Tempo-spatial variation of wetlands at the Yellow River Mouth and its control factors
基于1976—2020年Landsat卫星长时间序列遥感影像开展研究工作,结合黄河水沙资料、河口沉积动力机制研究及人类活动影响,研究了黄河口湿地植被时空变化过程,对比揭示了清8汊(行水)和清水沟(废弃)不同流路湿地演化的差异,探讨黄河口湿地植被时空变化的影响因素。结果表明:① 黄河口湿地在发育过程中呈现了显著的阶段性和空间差异性变化,总体上经历了快速增加、稳定增长、快速蚀退、相对稳定四个阶段。② 现行清8河口湿地变化的主控因素为黄河入海径流量和输沙量,湿地面积与入海水沙量呈显著正相关,植被覆盖与黄河改道、调水调沙等人类活动密切相关。③ 废弃清水沟叶瓣湿地时空变化的主控因素为海洋动力作用下的海岸侵蚀。1996年废弃之后湿地面积随海岸侵蚀加剧而快速减少,同时潮汐不对称导致废弃河道再充填以及海水入侵在一定程度上改变了河道两侧湿地植被的生境,植被覆盖面积总体上逐渐减小。
Abstract:Based on the long-term series data retrieved from the Landsat remote sensing images (1976—2020), this paper is devoted to the study of tempo-spatial variations of wetlands in the present Yellow River deltaic lobe since the last channel shifting in 1976. Significant differences in the distribution pattern of wetlands are observed for the present (Q8) and the abandoned (Qingshuigou) river mouths. The wetlands in the current deltaic lobe have experienced four stages of temporal and spatial variations with time, i.e the stages of rapid accretion, stable growing, rapid erosion and relatively stable. The wetland growth at the present active Q8 river mouth is primarily dominated by the water and sediment discharges from the upper reach of the river associated with sedimentation off the river mouth, particularly after the water-sediment regulation since 2002. In contrast, the spatial-temporal variation of the abandoned Qingshuigou wetlands is dominated by tidal and wave erosion induced by estuary dynamics. The wetland retreats rapidly together with the increasing coastal erosion and channel refilling, by which vegetation habitat on both sides of the abandoned channel are destroyed. In combination with the Yellow River’s water and sediment discharge, the dynamic mechanism dominating the wetland evolution is discussed in this paper, that is important to the countermeasures for future conservation and restoration of wetlands.
Key words:
- wetland evolution /
- sediment transport /
- human activities /
- ocean dynamics /
- Yellow River Delta
表 1 Landsat遥感影像数据信息(1976—2020)
Table 1. Information of Landsat imagery (1976—2020)
日期 传感器 波段数 分辨率/m 日期 传感器 波段数 分辨率/m 1976-08-31 MSS 4 79 1998-09-10 TM 7 30 1978-08-30 MSS 4 79 1999-08-28 TM 7 30 1979-08-25 MSS 4 79 2000-09-15 TM 7 30 1980-07-14 MSS 4 79 2001-09-02 TM 7 30 1981-09-19 MSS 4 79 2004-09-10 TM 7 30 1983-07-07 MSS 4 79 2006-10-26 ETM+ 8 30 1984-09-11 MSS 4 79 2007-09-11 ETM+ 8 30 1985-09-06 TM 7 30 2008-09-05 TM 7 30 1986-08-08 TM 7 30 2009-08-23 TM 7 30 1987-08-11 TM 7 30 2010-09-11 TM 7 30 1988-06-10 TM 7 30 2011-09-22 ETM+ 8 30 1989-09-01 TM 7 30 2013-09-03 OLI 11 30 1991-09-23 TM 7 30 2015-06-05 OLI 11 30 1992-08-24 TM 7 30 2016-08-26 OLI 11 30 1993-09-28 TM 7 30 2017-09-30 OLI 11 30 1994-10-17 TM 7 30 2018-09-17 OLI 11 30 1995-09-18 TM 7 30 2019-08-19 OLI 11 30 1996-08-19 TM 7 30 2020-10-24 OLI 11 30 1997-09-07 TM 7 30 表 3 不同传感器中NDVI各波段对应值
Table 3. Band of NDVI in different Landsat sensors
传感器波段 MSS TM ETM+ OLI RED 3 3 3 4 NIR 4 4 4 5 表 4 不同传感器中MNDWI各波段对应值
Table 4. Band of MNDWI in different Landsat sensors
传感器波段 TM ETM+ OLI GREEN 2 2 3 MIR 5 5 6 表 5 植被覆盖度等级划分标准
Table 5. Rank of fractional vegetation cover
序号 植被覆盖度 覆盖等级 1 Fvc<10% 裸土或无植被覆盖 2 10%≤Fvc≤30% 低植被覆盖度 3 30%≤Fvc≤50% 中植被覆盖度 4 50%≤Fvc≤80% 中高植被覆盖度 5 Fvc>80% 高植被覆盖度 -
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