An analysis of direct shear test results of sand - gravel mixture based on the discrete element method
Abstract:Sand-gravel mixture is composed of materials with very different mechanical properties and structures, and the remolded strata composed of the sand-gravel mixture are prone to collapse and other problems. Therefore, the research on the mechanical properties of sand-gravel mixture is an urgent problem to be solved. The shape of gravel is an important attribute parameter in the study of the mechanical properties of sand and gravel. Description of gravel with regular graphics cannot reflect its real mechanical properties. In this paper, the gravel database constructed by digital image processing technology can reflect the true shape of gravel and analyse the specific shape parameters. The particle size distribution of the sand-gravel mixture is wide, and the characteristic particle size cannot be used to describe the overall particle size distribution. In this study, combined with the fractal theory, a double fractal model of the sand-gravel mixture is constructed, and the gradation distribution curve is inversed by the particle size fractal dimension value. Taking into account the discrete characteristics of the sand-gravel mixture, the discrete element software is used to carry out the numerical simulation of the direct shear test and analyse the mesostructure. The results indicate that the sand-gravel mixture generally has two particle size fractal dimensions: the coarse sand particle size fractal dimension value and the gravel particle size fractal dimension value. The closer the fractal dimension of sand and gravel particle size is, the greater the shear strength and internal friction angle. When the values are equal, the sand-gravel mixture has 1-D fractal dimension, at this time the uniformity is the best, the shear strength and internal friction angle are the largest. The axial coefficient is an important parameter to describe the shape of gravel. With the increasing axial coefficient, the gravel shows obvious needle-like properties. In the direct shear test, the anti-rotation ability is enhanced and the amount of surrounding contact is increased, leading to the continuous increase of shear stress and internal friction angle.
表 1 基于离散元模拟的直剪试验主要计算参数
Table 1. Main computational parameters in DEM simulation of direct shear
计算参数 砂 砾石 法向刚度kn/( )
5×108 5×109 切向刚度ks/( )
2×108 2×109 摩擦系数 0.5 0.9 粒径/mm 0.5~5.0 >5.0 表 2 不同砾石粒度分维值在直剪试验中获取的相关参数
Table 2. Correlation parameters of fractal dimension of different gravel sizes obtained in the direct shear test
砾石粒度分维值 100 kPa 200 kPa 300 kPa 内摩擦角/(°) 2.45 68.57 144.84 196.07 34.06 2.50 65.22 147.33 209.97 35.26 2.55 69.56 150.10 220.05 36.34 2.60 65.22 123.23 210.78 33.99 2.65 64.84 112.112 195.48 32.02 表 3 不同砂粒度分维值在直剪试验中获取的相关参数
Table 3. Relevant parameters obtained in the direct shear test of the fractal dimension of different sand particle sizes
砂粒度分维值 100 kPa 200 kPa 300 kPa 内摩擦角/(°) 2.45 65.22 143.75 175.31 32.11 2.50 66.09 150.45 202.75 34.86 2.55 69.57 150.10 220.05 36.34 2.60 68.70 135.24 203.53 34.15 2.65 64.44 134.01 170.99 31.13 表 4 不同轴向系数在直剪试验中获取的强度参数
Table 4. Strength parameters obtained in direct shear test with different axial coefficients
主要参数 轴向系数 S=1.0 S =1.4 S =1.8 100 kPa 65.31 68.91 83.95 200 kPa 127.39 128.25 143.04 300 kPa 174.61 184.58 211.15 400 kPa 235.34 251.42 292.50 内摩擦角/(°) 30.76 32.14 35.92 相关系数R2 0.9919 0.9968 0.9925 表 5 不同轴向系数下砾石接触数量和旋转角度
Table 5. Gravel contact number and rotation angle under different axial coefficients
轴向系数 砾石接触数量 砾石平均旋转角度/(°) 1.0 1581 9.43 1.4 1656 8.70 1.8 1742 6.42 -
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