Selection of pioneer plants for repairing limestone high and steep slopes in North China
Abstract:In order to select pioneer plants suitable for ecological restoration of high and steep rock slopes in North China, two high-and-steep slope ecological restoration test sites were established in the limestone area of Jinan by using the technology of landscape reconstruction. The sites planted a total of 14 kinds of deciduous plants, evergreens and lianas, whose survival rate and growth status were monitored for a long period of time. The data collected was analyzed by the plant suitability evaluation model and the result is displayed in the form of the comprehensive evaluation index. According to the result, in the group of evergreens, Platycladus orientalis, juniper and fufangteng are the preferred pioneer plants; in the group of deciduous plants, Robinia pseudoacacia, Cotinus japonicus and Forsythia suspensa are the preferred ones; the vine creeper has a high survival rate and fast growth rate which can effectively cover high-and-steep rock walls in a short time. It is the preferred pioneer plant in the group of lianas.
表 1 评价因子、权值及分级指标
Table 1. Evaluation factors、weights and grading indicators
评价因子 权值 分级指标 成活率 X1=0.375 优(5),良(4),中(3),差(1) 高度年均增长率 X2=0.250 优(5),良(4),中(3),差(1) 基径年均增长率 X3=0.125 优(5),良(4),中(3),差(1) 冠幅年均增长率 X4=0.250 优(5),良(4),中(3),差(1) 表 2 评价因子取值表
Table 2. Values of evaluation factors
评价因子 植物分类 优(5) 良(4) 中(3) 差(1) 成活率P/% − P>85 70<P≤85 60<P≤70 P≤60 高度年均增长率K高/% 常绿植物 K高>15 12<K高≤15 10<K高≤12 K高≤10 落叶植物 K高>25 20<K高≤25 15<K高≤20 K高≤15 藤本类植物 K高>20 15<K高≤20 10<K高≤15 K高≤10 基径年均增长率K基/% 常绿植物 K基>35 30<K基≤35 25<K基≤30 K基≤25 落叶植物 K基>30 25<K基≤30 20<K基≤25 K基≤20 藤本类植物 K基>15 12<K基≤15 10<K基≤12 K基≤10 冠幅年均增长率K冠/% 常绿植物 K冠>25 20<K冠≤25 15<K冠≤20 K冠≤15 落叶植物 K冠>40 35<K冠≤40 30<K冠≤35 K冠≤30 藤本类植物 − − − − 表 3 章丘试验场植物综合评价指数表
Table 3. Comprehensive evaluation index of plants in Zhangqiu experimental field
名称评价因子 B 质量分数M 所属
级别B1 B2 B3 B4 常绿植物 侧柏 1.875 1.25 0.625 1.00 4.750 95.0 I 大叶扶芳藤 1.875 1.25 0.375 0.00 3.500 70.0 II 白皮松 1.875 0.75 0.125 1.00 3.750 75.0 III 落叶植物 黄栌 1.875 1.00 0.625 1.25 4.750 95.0 I 刺槐 1.875 1.25 0.625 1.25 5.000 100.0 I 连翘 1.500 1.00 0.125 0.75 3.375 67.5 II 丁香 1.125 0.75 0.375 1.00 3.250 65.0 III 藤本类植物 爬山虎 1.500 1.25 0.625 0.00 3.375 67.5 II 凌霄 0.375 1.25 0.500 0.00 2.125 42.5 IV 紫藤 0.375 1.25 0.625 0.00 2.250 45.0 IV 注:B1成活率分值;B2高度年均增长率分值;B3基径年均增长率分值;B4冠幅年均增长率分值。 表 4 平阴试验场植物综合评价指数表
Table 4. Comprehensive evaluation index of plants in Pingyin experimental field
植物分类 植物名称 评价因子 B 质量分数M 所属
级别B1 B2 B3 B4
常绿植物侧柏 1.875 1.25 0.625 1.00 4.750 95.0 I 圆柏 1.875 1.25 0.625 1.25 5.000 100.0 I 大叶扶芳藤 1.875 1.25 0.625 0.00 3.750 75.0 II
落叶植物黄栌 1.500 1.00 0.625 1.25 4.375 87.5 I 火炬树 1.500 0.25 0.500 0.25 2.500 50.0 IV 刺槐 1.500 1.00 0.625 1.00 4.125 82.5 I 连翘 1.875 0.75 0.375 0.50 3.500 70.0 II 藤本类植物 金银花 1.125 1.25 0.625 0.00 3.000 60.0 III 小叶扶芳藤 0.375 0.75 0.625 0.00 1.750 35.0 IV 爬山虎 1.500 1.25 0.625 0.00 3.375 67.5 II 注:B1成活率分值;B2高度年均增长率分值;B3基径年均增长率分值;B4冠幅年均增长率分值。 -
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