末次冰期低海平面时期出露的巽他陆架植被变化对全球碳循环影响有着重要影响,但目前植被重建结果仍存在很大争议。利用巽他陆架区域现有末次冰期的碳同位素和植物孢粉记录进行了古植被重建。与全新世相比,末次冰期时热带雨林的分布范围向赤道方向收缩,呈现不均匀的带状分布,而远离赤道的区域草本植物扩张。赤道辐合带的向南移动和热带太平洋的类El Niño状态导致的巽他陆架区域整体降水减少是造成这种现象的重要原因。山地在冰期植被垂直分布结构的演化中起着重要作用。在湿而冷的区域,山地雨林向下扩展;而在干而冷的区域,山地扮演着雨林避难所的角色。巽他陆架古植被重建工作仍面临着隐域性植被、植被指标局限性等难点。
Abstract:Changes in the vegetation of the Sunda shelf exposed during the last ice period at low sea level have important implications for global carbon cycle impacts. However, the results of current vegetation reconstructions are still highly controversial. A paleo-vegetation reconstruction was conducted using the available carbon isotope and pollen records of the last ice age in the Sunda shelf region. Compared to the Holocene, the distribution range of tropical rainforests contracted toward the equator during the last glacial period, showing an uneven zonal distribution pattern, while the herbaceous vegetation expanded in the regions far from the equator. The southward shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and the overall decrease of precipitation in the Sunda shelf region due to the El Niño-like state of the tropical Pacific Ocean are important reasons for this phenomenon. Mountains play an essential role in the evolution of the vertical distribution structure of vegetation during the ice age. In the wet and cold regions, montane rainforests expanded downward, while in the dry and cold regions, mountains played the role of rainforest refuges. The reconstruction of ancient vegetation on the Sunda shelf still faces difficulties such as cryptic vegetation and limitations of vegetation indicators, and more work is needed to improve it.
Key words:
- palaeo-vegetation /
- carbon isotope /
- pollen records /
- Sunda shelf /
- last glacial period
表 1 巽他陆架及周边地区末次冰期碳同位素变化记录
Table 1. Carbon isotope records in the Sunda shelf and surrounding areas during the last glacial period
站位 经纬度 水深/m 碳同位素值范围/‰ 参考文献 湖泊/海洋记录 BJ8-03-91GGC 2°52′N,118°23′E 2326 –30.8~–32.9 [11] SO189-144KL 1°5′N,98°1′E 481 –28.8~–31.9 [37] 17962 7°11′N,112°5′E 1968 –28.4~–33.9 [38] 18252-3 9°14'N,109°23'E 1273 –27.3~–34.5 [39] MD05-2894 7°2'N,111°33'E 1982 –29.1~–36.6 [40] IDLE-MAT10-2B 2°31′S,121°24′E 137 –32.8~–44.9 [41] GEOB10053-7 8°41′S,112°52′E 1375 –24.2~–31.5 [44] GEOB10069-3 9°36′S,120°55′E 1250 –24.6~–28.9 [11] IDLE-TOW10-9B 2°30′S,121°30′E 154 –25.0~–41.0 [42] SO18515 3°37'S,119°21'E 688 –25.0~–29.6 [16] 陆地记录 Niah洞穴 3°49′N,113°46′E –22.9~–26.2 [9] Gomantong洞穴 5°32'N,118°5'E –26.1~–27.7 [33] Bau Bau洞穴 0°55'S,117°13'E –23.5~–27.8 [33] Batu洞穴 3°13′N,101°42′E –26.2~–22.6 [9] Makangit洞穴 10°28′N,119°27′E –19.5~–30.3 [9] Gangub洞穴 8°31′N,117°33′E –18.0~–26.3 [9] Saleh洞穴 3°1'S,115°59'E –17.2~–27.3 [14] 表 2 巽他陆架及周边地区末次冰期孢粉记录
Table 2. Pollen records in the Sunda shelf and surrounding areas during the last glacial period
站位 经纬度 水深/m 草本植物比例/% 参考文献 湖泊/海洋记录 17962 7°11′N,112°5′E 1968 10~30 [49] 17964 1°5′N,98°1′E 1556 5~20 [50] 18287 5°39′N,110°39′E 598 10~40 [51] 18300 4°21′N,108°39′E 91 5~75 [48] 18302 4°09'N,108°34'E 83 5~40 [48] 18323 2°47'N,107°53'E 92 4~55 [48] CG-2 6°23′N,110°09′E 1239 1~35 [19] NS07-25 6°40′N,113°33′E 2006 0~20 [52] CB-19 7°46′N,114°40′E 1798 0~20 [53] MD06-3075 6°28′N,125°49′E 1878 1~18 [61] G6-4 10°47′S,118°04′E 3510 20~60 [67] SHI-9014 5°46′S,126°58′E 3163 20~55 [68] BRA94-42 6°04'S,102°25'E 2542 2~52 [64] 陆地记录 Niah 3°49′N,113°46′E 0~35 [54] Kelabit 3°34'N,115°33'E 5~40 [55] Sentarum 0°44'N,112°06'E 5~20 [56] NTSH 7°52′N,99°28′E 0~20 [60] Nee Soon 1°24′N,103°48′E 5~30 [59] Sim Sim 2°25′N,98°47′E 0~60 [58] Di-Atas 1°04'S,100°46'E 0 [57] Wanda 2°33'S,121°23'E 5~50 [43] Tondano 1°29'N,124°50'E 0~95 [63] Rawa 6°11′S,105°59′E 0~60 [65] Bandung 7°S,108°E 0~70 [62,66] Misedor 1°N,117°E 0~40 [62] Halmahera 2°N,128°E 0~30 [62] -
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