Advances in researches on ammonia, nitrite and nitrate on migration and transformation in the groundwater level fluctuation zone
Abstract:Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are typical pollutants in shallow groundwater and in the vadose zone, and their migration and transformation processes are highly concerned. In recent years, new studies have focused on the three-nitrogen in the groundwater level fluctuation zone. This paper comprehensively uses the literature measurement analysis method to quantitatively analyze the related research trends, and systematically summaries the latest research results of the formation and characteristics of the groundwater level fluctuation zone, the migration and transformation process of the three-nitrogen and their biogeochemical processes in the fluctuation zone. The results show that environmental indicators such as soil moisture content, redox potential, contents of dissolved oxygen and organic matter in the groundwater level fluctuation zone have remarkable zoning rules, and the microbial community structure and functional genes are more diversified with obvious layers. As the groundwater levels fluctuate, the three-nitrogen in the vadose zone is easy to leach into the groundwater and migrate. As the groundwater levels rise, nitrification weakens, denitrification enhances, and as the groundwater levels drop, nitrification enhances, and denitrification weakens. Finally, this paper prospects the research hotspots and directions in the future: (1) the groundwater chemical evolution analysis is combined with the high-throughput sequencing method of molecular biology to explore the three-nitrogen transformation and microbial action mechanism in the groundwater level fluctuation zone. (2) In addition to nitrification and denitrification, the researches on dissimilation reduction, assimilation reduction and anaerobic ammonia oxidation processes are increased. (3) The groundwater level fluctuation process with more scenarios and influencing factors are analyzed, and the key influencing factors of the three nitrogen transformation in the groundwater level fluctuation zone are identified.
图 1 氮循环过程及其关键微生物功能基因[10]
Figure 1.
表 1 参与三氮转化的主要功能基因信息
Table 1. Main functional gene information of the three-nitrogen transformation
基因代号 基因全称(KEGG数据库直系同源蛋白编码) 主要作用 具体参与过程 参考文献 AOA/AOB -amoA 氨单加氧酶基因(K10944、K10945) 硝化作用 将 氧化为 NH2OH
[29, 46] hao 羟胺氧化还原酶基因(K10535) 硝化作用 将NH2OH 氧化为 [10, 47] nxrA/B 亚硝酸盐氧化还原酶基因(K00370、K00371) 硝化作用 将 氧化为
[10] narG 硝酸盐还原酶基因(K00370) 反硝化作用 将 还原为
[29] nirK/nirS 亚硝酸盐还原酶基因(K00368、K15864) 反硝化作用 将 还原为NO
[11, 29, 46] norB/norC 一氧化氮还原酶基因(K04561、K02305) 反硝化作用 将NO还原为 N2O [11] nosZ 氧化亚氮还原酶基因(K00376) 反硝化作用 将N2O还原为 N2 [11, 34] nasA/nasB、narB 硝酸盐同化还原酶(K00372、K00360、K00367) 同化还原作用 将 还原为
[18] nirA 亚硝酸盐同化还原酶基因(K00366) 同化还原作用 将 还原为
[10] napA/napB 硝酸盐异化还原酶基因(K02567、K02568) 异化还原作用 将 还原为
[11] nrfA/nrfH,nirB/nirD 亚硝酸盐异化还原酶基因(K03385、K15876、K00362、K00363) 异化还原作用 将 还原为
[10-11] -
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