, Fangshan and Tongzhou) were 109.0, 118.3, 106.8 and 94.2μg/kg, respectively. The average value of ∑16PAHs in topsoil of residential areas was 131.1μg/kg. Compared with previous research results on the content and distribution characteristics of PAHs, the content of PAHs in the topsoil in Beijing City showed a decreased trend, which was related to the decrease in the use of coal and the increase in the use of natural gas in Beijing City in recent years. The composition of PAHs in different functional areas was different. The proportion of heavy and medium rings PAHs were higher in industrial areas. The proportion of light rings PAHs in water-conserving areas, agricultural planting regions and residential areas was higher than that in industrial areas, which might be due to the different sources of PAHs in different functional areas. The results of principal component analysis-multiple linear regression method showed that the main sources of PAHs in the core area were tail gas emissions and leakage during oil storage and transportation, which contributed 81.46% and 18.54%, respectively. The main sources of PAHs in the topsoil of the industrial area were coal combustion and tail gas emissions, which contributed 62.65% and 37.35%, respectively. The main sources of PAHs in residential areas were tail gas emissions and natural gas combustion sources, with contribution rates of 53.30% and 46.70%, respectively.
CONCLUSIONS Further strengthening traffic control, continuing to reduce the proportion of coal in energy structure, and increasing the proportion of clean energy are effective ways to reduce PAHs emissions and pollution in Beijing City.
表 1 重金属健康风险暴露参数
Table 1. Parameters for health risk assessment of soil heavy metals
参数名称 符号 成人参考值 儿童参考值 单位 每日经口摄入土壤量 IRing 100 200 mg/d 每日空气呼吸量 IRinh 14.5 7.5 m3/d 暴露皮肤表面积 SA 5373.99 2848.01 cm2 皮肤黏附系数 AF 0.07 0.2 mg/cm2/d 皮肤吸收因子 ABS As 0.03;Cd 0.001;
Cr 0.001;Cu 0.06;
Hg 0.05;Ni 0.001;
Pb 0.006;Zn 0.02[19]- 无量纲 地表灰尘排放因子 PEF 1.36×109 1.36×109 m3/kg 暴露频率 EF 350 350 d/a 暴露年限 ED 24 6 a 平均体重 BW 61.8 19.2 kg 平均暴露时间 AT 致癌27740
非致癌9125d 表 2 研究区表层土壤重金属含量特征
Table 2. Heavy metal content characteristics of topsoil in the study area
项目 As Cd Cr Cu Hg Ni Pb Zn 研究区重金属含量平均值(mg/kg) 5.73 0.177 82.19 34.09 0.042 39.65 19.63 87.02 变异系数(%) 0.47 0.53 0.47 0.29 1.94 0.43 0.41 0.18 海河平原北部重金属含量背景值(mg/kg)[38] 10.8 0.16 66.3 22.7 0.028 28.9 21.2 73.8 保定市平原区表层土壤重金属含量平均值(mg/kg)[22] 9.26 0.16 69.12 25.96 0.049 29.36 24.73 75.36 中国土壤重金属含量背景值(mg/kg)[34] 9.6 0.097 61 22.60 0.065 26.9 23.6 67.7 超过农用地筛选值个数 0 7 9 4 0 9 0 0 表 3 研究区表层土壤重金属污染指数评价结果
Table 3. Statistics of pollution indices of heavy metals in topsoil of the study area
评价项目 地累积指数评价 单因子污染指数评价 平均值 点位数量占比(%) 样点占比(%) ≤0 0~1 1~2 >2 无污染 尚未污染 轻污染 中污染 重污染 As -0.47 100 0 0 0 100 - 0 0 0 Cd 0.05 30.6 69.4 0 0 98.92 - 0.93 0.15 0 Cr -0.08 78.5 21.5 0 0 98.62 - 1.08 0.15 0.15 Cu -0.013 57.0 43.0 0 0 99.38 - 0.62 0 0 Hg -0.54 95.1 4.80 0.10 0 100 - 0 0 0 Ni -0.03 67.2 32.8 0 0 98.61 - 1.08 0.31 0 Pb -0.23 97.7 2.3 0 0 100 - 0 0 0 Zn -0.07 85.2 14.8 0 0 100 - 0 0 0 P综 - - - - - 94.65 3.8 1.41 0.14 0 表 4 研究区重金属非致癌风险结果
Table 4. Results of non-carcinogenic risk of heavy metals in the study area
评价项目 成人非致癌风险指数(平均值) 儿童非致癌风险指数(平均值) HIing HIder HIinh HI HIing HIder HIinh HI As 2.85×10-2 3.21×10-3 2.59×10-4 3.19×10-2 4.58×10-2 3.91×10-3 6.47×10-5 4.98×10-2 Cd 2.64×10-4 3.97×10-5 1.20×10-5 3.15×10-4 4.24×10-4 4.83×10-5 2.99×10-6 4.75×10-4 Cr 4.08×10-2 6.14×10-3 5.55×10-4 4.75×10-2 6.57×10-2 7.48×10-3 1.39×10-5 7.33×10-2 Cu 1.27×10-3 2.87×10-4 4.51×10-7 1.56×10-3 2.04×10-3 3.49×10-4 1.88×10-7 2.39×10-3 Hg 2.07×10-4 5.56×10-4 9.41×10-8 7.63×10-4 3.33×10-4 8.13×10-4 2.36×10-7 1.15×10-3 Ni 2.95×10-3 2.78×10-4 2.98×10-8 3.53×10-3 4.75×10-3 3.38×10-4 7.45×10-5 5.17×10-3 Pb 8.35×10-3 1.24×10-3 3.80×10-5 9.64×10-3 1.34×10-2 1.52×10-3 9.47×10-6 1.50×10-2 Zn 4.32×10-4 3.25×10-5 2.30×10-7 4.65×10-4 6.95×10-4 3.96×10-5 2.88×10-7 7.35×10-4 THC 8.28×10-2 1.18×10-2 1.16×10-3 9.57×10-2 1.33×10-1 1.45×10-2 2.91×10-4 1.48×10-1 注:HIing、HIder、HIinh分别表示某金属通过经口摄入、皮肤接触摄入、吸入土壤颗粒的非致癌风险指数;HI为某一种重金属的总非致癌风险指数。 表 5 研究区重金属致癌风险评价结果
Table 5. Carcinogenic risk assessment results of heavy metals of the study area
评价项目 成人致癌风险指数(平均值) 儿童致癌风险指数(平均值) CRing CRder CRinh CR CRing CRder CRinh CR As 4.21×10-6 4.76×10-7 1.29×10-12 4.69×10-6 6.78×10-6 5.79×10-7 5.36×10-12 7.36×10-6 Cd 5.29×10-7 1.99×10-9 5.82×10-11 5.31×10-7 8.51×10-7 2.42×10-9 2.42×10-11 8.54×10-7 TCR 4.74×10-6 4.77×10-7 5.95×10-11 5.22×10-6 7.63×10-6 5.82×10-7 2.48×10-11 8.21×10-6 注:CRing、CRder、CRinh分别表示某金属通过经口摄入、皮肤接触摄入、吸入土壤颗粒的致癌风险指数;CR表示某一种重金属的总致癌风险指数。 -
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