Model test of debris flow source initiation mechanism in Suyu valley of Helan Mountain
Abstract:In this paper, through model test, the test of the debris flow phenomenon incipient and run-out mode and accumulation characteristics were observed and studied the helan mountain Suyu valley debris flow affected by the gully bed slope, soil water content, and coarse particle content, preliminary discussed the helan mountain debris flow changes under the influence of the three factors, the experimental results showed that: coarse particle content is the strongest, gully slope is the second, and soil water content is the weakest. The lower the coarse particle content, the higher the gully slope and the higher the water content, the easier the debris flow development. The development mode of debris flow is affected by the content of coarse and fine particles. When the content of fine particles is higher, the type of debris flow is channel erosion, while when the content of coarse particles is higher, the type of debris flow is blocking.
Key words:
- debris flow /
- Suyu valley /
- prophase rainfall /
- gully slope /
- coarse particle content /
- hose test
表 1 模型试验工况设计
Table 1. Model test condition design
工况 沟床坡度/(°) 土体含水率/% 粗颗粒含量/% 一 10 天然含水率 60 二 10 半饱和含水率 80 三 10 饱和含水率 70 四 15 天然含水率 80 五 15 半饱和含水率 70 六 15 饱和含水率 60 七 5 天然含水率 70 八 5 半饱和含水率 60 九 5 饱和含水率 80 表 2 试验数据正交分析表
Table 2. The test data orthogonal analysis table
数据 沟床坡度
/%误差项 物源冲出总量/
(10−3 m3)Ⅰi 18.80 37.38 94.37 50.88 161.67 Ⅱi 49.48 46.20 53.40 52.09 Ⅲi 93.39 78.09 13.90 58.70 6.27 12.46 31.46 16.96 16.49 15.40 17.80 17.36 31.13 26.03 4.63 19.57 Ri 24.86 13.57 26.82 2.61 注:Ⅰi、Ⅱi、Ⅲi表示某因素三个水平下的物源冲出量; 、
表 3 泥石流影响因素方差分析表
Table 3. The anovary table of the factors affected by mudslides
来源 自由度 Adj SS Adj MS F 值 P 值 沟床坡度 2 0.000888 0.000444 110.00 0.009 土体含水率 2 0.000306 0.000153 37.88 0.026 粗颗粒含量 2 0.001026 0.000513 127.15 0.008 误差 2 0.000008 0.000004 合计 8 0.002228 -
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