Characteristics of rockfall trajectory and hazard assessment in western Hubei Province: A case study of the Wapo collapse area in Yuan’an County
以远安县瓦坡崩塌区为例,通过地质调查、野外测绘、无人机航拍,建立了瓦坡崩塌区三维模型,基于Rockfall Analyst(RA)分析软件,实现了瓦坡崩塌区大量崩塌落石三维空间下运动路径、高度、能量等要素模拟,探究了崩塌区落石的三维运动特征,开展了崩塌区落石危险性评估,为崩塌落石的防治提供科学参考。研究结果表明:崩塌区危岩主要破坏形式为倾倒式,目前处于欠稳定状态;模拟落石三维运动轨迹与已有落石点基本重合,说明此次模拟结果与实际情况较为吻合;落石运动过程中以碰撞弹跳、自由飞落为主,落石主要集中在崩塌区下部冲沟及公路内,部分落石达到居民区,在崩塌落石区下部公路、冲沟及崩塌区右侧危险性较高;崩塌落石防治工程建议采用危石孤石清除+被动防护网,在公路内侧、斜坡下方分别设置5 m高和3 m高抗冲击力2 000 kJ的被动防护网,可有效拦截落石。
Abstract:Taking the Wapo collapse area in Yuan’an County as an example, a three-dimensional model was established by drone aerial photography, geological survey and field mapping. Based on Rockfall Analyst (RA) analysis software, a large number of three-dimensional rockfalls in the Wapo collapse area were studied. The motion path, height, energy and other factors in the space were simulated to explore the three-dimensional motion characteristics of rockfalls. The risk assessment of rockfalls in the collapsed area was carried out to guide the prevention and control of the rockfalls. The research results showed that the main failure form of the dangerous rock was the toppling, and it was in an under-stable state at present; the three-dimensional motion trajectory of the simulated rockfall basically coincided with the existing rockfall point which indicating the simulation results were in good agreement with the actual situation; The mode of motion of the rocks were collision, bounce and free fall. Rockfalls were mainly concentrated in the gullies and roads but a few rocks reached residential areas. Therefore, the roads, gullies and the right side of the collapse area were in high risk area; Dangerous rock mass and boulders removal and passive protective nets were adopt as the prevention engineering,two passive protection nets which were 5 m high and 3 m high respectively were set on the inner side of the road and below the slope, and a net with an impact resistance of 2 000 kJ could effectively intercept falling rocks.
表 1 三维运动轨迹模拟基本参数
Table 1. Basic parameters of three-dimensional motion trajectory simulation
坡面类型 法向恢复
发育区)0.37 0.83 30 1000 1 居民生活区 0.3 0.82 25 碎石区 0.25 0.80 20 -
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