A dynamic analysis of groundwater levels in a large fractured-karst groundwater wellfield in Henan
青多水源地岩溶地下水是济源市的主要供水水源,研究其地下水位动态变化特征及影响因素对地下水资源合理开发及生态环境保护意义重大,探明蟒河口水库是否补给水源地对城市安全供水具有重要意义。依托河南某大型裂隙岩溶水源地多年逐月(1994年6月—2019年12月)地下水位动态监测资料,对不同阶段、不同时段的地下水位动态进行分析,采用逐步回归分析方法定量确定水源地地下水位动态的影响因素,建立水位动态预测的逐步回归方程。结果表明:①第一阶段(蟒河口水库蓄水前),水源地地下水位主要受降水和开采影响。其中,第1时段(1994年6月—2005年12月),水源地开采量约2×104 m3/d,地下水位主要受降水量影响,开采量影响较小;第2时段(2006年1月—2014年8月),水源地开采量由2.2×104 m3/d逐渐增大到约6.5×104 m3/d,地下水位受开采和降水双重因素影响,总体呈现下降趋势。②第二阶段(蟒河口水库蓄水后),水源地开采量由2014年8月的6.5×104 m3/d增大到2019年6月的8.8×104 m3/d,岩溶地下水位不降反升,其水位主要受蟒河口水库蓄水和降水影响,开采量影响甚微。在不考虑蟒河口水库蓄水影响的情况下,应用建立的逐步回归方程对水源地地下水位进行预测,蟒河口水库蓄水后实测的水源地地下水位高于预测水位,并从水源地水文地质条件、蟒河口水库蓄水水位、水质特征等方面论证了蟒河口水库的补给效果。本研究可为水源地地下水资源评价、水资源可持续利用和管理提供科学依据,也可为类似地区地下水动态研究提供参考。
Abstract:Karst groundwater near the Qingduo wellfield is the main water supply source for the city of Jiyuan. It is of great significance to study the dynamic change characteristics of groundwater levels and the influencing factors for the rational development of groundwater resources and the protection of ecological environment. It is also of great significance to explore whether the Manghekou Reservoir is a recharge source area for the safe water supply of the city. In order to verify the replenishment effect of the groundwater after the impoundment of the Manghekou Reservoir, based on the monthly groundwater level data (from June, 1994 to December, 2019) of a large-scale fractured karst groundwater wellfield in Henan, the groundwater level dynamics at different stages and periods are analyzed. The step wise regression analysis is used to quantitatively determine the influencing factors of groundwater level dynamics in the wellfield and a stepwise regression equation for the dynamic prediction of groundwater levels is established. The results show that (1) in the first stage (before the impoundment of the Manghekou Reservoir), the groundwater levels near the wellfield are mainly affected by precipitation and mining. In the first period (from June, 1994 to December, 2005), the extraction rate of the wellfield was about 20000 m3/d, and the groundwater levels were mainly affected by precipitation. In the second period (from January, 2006 to August, 2014), the extraction rate of the wellfield was increased from 22000 m3/d to about 65000 m3/d, the groundwater levels were affected by the dual factors of precipitation and mining, showing an decreasing
Key words:
- wellfield /
- extraction rate /
- groundwater level /
- Manghekou Reservoir /
- stepwise regression analysis
表 1 水库蓄水后逐步回归方程
Table 1. Stepwise regression equations after reservoir impoundment
考虑因素 F 逐步回归方程 R Qi、Pi−4、Pi−3、Pi−2、Pi−1、Pi、
Wi−4、Wi−3、Wi−2、Wi−1、Wi6 Hi=151.2888+0.0039Wi−2 0.5955 5-3 Hi=150.8106+0.0044Wi−2+0.0057Pi−1 0.6357 2 Hi=146.1874+0.0021Wi−2+0.0055Pi−1+0.0034Wi−4+0.0061Pi−2+0.0076Pi−3+0.4867Qi 0.7466 Qi、Pi−4、Pi−3、Pi−2、Pi−1、Pi、
Wi−4、Wi−3、Wi−2、Wi−1、Wi、Hi−129 Hi=24.5796+0.8389Hi−1 0.8566 4-28 Hi=28.1424+0.8125Hi−1+0.0020Wi 0.9049 3 Hi=27.4279+0.8167Hi−1+0.0015Wi+0.0029Pi−2 0.9099 2 Hi=34.6817+0.7666Hi−1+0.0039Pi−2+0.0051Pi−1+0.0014Wi−2 0.9183 表 2 蟒河口水库蓄水期间水源地实测水位与不考虑蟒河口水库蓄水预测水位差值
Table 2. Differences between the measured groundwater levels near the wellfield during the impoundment period of the Manghekou Reservoir and the predicted groundwater levels without considering the impoundment of the Manghekou Reservoir
/m 年份 2014 2016 2017 2018 2019 最大 3.10 1.80 2.55 1.46 2.51 最小 0.29 0.39 0.89 0.61 0.21 平均 1.00 1.16 1.57 0.86 1.05 表 3 蟒河口水库与青多水源地水质分析对比表
Table 3. Comparison of hydrochemical analyses between the Manghekou Reservoir and the Qingduo wellfield
水样 取样时间 K+ Na+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl− 总硬度 溶解性总固体 水化学类型 /(mg·L−1) 蟒河口水库 2018年3月 1.5 2.7 79.3 37.1 6.8 103.3 250.8 352.9 420.4 HCO3·SO4—Ca·Mg 青多水源地 2018年4月 1.2 15.7 98.4 47.4 24.5 147.5 304.5 440.5 550.3 HCO3·SO4—Ca·Mg -
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