A calculation method of earth pressure on sheeting between two piles considering soil arching effect and intermediate principal stress
的实用计算方法。结合工程实例,将计算结果与已有相关研究成果和现行规范确定的土压力进行了对比分析。结果表明,采用该方法,不同中主应力系数b值条件下,计算所得总主动土压力约为经典朗肯理论土压力的1/3~1/2,与实测土压力分布规律基本吻合。研究成果对桩板支挡结构的优化设计、降低工程造价,具有重要理论指导意义和工程实用价值。${\varphi _{\text{t}}}$ Abstract:The classical theories of earth pressure are based on the M-C strength criterion, which do not consider the influence of soil arching effect and intermediate principal stress on earth pressure, so the theoretical earth pressures are significantly larger than the actual values. In this respect, the existing research results also cannot consider the impact of both. In order to consider the comprehensive effect of soil arching effect, intermediate principal stress and soil cohesion on the earth pressure on the sheeting between two piles, the unified strength theory is used to analyze the strength of soil arching between piles, and a new method for calculating the earth pressure on the sheeting between piles is derived. In addition, based on the relationship between the Lode parameters and strain types, a practical calculation method of the unified strength index
is proposed. Finally, combined with an engineering example, the calculated results are compared with the existing research results and the earth pressure determined by using the current code. The results indicate that the total active earth pressure calculated with this method is about 1/3~1/2 of that calculated by the traditional Rankine theory under the condition of different b values, and it is in accordance with the distribution law of the measured earth pressure. The research results are of important theoretical significance and practical value for the optimal design of pile-sheet retaining and the reduction of engineering cost.${\varphi _{\text{t}}}$ -
表 1 土层主要物理力学参数
Table 1. Main physical and mechanical parameters of different soil layers
序号 土层名称 土层
角/(°)① 杂填土 3.26 18.5 6.0 13.0 ② 含碎石粉质黏土 5.50 19.5 22.0 17.0 ③1 松散碎石 2.00 20.0 8.0 22.0 ③2 稍密碎石 4.00 20.5 5.0 25.0 ④1 稍密卵石 4.50 21.0 − 28.0 ④2 中密卵石 0.74 21.5 − 32.0 表 2 不同方法计算所得挡板总主动土压力
Table 2. Total active earth pressure of baffle calculated with different methods
计算方法 总主动土压力/(kN·m−1) 朗肯理论 1038.46 文献[4]方法 808.37 本文方法(b = 0) 537.62 本文方法(b = 0.25) 479.69 本文方法(b = 0.5) 438.62 本文方法(b = 0.75) 407.97 本文方法(b = 1.0) 384.19 -
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