Archaeozoic buried-hill reservoir of Bozhong 19-6 condensate field: Main controlling factors and development model
Abstract:In order to reveal the distribution pattern of the Archaeozoic buried hill reservoirs in the Bozhong 19-6 condensate field, integrated study is carried out with cores, well logs, well testing data, seismic data in addition to outcrops. The Archaeozoic buried hill reservoir consists of weathered crust reservoirs and internal rock reservoirs, which have obvious differences in controlling factors and distribution patterns. The formation of weathered crust reservoir mainly depends upon structural deformation and weathering, of which the thickness is dependent on the ancient landform. It usually becomes thinner from the paleosrtuctural high to the structural low. Rock types, local faults, microreliefs and topographic slopes are also the controlling factors needed to be considered. However, the inner part reservoir is mainly controlled by the high-angle faults, and the main reservoir space is provided by structural fractures.
Key words:
- Archaeozoic buried hill /
- control factors /
- paleogeomorphology /
- weathered zone /
- inner hill /
- geological model /
- Bozhong19-6
表 1 渤中19-6太古宇潜山风化带分带标准
Table 1. Standards for classification of weathering zone in Bozhong19-6 field
钻时/(min/m) RS/(Ω·m) RD/(Ω·m) 裂缝密度/(条/m) 孔隙度/% 净毛比% 风化带 8~29 75~930 180~1100 3~6 2.4~6.5 0.33~0.62 内幕带 12~52 440~6200 700~22000 0.8~1.2 1.7~3.9 <0.35 表 2 新泰变质岩露头断层附近裂缝发育密度统计
Table 2. Fracture density on the metamorphic outcrop fault near Xintai
与断层距离/m 20 40 100 150 200 裂缝密度/(条/m) 破碎带 20~30 5~15 <10 <5 -
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