Lithospheric thermo-rheological structure of the Huangshadong geothermal field in Huizhou of Guangdong and its heat-sources implications
岩石圈热-流变结构研究是揭示岩石圈范围内热状态的有效手段,开展地热异常区的岩石圈热-流变结构研究可以对热源贡献进行有效约束。东南沿海地区是我国地热资源重要分布区,地表出露大量天然温泉,地热钻探揭露深部具有较高的地温梯度,然而关于其热源机制尚未有定论,且深部是否赋存干热岩资源亦不清楚。以广东惠州黄沙洞地热田为研究对象,分析岩石圈尺度温度分布和流变强度,探讨黄沙洞地热田的热源构成,分析浅部水热系统的热影响,并对干热岩资源前景进行分析。结果表明:(1)黄沙洞地热田水热活动影响下地表热通量为130.3 mW/m2,地壳热流与地幔热流值相近,表现为温壳温幔型岩石圈热结构,此外,构造活动相关热流达到了30.5~60.3 mW/m2;(2)岩石圈流变结构显示中地壳存在韧性流变层,上地壳与下地壳以脆性破裂为主,下地壳与地幔表现出流变结构耦合,为相对稳固的地壳底界;(3)黄沙洞地热田的热源以地壳构造活动产生的热源为主,地幔热源和放射性生热是主要的热源组成部分,构造热作用的主要方式包括区域深断裂的热聚敛和水热系统循环换热,两者可能通过“接力式”热传递携带热量至浅表;(4)区域深断裂的热聚敛在构造热作用中的占比是影响干热岩资源前景的关键因素。本项研究可为后续东南沿海同类型地区的干热岩资源勘查与靶区选址提供参考。
Abstract:The thermo-rheological structure of the lithosphere is an effective method to reveal the thermal state within the lithosphere. Studies of the thermo-rheological structure of the lithosphere in geothermal anomaly areas can effectively constrain the contribution of heat sources. The southeastern China is an important distribution region for geothermal resources, with a large number of natural hot springs emerging on the land surface. Boreholes in this region have identified high geothermal gradients at depth. However, the mechanism of the heat sources is still controversial, and whether the hot dry rock resources exists is not clear. In this study, we take the Huangshadong geothermal field in Huizhou of Guangdong as the research target. We analyze the temperature distribution and rheological strength of the lithosphere, discuss the heat sources of the Huangshadong geothermal field, examine the thermal influence of shallow hydrothermal systems, and predict the prospects of dry hot rock resources. The results show that the heat flux under the influence of hydrothermal systems in the Huangshadong geothermal field is 130.3 mW/m2, and the crustal heat flow is similar to the mantle heat flow, showing a warm-crust-warm-mantle lithospheric thermal structure. In addition, the structural heat flux reaches 30.5–60.3 mW/m2. The rheological structure of the lithosphere shows that the middle crust has a ductile rheological layer, the upper crust and the lower crust are mainly controlled by brittle failure, and the lower crust and the lithosphere mantle show coupling in the rheological structure, which indicates a relatively stable crustal bottom boundary. The heat sources of the Huangshadong geothermal field is dominated by the tectonic heat source, and the mantle heat source and radiogenic heat production are the main heat source components. The main parts of tectonic heat source include the heat accumulation in regional deep faults and cyclic heat transfer in hydrothermal systems, both of which may carry heat to the surface through “relay” heat transfer. The proportion of heat accumulation of regional deep faults in the tectonic heat source is the key factor affecting the prospects of dry hot rock resources.
Key words:
- thermal-rheological structure /
- heat source /
- Huangshadong /
- hot dry rock /
- heat flow
图 1 黄沙洞地热田地质构造简图(大地构造位置简图修改自文献[39])
Figure 1.
表 1 惠州及周边区域不同岩性放射性生热率统计表
Table 1. Radiogenic heat production of different rock types in Huizhou and surrounding area
编号 岩性 CK
/(μW∙m−3)CHA026D 砂岩 1.97 28.00 4.95 2.49 3.13 CHA036D 3.22 13.80 3.01 2.43 1.83 CHA058D 6.08 24.40 5.34 2.26 3.04 CHA038D 0.22 1.27 0.47 2.44 0.21 CHA040D 5.58 19.45 3.56 2.48 2.56 CHB092D 4.34 18.90 3.09 2.53 2.35 CHB156D 5.64 22.10 4.14 2.24 2.59 CHA044D 2.41 28.60 1.39 2.47 2.34 CHB107D 1.60 7.91 2.24 2.41 1.14 CHB114D 4.57 17.70 4.68 2.05 2.17 CHA049D 3.27 33.80 3.19 2.48 3.18 CHB185D 1.28 11.45 2.13 2.55 1.38 HZB05D* 2.92 10.80 2.14 2.39 1.39 HZB056D* 2.75 19.90 4.15 2.48 2.48 HZB065D* 4.58 25.60 3.83 2.21 2.61 HZB072D* 3.69 16.25 4.90 2.20 2.22 HZB093D* 1.05 10.80 1.85 2.29 1.12 CHB098D 花岗
岩类3.00 10.15 3.56 2.53 1.78 CHB196D 4.74 29.60 5.71 2.67 3.92 CHA006D 5.43 31.80 6.60 2.66 4.34 CHB110D 4.23 68.30 22.70 2.62 10.63 CHB164D 4.60 55.60 24.10 2.59 10.04 CHB127D 5.42 35.60 7.33 2.45 4.40 CHB068D 4.13 16.05 3.22 2.58 2.22 CHB130D 6.75 39.70 11.35 2.58 6.02 CHB176D 5.35 46.30 9.09 2.58 5.77 CHA047D 3.87 19.45 5.79 2.37 2.81 CHB126D 5.91 33.30 5.53 2.54 4.02 CHB063D 4.72 46.50 21.40 2.57 8.72 CHB048D 4.81 41.20 11.55 2.54 5.90 CHB060D 5.70 14.70 2.89 2.68 2.28 CHB049D 4.37 25.00 29.30 2.61 9.35 CHB029D 5.43 37.70 14.90 2.62 6.74 CHB102D 5.19 67.50 15.30 2.47 8.31 CHB171D 4.90 55.40 11.90 2.66 7.24 CHB100D 4.41 81.70 20.90 2.60 11.01 CHA018D 4.60 31.30 11.35 2.54 5.19 CHB101D 4.70 61.20 17.05 2.62 8.79 CHB088D 5.11 41.90 7.20 2.46 4.76 CHB193D 5.28 49.60 8.42 2.68 6.04 CHA004D 3.89 20.10 4.29 2.67 2.83 CHB037D 6.06 25.30 4.59 2.59 3.36 HZB032D* 4.58 30.90 16.35 2.32 5.82 HZB036D* 3.30 31.40 7.81 2.24 3.72 HZB075D* 0.30 51.10 13.80 2.24 5.90 HZB086D* 4.62 37.00 14.25 2.34 5.77 HZB098D* 3.89 28.90 6.83 2.15 3.28 HZB017D* 页岩 5.15 20.00 3.78 2.36 2.48 HZB023D* 2.06 15.35 1.39 2.40 1.43 HZB043D-1* 2.80 16.25 3.32 1.93 1.60 HZB043D-2* 3.59 20.80 4.83 2.15 2.40 注:*样品数据来自闫晓雪[28]。 表 2 惠热1井钻孔岩心热物性参数统计特征值[28]
Table 2. Thermal properties of cores from HR1 in the Huangshadong geothermal field
编号 深度/m 岩性 测量热导率
/(μW∙m−3)HR-1 273 砂岩 3.53 3.45 1.79 HR-2 276 砂岩 6.157 5.99 3.21 HR-3 427 砂岩 7.294 6.97 2.09 HR-4 655 砂岩 2.778 2.69 2.71 HR-5 968 砂岩 2.778 2.64 1.29 HR-6 1262 砂岩 5.197 4.58 2.09 HR-7 1568 花岗岩类 1.697 1.64 4.39 HR-8 1832 花岗岩类 6.778 5.73 6.69 HR-9 2005 花岗岩类 4.361 3.72 4.52 HR-10 2383 花岗岩类 1.937 1.93 7.31 HR-11 2704 花岗岩类 5.311 5.30 7.46 HR-12 3005 花岗岩类 5.87 表 3 惠热1井及周边岩石中各矿物组成质量占比
Table 3. Mineral composition of different rock types in HR1 and the surrounding area
编号 质量分数/% 钾长石 钠长石 石英 方解石 云母 黏土矿物 HR-1* 2 47 51 HR-2* 2 2 5 1 51 39 HR-3* 7 62 22 9 HR-4* 14 19 37 30 HR-5* 26 44 HR-6* 49 19 32 HR-7* 64 13 2 20 1 HR-8* 54 34 8 4 HR-9* 8 5 46 HR-10* 34 41 20 5 HR-11* 39 42 15 4 HR-12* 38 35 24 3 CHA004D 13.5 32.6 47.4 6.5 CHA006D 17.8 22.9 45.7 13.6 CHB028D 100 CHB037D 21.7 27.3 51 CHB045D 100 CHB088D 16.2 18.9 64.9 CHB102D 24.7 26.7 48.5 CHB126D 20.3 18.8 52.1 8.8 CHB164D 16.3 33.1 50.6 CHB176D 16.5 31.6 38.9 13 CHB193D 19.6 26.5 44.5 9.4 注:*样品数据来自闫晓雪[28];表中空白表示无此项或未测,其余表中空白同此解释。 表 4 黄沙洞地热田岩石圈分层结构及热物性
Table 4. Lithospheric layered structure and relative radiogenic heat production and thermal conductivity in Huangshadong geothermal field
/ (mW∙m−2)岩石圈分层/km 放射性生热率
70(稳定区)上地壳 0~3 4.27 3.92 >3~10 4.27exp(−z/D) 3.06 中地壳 (>10~20) 0.80 2.70 下地壳 (>20~32) 0.03 3.00 岩石圈地幔 (>32) 0.03 3.40 表 5 黄沙洞地热田岩石圈热结构及深部温度
Table 5. Lithospheric thermal structure and deep temperature in Huangshadong geothermal field
热结构 水热活动区
/(mW∙m−2)地表热流 130.30 70.00 地壳热流 38.26 38.26 地幔热流 31.74 31.74 构造热流 60.30 地壳热流/地幔热流 1.2 1.2 地壳深部
温度/°C地壳底界温度 1091.4 442.7 10 km处温度 362.2 178.2 20 km处温度 722.3 314.9 30 km处温度 1030.0 421.6 -
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