Simulation of debris flow head movement process in mountainous area based on FLOW-3D
Abstract:On October 3rd, 2020, a sudden rainstorm in Li County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province. resulted in the outbreak of debris flow in Erjingli gully, which caused severe damage to the highway at the mouth of the gully and blocked the river. To explore the characteristics of the process of debris flow head movement, Erjingli gully was selected as the research object. Through investigation and analysis, the characteristics of the gully source distribution, scale, and morphology were obtained, and the FLOW-3D numerical simulation method was used to analyze the movement characteristics of the debris flow. The different characteristics of the debris flow movement process can be divided into four phases: provenance collection, movement feature mutation, sustainable development and sediment accumulation. It has been proved that the accuracy of this simulation reaches 88.98%. The intensity index was calculated based on the flow velocity and accumulation depth. The debris flow was divided into four grades, and the distribution map was drawn. The extremely high-intensity area accounts for 2.4%, the high-intensity area accounts for 5.1%, the medium intensity area accounts for 13.6%, and the low-intensity area accounts for 78.9%. Based on 3D modeling, the dam is designed to simulate and analyze its effect on debris flow mitigation, which provides a scientific basis for the future control projects.
Key words:
- Erjingli gully /
- FLOW-3D /
- debris flow /
- movement characteristics /
- debris flow intensity
表 1 二经里沟特征控制参数
Table 1. Main parameters of numerical simulation of Erjingli gully
参数项 数值 临界体积分数 0.49 最大体积分数 0.52 最小体积分数 0.09 泥石流容重/(kg·cm−3) 1820 沟道表面粗糙系数 0.18 松散物质的平均粒径/mm 10.1 松散固体材料的重度/(kg·cm−3) 2800 松散固体材料内休止角/(°) 32 表 2 二经里沟物源面积、平均厚度及体积
Table 2. Provenance area and average thickness of Erjingli gully
物源编号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 面积/m2 1212.5 2969.4 4181.2 633.1 5805.7 10730.2 4008.6 4485.6 平均厚度/m 1.69 1.30 0.87 0.80 4.78 5.46 4.37 4.50 体积/m3 2052 3869 3654 504 27751 58586 17518 20185 表 3 模拟边界条件设定结果
Table 3. Boundary condition setting results of numerical simulation
网格序号 Xmin Xmax Ymin Ymax Zmin Zmax 1 S C S C W C 2 O C S C W S 3 S C C O W S 4 C C S C W S 5 C O S O W S 6 S O C C W S 注:C为连续边界;O为出流边界;S为对称边界;W为壁面边界。 表 4 模拟结果与野外实测对比验证
Table 4. The comparation of simulated results and field measurements
模拟参数 实测值/m2 模拟值 /m 2 重叠区 /m 2 精度/% 模拟结果 8015.83 9500.41 7765.05 88.98 -
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