Provenance and climatic changes of the Natal Valley, Southeastern Africa since MIS12: the clay minerals records from Hole U1474, IODP361
氧同位素(marine isotope stage,MIS)MIS12期以来的气候环境变化对非洲东南部古人类的迁徙和演化影响甚远。非洲东南外海纳塔尔海谷U1474孔由IODP 361航次获取,通过X射线衍射法(XRD)对前20 m共149个样品中的黏土矿物组成进行测试分析,结果显示自MIS12期以来U1474站位的黏土矿物组成以蒙脱石为主,平均含量为39.23%;其次为伊利石,平均含量为26.11%;高岭石平均含量为17.79%;绿泥石含量最低,平均含量为17.19%;伊利石的结晶度较好,为0.35°Δ2θ(<0.4°Δ2θ),而且化学指数较低,为0.30(<0.43)。其组合特征意味着其主要由非洲东南部三大河流携带输入(图盖拉河、林波波河和赞比西河)。U1474孔黏土矿物组成和参数变化自MIS12期以来的变化指示了非洲东南部的气候变化,其变化有着明显的冰期-间冰期旋回特征,可划分为5个阶段,每个阶段冰期寒冷干燥,间冰期相对温暖湿润。在每个时期呈现出一定的亚轨道的气候波动异常,常有冷暖、干湿波动的情形,这可能受到区域大气环流和临近海流(如厄加勒斯流)的影响。
Abstract:Climatic and environmental changes have rendered great impacts on the migration and evolution of hominid in Southeast Africa, since the Marine Isotope Stage 12(MIS12). Clay mineral assemblages, contents and mineralogy of 149 sediment samples collected from the Hole U1474 by the Expedition 361 of the International Ocean Discovery Program(IODP), have been analyzed and measured with X-ray diffraction(XRD). The hole is located in the Natal Valley of Southeast Africa, The results show that the clay minerals are mainly composed of smectite(39.23% on average), illite (26.11% on average), kaolinite(17.79% on average)and minor chlorite(17.19% on average). The crystallinity of illite in all samples are high and on an average of 0.35°Δ2θ(<0.4°N 2θ), and the illite chemical indices are as low of 0.30(<0.43 on average. The clay mineral assemblages of the Hole U1474 suggest a riverine source mainly derived from the three major rivers (the Tugela River, the Limpopo River and the Zambezi River)in Southeast Africa. The variation of clay mineral composition and related parameters of the Hole U1474 indicates that the climate changes in the Southeast Africa since MIS12 is obviously characterized by glacial-interglacial cycles and can be divided into five stages. Each stage is cold and dry during the glacial period, and relatively warm and humid during the interglacial period. In each period, there are some abnormal suborbital climate fluctuations, such as cold and warm, dry and wet fluctuations, affected by regional atmospheric circulation and adjacent ocean currents, such as the Agulhas Current.
Key words:
- provenance /
- paleoclimate /
- clay minerals /
- glacial-interglacial cycle /
- MIS12 Stage /
- Natal Valley
图 1 U1474孔位置及洋流示意图[20]
Figure 1.
表 1 U1474孔的主要黏土矿物含量及其矿物学特征
Table 1. Contents and mineralogical characteristic of major clay minerals in Hole U1474
黏土矿物百分含量/% 伊利石结晶度/(°Δ2θ) 伊利石化学指数 蒙脱石 伊利石 高岭石 绿泥石 最大值 55.34 36.21 23.07 22.88 0.51 0.53 最小值 27.77 14.06 10.86 9.67 0.28 0.13 平均值 39.23 26.11 17.79 17.19 0.35 0.30 -
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