Reconstruction of Late Oligocene depositional systems in the Beikang Basin by seismic facies analysis
依据位置(陆棚-陆架边缘-斜坡)、外部形态(丘状、楔状、板状等)、内幕结构(平行、斜交、发散等)和反射波属性 (振幅、频率、连续性等)4个方面的标识划分地震相的传统地震相分析法,在钻井较多的地区,可实现地震相-沉积相的准确转换;但在钻井稀少(无井)或地质条件复杂的地区,由于传统地震相分析的结果主要为环境相,在岩相判别上能力较弱,故在沉积相的转换上存在一定的缺陷和不足。通过新增地震反射波光滑性、地震反射整洁性和特殊波形3种标识,建立地震相-地震岩相-沉积相的分析方法,能有效提升岩相的辨别能力,结合沉积环境与水流体系,可实现准确的沉积体系重建,对油气勘探具重要价值。综合传统地震相分析与3种新增标识的各自优势,在北康盆地晚渐新世识别出6种典型地震岩相,即砂砾岩相、砂包泥相、砂泥岩互层相、泥包砂相、纯泥(页)岩相和火山岩相;划分出4类沉积体系,即河流三角洲、陆架浅海、陆坡浊积扇和深海盆地沉积体系;明确了两支来自婆罗洲地区的大型沉积物源;恢复了陆架三角洲-陆坡浊积体-深海盆地沉积体系以及火成岩体的空间展布,为进一步开展北康盆地油气调查提供基础支撑。
Abstract:Traditional seismic facies analysis is usually carried out based on the features of topography (shelf, continental margin and slope), external morphology (dome-like, wedge-like, plate-like)、internal structure(parallel, oblique and radiate)and reflection waves (amplitude, frequency, and continuity). Lithofacies may be defined if there are enough drilling wells. However, in the areas only having few wells and complicated geological conditions, it is difficult to reach an appropriate conclusion of lithofacies without additional data support. In this paper, we will introduce three new marks to help making interpretation of seismic facies into lithofacies, namely, the smoothness of seismic reflection waves, the cleanliness of seismic reflection waves and special wave forms. Thus a new method for seismic interpretation from seismic facies to lithofacies to sedimentary facies is proposed, which is suitable for the reconstruction of sedimentary systems under any geological and data conditions and can effectively enhance the quality of lithofacies identification and sedimentary facies conversion, and it is of great significance to oil and gas exploration. Combining this method with the method for traditional seismic facies analysis, six typical seismic lithofacies are identified for the Late Oligocene of the Beikang Basin, namely, sandy conglomerate facies, sand-mud-encrusted facies, interbedded sand-mud facies, mud-encrusted facies, pure mud-shale facies and volcanic facies. Four kinds of depositional systems are recognized, namely, the fluvial delta, shelf shallow sea, slope turbidite fan and deep-sea basin depositional systems; Two large sediment sources from the Borneo region are recognized; The spatial distributions of shelf delta-continental slope turbidite, deep-sea basin depositional system and igneous body are clarified. The results have provided basic support for further exploration of oil and gas in the Beikang Basin.
Key words:
- seismic facies /
- lithofacies /
- sedimentary facies /
- sedimentary system /
- southern South China Sea /
- Beikang Basin
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