Formation conditions and the disaster modes of debris flows along middle and upper reaches of the Bailongjiang River Basin
研究结果表明:(1)泥石流受地形地貌影响显著,高差大于1000 m占总数74.3%,主沟沟床纵比降>200‰占总数93.4%;(2)众多滑坡体物源沿着坪定-化马断裂带呈条带状分布,泥石流物源主要来源于千枚岩、变质砂岩、残坡积层、黄土等软弱地层的崩塌、滑坡体,物源分布与下伏基岩坡向关系不大;(3)该区泥石流按地貌特征分主要有沟谷型泥石流(占总数69.7%)、坡面型泥石流(占总数30.3%),基于固体物质补给方式划分泥石流成灾模式主要有重力侵蚀补给型(占总数71%)、坡面侵蚀冲蚀补给型(占总数10%)、沟床侵蚀补给型(占总数19%);(4)泥石流主要的致灾模式为溃决-冲毁、冲积-淤埋、爬高-堆积、侵蚀-坍塌、淤埋-掩埋、堰塞-次生灾害;(5)重力侵蚀补给型泥石流重点防治沟内重大灾害体,坡面侵蚀冲蚀补给型泥石流防治以拦挡、排导工程为主,沟道侵蚀补给型泥石流防治以清淤、排导为主。
Abstract:Debris flows are extremely serious along middle and upper reaches of Bailongjiang River Basin. It is of great scientific significance and practical value to study the disaster mode and hazard mode of debris flows in this area for disaster prevention, land space planning and ecological civilization construction. Based on the analysis of formation conditions of 241 debris flows in the middle and upper reaches of Bailongjiang River Basin, the disaster-forming, hazard modes and prevention of debris flows are analyzed. The results show that: (1) Debris flows are greatly affected by topography and landform, with height differences greater than 1000 m accounting for 74.3% of the total, and the longitudinal ratio of the main ditch bed being >200‰ accounting for 93.4% of the total. (2) Most of landslide sources are mainly distributed along the Pingding-Huama Fault Zone in a strip shape. Debris flows material source mainly comes from the collapse and landslide of the soft strata such as phyllite, metamorphic sandstone, residual slope deposit and Loess. The distribution of sediment source has little relationship with the slope aspect direction of underlying bedrock. (3) According to the landform characteristics, the debris flows in this area mainly include gully debris flows (69.7%) and slope debris flows (30.3%). According to the mode of solid material supply, the main debris flows disaster mode is gravity erosion supply type (71%), slope erosion supply type (10%) and gully erosion supply type (19%). (4) The main hazard modes of debris flows are burst-erosion, alluvial-silting, climbing-stacking, erosion-collapse, silting-burying, and barrier-secondary hazard. (5) The gravity erosion-recharge type debris flow is mainly to prevent and control the major disaster bodies in the gully. Slope erosion-recharge type debris flows are mainly based on blocking and drainage works. Gully erosion-recharge type debris flows are mainly based on desilting and drainage works.
Key words:
- the Bailongjiang River basin /
- debris flow /
- sediment source /
- disaster mode /
- hazard mode
表 1 典型物源斜坡结构组成
Table 1. Structural composition of typical source slopes
斜坡结构 致灾地层 致灾地层物源占各结构总物源的体积比/% 顺向坡 产出于千枚岩、板岩上覆坡积层、黄土、全风化岩层或几种软弱岩层组合中的物源 87.5 逆向坡 产出于千枚岩、板岩上覆残坡积层、黄土、全风化岩层或几种软弱岩层组合中的物源 86.5 横向坡 产出于千枚岩、板岩上覆残坡积层、黄土、全风化岩层或几种软弱岩层组合中的物源 87.7 -
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