地热井与周围热储层的传热过程对地热井产热性能研究有重要意义。由于实际工程中在地热井周边布置测点较难,无法获取地热井周围热储层的参数变化,进而为地热热储模拟结果提供验证,故以往大多地热热储模拟仅将地热井作为源项处理,未考虑地热流体和储层的耦合流动换热。实验室条件下的模拟试验方便布置测点,可为热储-井筒耦合流动传热模型提供试验验证,其中如何实现实验室尺度下有温度梯度的模拟地层是试验研究的关键,目前尚未有类似研究。基于传热学基本原理,研究了实验室条件下有较高温度梯度多孔地层的快速实现方法,通过确定模拟热储层和热储盖层几何尺寸、优选填充多孔介质和实现恒定温度的模拟热储层,设计了一套实验室尺度下有高温度梯度的模拟地层系统,通过分层加热与边界动态热补偿方法,较快实现了热储层温度分别为60 ,65,70 °C下模拟地层的线性温度分布,采用有限体积法得到的数值模拟与试验结果的相对误差在±2.5%范围内,二者吻合较好。文章设计搭建的模拟地层系统可为开展地热井筒-热储耦合模拟试验提供条件,进而为开发的地热热储-井筒耦合传热数值软件提供试验验证。
Abstract:The heat exchange between geothermal wells and surrounding formations is important to the heat production of geothermal wells. Due to the difficulty in arranging measurement points around geothermal wells in real engineering, it is hard to verify the results of geothermal reservoir modelling, thereby verify the modelling results. Therefore, geothermal wells are only considered as source/sink in most of the previous geothermal reservoir modeling, and the coupled flow and heat transfer between the geothermal fluid and the reservoir is not considered. In contrast, lab-scale experiments are convenient to arrange the measurement points, and the experimental results can verify the coupled geothermal reservoir-wellbore numerical model. However, how to achieve the lab-scale formations with geotemperature gradients is the key issue, and there are no similar studies yet. In this paper, based on the basic principles of heat transfer, a lab-scale simulated formation with high geotemperature gradient is quickly achieved. By determining the geometric size of the simulated geothermal reservoir and caprock, selecting the filled porous media and a simulated reservoir with constant temperature, a simulated formation with high geotemperature gradient is designed. Through the layered heating and boundary dynamic thermal supplementation method, the linear temperature distribution of the simulated formation at the reservoir temperature of 60 °C, 65 °C and 70 °C, respectively, are achieved. The relative error between the numerical simulation obtained by the finite volume method and the experimental results is within the range of ±2.5%, indicating that the simulated and experimental results are in good agreement, which can provide experimental conditions for the coupled reservoir - wellbore heat transfer experiment. The simulated formation system designed and established in this paper can provide experimental conditions for the reservoir-wellbore heat transfer experiment, and then verify the developing numerical software of coupling the reservoir-wellbore flow and heat transfer.
Key words:
- lab-scale /
- geothermal reservoir /
- reservoir caprock /
- layered heating /
- high geotemperature gradient
表 1 方解石砂砾热物性参数
Table 1. Thermophysical properties of calcite particles
参数 密度/(kg·m−3) 孔隙度 比热容/(J·kg−1·°C−1) 导热系数/(W·m−1·K−1) 数值 2 574 0.45 1 230~1 280 1.6~2.2 -
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