Abstract:Geological disasters in China are characterized by multi-point and wide-range distribution, while the manpower and ability of geological disaster risk management and control are relatively limited. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the sequencing work of geological disaster risk, screen out the geological disaster points for priority control and control, and ensure the pertinency and efficiency of the implementation of geological disaster risk management and control countermeasures. The essence of geological hazard risk ranking is to use quantitative risk evaluation to calculate the risk value of each disaster point, and then carry out the ranking work according to the risk value. At present, the quantitative risk assessment model is mostly used in the risk assessment of a single geological disaster point, but is not applied in the risk ranking work of a wide range of geological disasters. Moreover, the model is relatively complex, so it is difficult to popularize and use it. Based on the analysis of the response relationship and law between the collapse-landslide geological disasters and its environmental factors, this paper extracts the main controlling environmental factors and inducing factors of the collapse landslide geological disasters, and establishes the risk evaluation index system of geological disasters together with the vulnerable factors such as population, material and resources. Based on the interaction matrix of rock engineering system (RES) and expert scoring method, the weight of each level of geological hazard risk evaluation index factor is determined, and the geological hazard risk scoring system is constructed. According to the definition of risk assessment, a simple geological hazard risk calculation model which can be quantified quickly is proposed. Taking 98 potential geological hazards in Guizhou province as an example, the model verification and application were carried out by taking 98 potential geological hazards in Guizhou province as examples. The risk ranking results are consistent with the actual risks recognized by the disaster body management agencies, which verify the rationality and effectiveness of the model and greatly improve the ability and efficiency of geological disaster risk management and control.
表 1 地质灾害风险评分体系
Table 1. Geological disaster risk scoring system
因子类型 一级评价因子
(权重)三级分级(权重) 因子类型 一级评价因子
(权重)三级分级(权重) 地质灾害基础地质环境条件因素(易发性评价指标体系) 几何特征参数(16.67) 斜坡高度(31.82) h<50 m(1) 地质灾害诱发因素与后效应参数(发生概率指标体系) 诱发因素参数(32.14) 人类工程活动(50) 无(0) 50 m≤h<100 m(4) 灌溉活动(3) 100 m≤h<150 m(7) 不合理切坡、蓄水(7) h≥150 m(10) 采矿活动、修建隧道(10) 斜坡坡度(31.82) 滑坡:θ<15°、
崩塌:θ<25°(1)降雨(50) <1000 mm(1) 滑坡:15°≤θ<30°、
25°≤θ<50°(4)1000~1200 mm(4) 滑坡:30°≤θ<45°、
50°≤θ<75°(7)1200~1400 mm(7) 滑坡:θ≥45°、
崩塌:θ≥75°(10)>1400 mm(10) 潜在失稳范围方量(36.36) 小型(1) 运动参数(32.14) 灾害体下部是否
有拦挡物(50)挡墙(2) 中型(4) 茂盛高大树木、竹排墙(5) 大型(7) 低矮树木、拦石网(7) 特大型(10) 无(10) 岩土体特征
参数(33.33)岩土体类型(24.48) 土质(10) 失稳后扩展模式(50) 缩减型(1) 碎屑(4) 约束型(3) 岩质(1) 向前(下)推移(5) 斜坡结构类型(21.43) 逆向坡(1) 向后(上)扩展(7) 水平坡(3) 扩大型(10) 灾害发生后效应(35.72) 是否会发生涌浪、堰塞湖等次生灾害(100) 否(0) 是(100) 斜向坡(5) 地质灾害易损性参数(易损性指标体系) 人员易损性(40.62) 威胁人数(100) 无(0) 顺向坡(8) 1-10人(1) 基覆界面坡(10) 11~30 人(3) 控滑结构面倾角(17.35) θ<30°(1) 31~100 人(5) 30°≤θ<50°(4) 101~1000 人(7) 50°≤θ<70°(7) >1000 人(10) θ≥70°(10) 经济易损性(34.38) 威胁房屋(30) 无(0) 岩体结构(18.37) 次块状、块状、
整体结构(1)1~10 间(1) 碎块状、镶嵌、
松弛结构(6)11~20 间(3) 松动、散体、
碎裂结构(10)21~50 间(5) 工程岩组(18.37) 坚硬岩(1) 51~100 间(7) 中等坚硬岩(3) >100 间(10) 软弱岩体(7) 威胁道路(30) 无(0) 松散体(10) 乡道(3) 灾害体状态
参数(50)地表变形强度(40) 地表未发现明显
变形破坏现象(1)县道(5) 地表产生少量裂缝,
未贯穿坡体(4)省道(7) 地表产生大量张拉
裂缝,圈闭等(10)国道(10) 防灾工程(16.37) 开展防灾教育,
开展工程治理(0)是否有大型工厂(40) 无(0) 进行多类型地质
灾害监测(3)有(10) 开展防灾教育,
树立警示牌(7)资源易损性(25) 主要威胁对象(100) 学校、医院(10) 无任何防灾工程(10) 旅游区(9) 变形阶段(43.63) 稳定阶段(1) 工厂(7) 蠕滑阶段(3) 居民地(5) 加速阶段(7) 道路(3) 临滑阶段(10) 土地(1) 表 2 风险指标值
Table 2. Risk indicator values
序号 隐患点名称 易发性值 危险性值 易损值 风险值 1 马路组崩塌 0.656 0.359 0.810 0.291 2 小偏坡滑坡 0.591 0.352 0.777 0.273 3 园林组滑坡 0.557 0.304 0.864 0.263 4 松树坡组滑坡 0.594 0.353 0.714 0.252 5 丫口组崩塌 0.609 0.333 0.714 0.238 6 岩脚组滑坡 0.534 0.249 0.886 0.221 7 金竹组滑坡 0.590 0.322 0.681 0.219 8 苦瓜地崩塌 0.455 0.249 0.809 0.201 9 马路组崩塌 0.656 0.359 0.810 0.291 10 大偏坡滑坡 0.591 0.352 0.777 0.273 18 杨莫洞崩塌 0.719 0.358 0.407 0.146 24 两河口滑坡 0.461 0.156 0.867 0.135 38 椒子坪崩塌 0.623 0.170 0.659 0.112 67 偏坡组滑坡 0.709 0.624 0.168 0.105 表 3 前五处隐患点信息详情
Table 3. Information summary of the first five disasters
序号 隐患点名称 隐患点特征 1 马路组崩塌 总体积约4.26×106 m3,组成物质为砂页岩及松散第四系黏土。坡体结构面发育,坡表浅层岩体为碎裂结构,坡内一定深度岩体为镶嵌-碎裂结。坡顶出现拉张裂缝、塌陷、坡表垮塌、坡顶树木倾倒歪斜等。地下采矿引起;威胁599人、潜在受威胁财产约8 500万元;欠稳定状态 2 小偏坡滑坡 总体积约9.22×106 m3,斜坡结构呈上陡下缓形态,组成物质为泥岩、泥质粉砂岩,岩体节理裂隙发育,岩体破碎。变形破坏特征主要以山顶多条宽约1 m裂缝和坡体中部危岩体为主。地下采矿引起;威胁156人、潜在威胁资产约8 000万元;欠稳定状态 3 园林组滑坡 总体积约1.20×106 m3,斜坡物质组成以崩坡积泥岩、泥质灰岩、砂岩块碎石土为主,基岩节理裂隙发育呈层状碎裂结构或镶嵌碎裂结构,主要受产状为298°∠85°及缓倾坡内产状为34°∠12°的层面两组裂隙控制。滑坡后缘已产生两条长度近100 m的平行于斜坡走向的主控裂缝。地下采矿活动引起;威胁295人、固定资产约千万元以上;欠稳定状态 4 松树坡组滑坡 总体积约0.45×106 m3,主要为三叠系下统飞仙关组泥质粉砂岩为主,结构面发育,发育3组结构面:J1:332°∠71°;J2:65°∠69°;J3:13°∠67°,较破碎。滑坡后缘有多条宽约0.5~1 m,长约20~30 m的裂缝。地下采煤活动引起;威胁476人、固定资产约4 500万元;欠稳定状态 5 丫口组崩塌 总体积约7.42×106 m3,崩塌方向225°,组成物质为砂页岩及松散第四系黏土。发育三组优势结构面(C: 162°∠18°、J1: 333°∠89°、J2: 247°∠82°)。坡体结构面发育,坡表浅层岩体为碎裂结构,坡内一定深度岩体为镶嵌-碎裂结构。崩塌体后缘发现多条地裂缝,崩塌体前缘发生崩塌,崩塌堆积物分布于坡脚,呈倒扇形分布,地下采煤活动引起;威胁469人、潜在受威胁财产约3 700万元;欠稳定状态 -
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