In situ LA-ICP-MS Determination of Trace Elements in Magnetite from a Gypsum-Salt Bearing Iron Deposit and Geochemical Characteristics
Abstract:BACKGROUND Gypsum-salt formation affects the oxygen fugacity of ore-forming fluid and changes the fluid composition, and then affects the trace element composition, which plays an important indicator role in the formation of iron ore deposits. Therefore, changes in the elemental composition of magnetite can be used to classify the types of deposits and determine their genesis. Gypsum-salt formation is widely developed in "Pamir-type" iron deposits in Xinjiang and Ningwu iron deposits in the middle and lower part of the Yangtze River. However, the controlling mechanism of gypsum-salt formation is still unclear.
OBJECTIVES In order to investigate the metallogenic process and formation environment of the two types of magnetite, and to discuss the role of gypsum-salt formation in the formation of magnetite deposits.
METHODS In situ LA-ICP-MS were employed to determine trace elements in magnetite. RESULTS: LA-ICP-MS results showed that magnetite in the Ningwu area were mainly rich in Ti and V, indicating that it was closely related to magmatism, while the contents of Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf and other high field strength elements (HFSE) in magnetite in the Tashkurgan magnetite deposit in Xinjiang were depleted. Combined with the discrimination diagram of magnetite types, it was mainly divided into two genetic types: magmatic hydrothermal magnetite and hydrothermal metasomatic skarn magnetite related to marine volcanic activity.
CONCLUSIONS The results show that the gypsum-salt formation changes the oxygen fugacity during the formation of magnetite deposits in the Tashkurgan area, and provides an important source of ore-forming material for mineralization during the formation of porphyrite-type iron ore in the Ningwu area.
Key words:
- gypsum-salt formation /
- magnetite /
- trace elements /
- "Pamir-type" iron deposit /
- Ningwu iron deposit
图 1 新疆塔什库尔干地区铁矿床分布地质简图(修改自张德贤等[21])
Figure 1.
图 6 磁铁矿(Ca+Al+Mn)-(Ti+V)成因分类图解(底图据Dupuis等[27])
Figure 6.
图 7 岩浆型和热液型磁铁矿化学成分区划图(底图据Dare等[4])
Figure 7.
表 1 磁铁矿中微量元素测定时LA-ICP-MS仪器设定参数
Table 1. Machine conditions for LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis of magnetite
激光参数 实验条件 ICP-MS参数 实验条件 激光源 Telydyne Cetac HE Photon Machines Excimer ICP-MS系统 Analytik Jena Plasma Quant MS Elite 波长 193nm 功率 1400W 脉冲宽度 20ns 等离子冷却气(Ar)流速 13.5L/min 激光束 均值化平顶光束 辅助气(He)流速 0.850L/min 脉冲能量 0.01~0.1mJ/pulse 样品传输气(He)流速 0.250L/min 能量密度 2.5J/cm2 样品传输气(Ar)流速 0.90L/min 焦点 表面 扫描模式 峰跳跃模式,1点/峰 光栅扫描速度 5Hz 获取模式 时间分辨率分析 激光束直径 35μm (仪器配置1~180μm) 分析持续时间 70s(20s背景,30s信号,20s冲洗) -
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