Discussion on ecological water level threshold of groundwater in Baoding Plain area
地下水具有重要的生态价值,地下水生态系统中的地下水位、水质和包气带含水率与含盐量的变化驱动着表生生态格局的演变,但目前对各变量的生态阈值研究尚处于起步阶段,理论与方法体系还不完善。以保定平原区为例,采用地下水位及地下水生态环境的历史回归法、GIS法、差分网格计算法等方法,从时空角度分析了地下水位变化的驱动力以及生态效应,在此基础上确定不同水文地质单元的生态水位阈值。研究表明:(1)20世纪50—60年代,研究区依赖于地下水的生态格局基本维持着天然状态;1959—2000年,地下水位持续下降,局部地段出现降落漏斗;2000—2008年,地下水位骤降,降落漏斗迅速扩张,地下水与地表水补排关系发生变异;2008年至今,部分区域地下水位逐渐上升。(2)研究区内山前地带地下水生态水位埋深为10~15 m,拒马河冲洪积扇群与漕河—瀑河冲洪积扇群为5~10 m,唐河—大沙河冲洪积扇群为3~5 m,冲积平原中定州—望都范围为3~5 m,保定市为10~15 m,其余均为5~10 m,冲湖积平原环淀区域小于3 m。(3)以确定的地下水生态水位为标准,初步估算研究区现状地下水位恢复至生态水位的需水量为57.14×108 m3。研究成果对恢复当地地下水生态环境格局有重要意义,对华北平原地下水生态水位的确定也具有借鉴意义。
Abstract:Groundwater is of important ecological value. The changes in groundwater level, water quality, water content and salt content in the unsaturated zone in groundwater ecosystems drive the evolution of supergene ecological pattern. So far, the research on the ecological threshold of each variable is still at the starting stage, and the theoretical and methodological system is not perfect. In this study the Baoding Plain is taken as an example, and the driving force and ecological effect of groundwater level changes are analyzed from the perspective of time and space by using the historical regression method, GIS method and difference grid calculation method of groundwater levels and groundwater ecological environments. On this basis, the ecological water level thresholds of different hydrogeological units are determined. The results show that: (1) In the 1950s-60s, the ecological pattern of the study area depending on groundwater basically maintained a natural state; from 1959 to 2000, the groundwater levels continued to decline, and the groundwater depression cones appeared in some areas. From 2000 to 2008, the groundwater levels dropped sharply, the groundwater depression cones expanded rapidly, and the recharge and discharge relationship between groundwater and surface water changed. Since 2008, groundwater levels have gradually increased in some regions. (2) The depth of groundwater ecological water level in the piedmont zone of the study area is 10–15 m deep, the Juma River alluvial fan group and Cao River-Pu River alluvial fan group are 5–10 m, the Tang-Dasha River alluvial fan group is 3–5 m, the Dingzhou-Wangdu area in the alluvial plain is 3–5 m, the city of Baoding is about 10–15 m, and the rest are 5–10 m. The area around the alluvial lacustrine plain is less than 3 m. (3) Taking the determined ecological groundwater level as the standard, it is preliminarily estimated that the water demand for restoring the current groundwater level to the ecological water level in the study area is 57.14×108 m3. The research results are of important significance for restoring the local groundwater ecological environment pattern and for determining the ecological groundwater level in the North China Plain.
Key words:
- groundwater /
- ecosystem /
- driving force /
- ecological groundwater level /
- Baoding Plain area
图 2 研究区2—2’水文地质剖面图(据文献[28]修改)
Figure 2.
表 1 浅层地下水生态补水量计算结果
Table 1. Calculation results of ecological recharge of shallow groundwater
水文地质单元 计算面积
/m给水度 地下水生态补水量
/(108 m3)山前冲洪积平原(I) 拒马河冲洪积扇群(I1) 1 455.56 20.90 26.40 5.50 0.09 2.37 漕河—瀑河冲洪积扇群(I2) 1 250.32 10.10 26.20 16.10 0.09 5.50 唐河—大沙河冲洪积扇群(I3) 3 092.90 14.70 38.10 23.40 0.12 28.00 冲积平原+冲湖积平原(II) 4 790.33 −7.80 9.40 17.20 0.08 21.26 -
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