
区相文, 邬黛黛, 谢瑞, 吴能友, 刘丽华. 南海北部神狐海域沉积物Fe-P-S元素地球化学特征及对甲烷渗漏的指示[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2022, 42(1): 96-110. doi: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2021080501
引用本文: 区相文, 邬黛黛, 谢瑞, 吴能友, 刘丽华. 南海北部神狐海域沉积物Fe-P-S元素地球化学特征及对甲烷渗漏的指示[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2022, 42(1): 96-110. doi: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2021080501
OU Xiangwen, WU Daidai, XIE Rui, WU Nengyou, LIU Lihua. Fe-P-S geochemical characteristics of sediments in the Shenhu area of northern South China Sea and their implications for methane leakage[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2022, 42(1): 96-110. doi: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2021080501
Citation: OU Xiangwen, WU Daidai, XIE Rui, WU Nengyou, LIU Lihua. Fe-P-S geochemical characteristics of sediments in the Shenhu area of northern South China Sea and their implications for methane leakage[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2022, 42(1): 96-110. doi: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2021080501


  • 基金项目: 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金项目“南海北部冷泉区甲烷厌氧氧化(AOM)作用耦合模式研究”(2021A1515011509);广州市科技计划项目“南海北部冷泉区有孔虫特征研究及其对甲烷渗漏的指示”(201904010311);广东省促进经济发展专项资金(海洋经济发展用途)“南海天然气水合物高效开采与控制技术研究”(GDME-2018D002)
    作者简介: 区相文(1994―),男,硕士生,主要从事海洋地质学和地球化学研究,E-mail:ouxw@ms.giec.ac.cn
    通讯作者: 邬黛黛(1981―),女,博士,研究员,主要从事海洋地质和地球化学研究,E-mail:wudd@ms.giec.ac.cn
  • 中图分类号: P736.4

Fe-P-S geochemical characteristics of sediments in the Shenhu area of northern South China Sea and their implications for methane leakage

More Information
  • 神狐海域是我国天然气水合物勘探试采的重点区域,在甲烷渗漏过程中会形成黄铁矿和蓝铁矿等具有指示意义的矿物,这些矿物和Fe、P、S等元素密切相关,通过Fe-P-S等元素地球化学特征来研究该区域的甲烷渗漏对进一步了解南海水合物的成藏状况有重要意义。本研究选取南海北部神狐海域Site 2A柱状沉积物为研究对象,通过对其主微量元素、铁结合磷、自生磷灰石态磷、碳酸盐铁、磁铁矿铁、还原性铁、铬还原硫、硫同位素以及总有机碳(TOC)等数据分析,研究该地区的Fe、P和S等元素之间的关系以及对甲烷渗漏的指示。研究发现,在600 cmbsf(centimeter below sea floor)深度以下的初级生产力水平随深度增加而略有升高。在600 cmbsf深度以下,沉积物中可指示黄铁矿的铬还原硫含量增加,其硫同位素明显正偏,说明可能存在甲烷厌氧氧化作用,根据沉积物中指示富镁方解石和文石的Mg/Ca和Sr/Ca、与自生碳酸盐有关的Sr/Ti和Ba/Ti均在600 cmbsf出现了峰值,以及铁结合磷和自生磷灰石态磷含量的增加,可推测600 cmbsf左右为硫酸盐—甲烷转换带(SMTZ)的上界。另外,铁结合磷的含量在SMTZ带明显增加,黄铁矿中的铬还原硫以及δ34S可以指示黄铁矿的含量,从而可以利用不同形态的Fe、P和S元素地球化学特征指示和识别甲烷渗漏。

  • 加载中
  • 图 1  Site 2A站位地理位置

    Figure 1. 

    图 2  Site 2A岩芯沉积物中TOC、Ba/Ti、Al/Ti、P/Ti变化趋势图

    Figure 2. 

    图 3  Site 2A岩芯沉积物中TOC和FeHR的相关性

    Figure 3. 

    图 4  Site 2A岩芯沉积物中高活性铁(FeHR)、总铁(FeT)、δ34S、黄铁矿铁(Fepy)、磁铁矿铁、碳酸盐铁、还原性铁、FeHR/FeT、Fepy/FeHR变化趋势图

    Figure 4. 

    图 5  Site 2A岩芯沉积物中黄铁矿(Fepy)和高活性铁(FeHR)的相关性以及碳酸盐铁和黄铁矿铁的相关性

    Figure 5. 

    图 6  Site 2A岩芯沉积物中Ca/Ti、Sr/Ti、Ba/Ti、S/Ti、Mg/Ca、Sr/Ca、Sr和Ba的变化趋势以及Bayon[19]的假定端元模型与Site 2A站位的Sr/Ca及Mg/Ca的关系

    Figure 6. 

    图 7  Site 2A岩芯沉积物中自生磷灰石态磷、铁氧化物结合态磷和TS/活性铁的变化趋势图

    Figure 7. 

    表 1  Site 2A岩心沉积物的主量元素组成

    Table 1.  Major element composition of core sediments from Site 2A

    Site 2A-001125.158.595.962.311.600.490.240.090.07
    Site 2A-0062324.778.495.462.261.590.480.170.070.06
    Site 2A-0114823.868.286.972.211.600.500.180.080.07
    Site 2A-0167323.858.186.442.251.630.480.210.070.06
    Site 2A-0219823.878.
    Site 2A-02612323.938.275.882.311.650.490.190.080.07
    Site 2A-03114823.768.226.562.311.640.490.200.070.07
    Site 2A-03617323.278.136.452.281.560.500.190.080.06
    Site 2A-04119823.708.166.362.291.550.490.190.070.07
    Site 2A-04622323.498.045.922.311.570.480.180.080.06
    Site 2A-05124823.538.157.382.281.560.480.210.080.07
    Site 2A-05627324.198.206.712.331.640.500.220.080.06
    Site 2A-06129823.497.956.452.121.560.450.250.060.06
    Site 2A-06632323.797.897.132.211.490.480.230.060.06
    Site 2A-07134823.938.346.722.241.650.470.230.070.06
    Site 2A-07637324.238.456.482.261.630.480.190.070.06
    Site 2A-08139824.238.216.832.291.540.500.230.060.06
    Site 2A-08642324.048.176.662.251.560.490.240.070.06
    Site 2A-09144823.948.
    Site 2A-09647323.538.166.922.311.530.510.220.060.06
    Site 2A-10149823.998.326.232.381.550.520.240.070.06
    Site 2A-10652323.538.225.352.371.570.510.240.090.05
    Site 2A-11154823.568.064.752.501.610.500.280.100.05
    Site 2A-11657322.808.014.732.541.500.540.280.110.05
    Site 2A-12159823.528.274.432.521.570.530.330.090.05
    Site 2A-12662323.758.354.902.411.560.500.290.100.06
    Site 2A-13164823.928.445.132.441.540.500.330.100.06
    Site 2A-13667319.807.195.221.801.290.380.260.060.05
    Site 2A-14169824.
    Site 2A-14672324.328.
    Site 2A-15174824.308.326.992.281.590.500.330.090.06
    Site 2A-15677324.148.047.442.201.570.490.450.090.06
    Site 2A-16179823.617.747.572.101.570.480.430.080.06
    Site 2A-16682322.647.547.082.151.480.460.390.080.06
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 2  Site 2A岩心沉积物的部分稀土微量元素组成和有机碳含量

    Table 2.  Rare earths elements, trace elements and TOC of core sediments from Site 2A

    Site 2A-001112172.946.312031013454311.42.310.621
    Site 2A-0062311972.644.812130113854611.52.990.629
    Site 2A-0114811468.544.211434913153210.83.080.853
    Site 2A-0167311570.643.211733113354111.33.060.772
    Site 2A-0219811671.44311932513053811.43.090.662
    Site 2A-02612311572.142.712030613752211.52.890.600
    Site 2A-03114811871.243.511933413552311.23.020.661
    Site 2A-03617311874.744.111932913752211.43.090.592
    Site 2A-04119811871.644.411734813352712.23.280.779
    Site 2A-04622311372.642.212032713652211.63.120.575
    Site 2A-05124811571.443.911936313454411.33.270.641
    Site 2A-05627311471.743.211733413252311.43.120.642
    Site 2A-06129811471.544.711635813652111.63.270.669
    Site 2A-06632311575.244.812035813752011.73.220.614
    Site 2A-0713481107141.811736013351111.53.170.604
    Site 2A-07637311475.443.712434214052212.13.180.622
    Site 2A-08139811173.943.711933513251311.83.350.642
    Site 2A-08642311275.144.212133113950911.93.190.596
    Site 2A-09144811877.247124355136510123.390.666
    Site 2A-09647311877.547.812334213451911.83.370.661
    Site 2A-10149811779.848.113032513852512.63.620.678
    Site 2A-1065231178048.812929113252112.23.150.738
    Site 2A-111548114804913225613549512.32.980.752
    Site 2A-11657311883.550.513725613650712.83.220.900
    Site 2A-12159811683.951.4139246133507133.170.798
    Site 2A-12662311782.149.813526713050312.83.140.773
    Site 2A-13164811681.149.613628213252812.73.210.884
    Site 2A-1366731167546.112534213451412.13.240.816
    Site 2A-14169811273.445.411935113748711.53.160.951
    Site 2A-14672311473.744.811935913449411.62.970.937
    Site 2A-15174811172.843.812034013648711.52.910.868
    Site 2A-15677310769.244.111536113448411.33.111.030
    Site 2A-16179810970.646.911338113250711.13.310.996
    Site 2A-16682310971.444.911735513451511.43.310.932
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 3  Site 2A岩心沉积物的铁氧化物结合态磷、自生磷灰石态磷、黄铁矿铁、碳酸盐铁和还原性铁含量以及δ34S数据

    Table 3.  Iron-bound phosphorus, authigenic apatite phosphorus, pyrite iron (Fepy), carbonate iron, reducing iron and δ34S of core sediments from Site 2A

    Site2A-013581 4809090096.43 0501 050−36.6
    Site2A-0231081 7701 61034873.83 110842−40.8
    Site2A-0331581 4701 60094656.02 430741−42.7
    Site2A-0432081 4901 6001 42052.62 470905−46.4
    Site2A-0532581 5001 3701 26040.43 310784
    Site2A-0633081 5302101 76049.92 4901 090−49.3
    Site2A-0733581 1601331 76048.72 660895−47.1
    Site2A-0834081 2703291 26066.43 170823−49.0
    Site2A-09345812501141 16062.93 260922−48.3
    Site2A-1035081090951 64068.23 0201 150−47.1
    Site2A-1135581200901 21061.92 9301 200−47.3
    Site2A-123608927901 98060.43 1301 010−48.1
    Site2A-1336589942242 64040.92 820950−45.9
    Site2A-1437081 3001424 04041.02 130888−43.5
    Site2A-1537581 3002104 19018.81 980672−40.3
    Site2A-1638081 2904303 96013.71 200811−37.4
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