Radiolarian distribution in surface sediments of the Philippine Sea and adjacent areas and its response to environment
为了解菲律宾海放射虫的区域分布特色,利用同样的样品处理方法,对菲律宾海及其邻近海域的44个表层沉积样中的放射虫进行对比分析,鉴定统计了500个属种,物种多样性较高。菲律宾海表层沉积物中放射虫的群落结构和丰度变化幅度较大,反映了菲律宾海更为复杂的区域生态环境或沉积环境;南海北部放射虫丰度非常高且罩笼虫目占据较大优势,表明南海北部区域营养盐和生物生产力较高;冲绳海槽放射虫丰度相对较低且泡沫虫目占据绝对优势,推测冲绳海槽的海底沉积环境可能不利于放射虫壳体的埋藏富集。RDA分析结果显示暖水种在冲绳海槽的分布与夏季125 m温度呈明显的正相关,可能与夏季黑潮次表层水的影响有关;在南海北部,暖水种的分布主要受冬季75 m硅酸盐和夏季200 m磷酸盐的影响控制,说明高浓度的硅酸盐可能更加有利于罩笼虫目的发育繁殖;菲律宾海主要是次表层水的环境因子影响着放射虫暖水种的分布,比如75 m冬季盐度、200 m年均溶解氧含量和125 m夏季温度。此外,菲律宾海中深层水(1000~3000 m)不同层深66个环境变量和生活于该水体中的5个冷水种的RDA分析结果,显示菲律宾海北部区域主要与1000 m硅酸盐浓度呈显著正相关,可能与富含硅酸盐的北太平洋中深层水南下进入菲律宾有关;而在菲律宾海中南部的分布则主要与1000 m硅酸盐浓度呈显著负相关,与2 000 m溶解氧和2200 m磷酸盐和硝酸盐呈明显正相关,可能与具有高溶解氧低硅酸盐性质的绕极深层水由南端进入菲律宾海后,一部分水体向上进入菲律宾海中层水有关。
- 放射虫暖水种和冷水种 /
- 环境变量 /
- RDA分析 /
- 表层沉积物 /
- 菲律宾海及其邻近海域
Abstract:In order to understand the distribution pattern of radiolarians in the Philippine Sea, this article, based on a unified method for sample processing and analysis, made analysis and comparison of radiolarians for 44 surface sediment samples taking from the Philippine Sea and its adjacent regions. A total of 500 radiolarians species are identified, suggesting a very high species diversity. The community structure and abundance of radiolarians in the surface sediments of the Philippine Sea vary greatly, suggesting complex regional ecological or sedimentary environments. The abundance of radiolarians dominated by Nassellaria is also very high in the northern South China Sea, indicating that the northern South China Sea is rich in nutrients and high in biological productivity. However, the radiolarian abundance, dominated by Spumellaria, is relatively low in the Okinawa Trough. It is speculated that the submarine environment of the Okinawa Trough is not so conducive to the accumulation and preservation of radiolarian shells. 8 warm water species group living in the euphotic layer and 162 environmental variables at different depths of the 0~200 m water layers are selected for RDA analysis. The results show that the distribution of these warm water species in the Okinawa Trough is significantly positively correlated with the summer temperature in 125 m of water depth, probably owing to the influence of the summer Kuroshio subsurface water. The distribution of warm water species in the northern South China Sea is mainly affected by winter silicate of 75 m and summer phosphate of 200 m. It means that high-concentration silicate is more conducive to the production of Nassellaria. In the Philippine Sea, however, environmental factors mainly in the subsurface water affect the distribution of warm water species, such as winter salinity of 75 m, 200 m annual dissolved oxygen content and summer temperature of 125 m. In addition, the RDA analysis results of 66 environmental variables at different depths of the medium-deep water (1000~3000 m) of the Philippine Sea and 5 cold water species living in this layer show that the northern Philippine Sea is mainly positively correlated with the silicate concentration of 1000 m. This may be related to the fact that the silicate-rich intermediate-deep water mass of the North Pacific moving southward into the Philippine Sea. The distribution in the central and southern part of the Philippine Sea is mainly negatively correlated with the concentration of silicate at 1000 m, and is significantly positively correlated with dissolved oxygen at 2000 m. It may be related to the Circumpolar Deep Water with high dissolved oxygen content and low silicate entering from the southern end of the Philippine Sea, and part of the water upwardly enter the intermediate layer of the Philippine Sea.
表 1 研究站位位置、水深、放射虫丰度以及放射虫三大类(泡沫虫目、罩笼虫目和胶球虫目)的相对丰度
Table 1. Sampling locations, water depths, total radiolarian abundance, and relative abundance of Spumellaria, Nassellaria, and Collodaria of three order of radiolarian
站位号 位置 水深 /m 放射虫总丰度/(枚/g) 泡沫虫目相对丰度/% 罩笼虫目相对丰度/% 胶球虫目相对丰度/% 1 11.4°N,142.36°E 10853 60051 44.52 54.30 1.18 2 11.64°N,135.19°E 4092 1061 74.90 20.59 4.51 3 14.56°N,133.22°E 5466 80634 52.11 41.48 6.40 4 16.07°N,134.01°E 5472 164 34.78 60.87 4.35 5 16.07°N,133.48°E 5370 9 76.92 23.08 0 6 16.53°N,136.21°E 5060 1181 54.31 40.52 5.17 7 19.23°N,131.64°E 6059 1703 40.70 37.21 22.09 8 19.7°N,126.06°E 5404 38204 43.91 52.88 3.21 9 20.12°N,131.18°E 5801 898 19.32 63.64 17.05 10 17.83°N,126.71°E 5380 81801 50.79 44.94 4.27 11 19.7°N,126.53°E 4882 2325 42.65 35.29 22.06 12 19.69°N,130.7°E 5761 14866 48.82 42.01 9.17 13 17.9°N,129.3°E 5307 13600 53.21 41.44 5.35 14 17.92°N,130.71°E 5708 32243 39.71 52.17 8.12 15 16.99°N,128.82°E 5505 9293 48.04 43.20 8.76 16 23.74°N,135.65°E 5270 21952 60.51 31.94 7.54 17 24.6°N,135.63°E 5370 8269 67.19 25.52 7.29 18 26.31°N,135.92°E 5392 8711 62.21 31.57 6.22 19 27.14°N,135.64°E 5050 23250 62.57 34.67 2.76 20 27.97°N,135.65°E 4865 17102 70.22 25.93 3.86 21 28.77°N,136.7°E 4560 9257 73.62 20.41 5.96 22 29.34°N,135.65°E 4439 3766 86.53 12.03 1.43 23 29.89°N,136.42°E 4725 8901 72.12 24.65 3.23 24 30.44°N,128.89°E 781 10235 85.24 11.99 2.77 25 30.1°N,128.49°E 885 37924 55.23 44.40 0.37 26 26.9°N,126.39°E 1266 3045 78.58 15.83 5.59 27 26.08°N,126.08°E 2044 6414 76.65 16.95 6.40 28 26.03°N,125.85°E 2064 10062 64.74 32.76 2.50 29 24.03°N,122.5°E 1800 5740 73.34 22.96 3.70 30 21.52°N,120°E 3010 7053 40.30 58.96 0.75 31 20.49°N,119.96°E 3347 23908 32.93 65.87 1.20 32 21.75°N,119.47°E 2709 115522 41.09 57.17 1.74 33 21.79°N,118.54°E 2049 18319 47.58 50.97 1.45 34 21.3°N,118.85°E 2620 46887 50.30 48.49 1.21 35 21.28°N,118.24°E 2184 41087 51.43 47.43 1.14 36 20.61°N,118.36°E 2540 90291 54.19 43.01 2.80 37 20.17°N,118.75°E 2893 90042 46.12 51.53 2.35 38 18.01°N,118.03°E 3888 75833 41.76 56.26 1.98 39 19.22°N,115.98°E 2612 86607 50.31 47.84 1.86 40 17.98°N,116°E 3865 75229 35.37 62.44 2.20 41 19.89°N,115.11°E 1182 83800 40.10 55.13 4.77 42 18.77°N,114.13°E 1575 100490 53.66 44.39 1.95 43 18.35°N,112.27°E 1564 101667 44.26 52.82 2.91 44 18.21°N,111.5°E 1808 17314 43.18 55.33 1.50 表 2 菲律宾海放射虫组合和环境变量的RDA分析结果
Table 2. RDA results of radiolarian assemblage and environmental variables in the Philippine Sea(I for warm species-upper environments, II for cold species-intermediate environments)
类型 参数 轴1 轴2 轴3 轴4 总方差 I 特征值 0.325 0.063 0.03 0.006 1 物种-环境相关性 0.676 0.686 0.614 0.489 变量累积百分比 物种数据 32.5 38.8 41.8 42.4 物种-环境关系 76.3 91.1 98.2 99.5 所有特征值总和 1 所有典范特征值总和 0.426 II 特征值 0.268 0.113 0.052 0 1 物种-环境相关性 0.87 0.554 0.455 0.271 变量累积百分比 物种数据 26.8 38.1 43.2 43.3 物种-环境关系 61.9 88 99.9 100 所有特征值总和 1 所有典范特征值总和 0.433 注:I 暖水种-上层水环境因子,II 冷水种-中深层水环境因子。 -
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