Eocene “provenance-channel-sink” analysis of Pearl River Mouth Basin: A case study of eastern Yangjiang Sag and Kaiping Sag
Abstract:Taking the Eastern Yangjiang Sag and the Kaiping Sag as the research objects, we systematically analyzed the provenance, transport channels, and sedimentary facies of the Wenchang and Enping depositional periods by means of detrital zircon U-Pb dating and seismic profiles analysis, and then applies the idea of "provenance-channel-sink" to the Eocene sedimentary evolution of the Pearl River Mouth Basin. The U-Pb dating results of detrital zircons show that the provenance in the study area is heterogeneous in time and space. For the ages of detrital zircons from Wenchang Formation, the ones in the Eastern Yangjiang Sag mainly show a Yanshanian unimodal peak, while those in the Kaiping Sag display Yanshanian and Indosinian bimodal distributions. The zircons have good euhedral morphology, indicating the near-source deposition in the basin. The age spectra of detrital zircons from the Enping Formation show multimodal distributions. The number of older (Paleozoic and Precambrian) zircon grains increased and they are in higher roundness, indicating that the basin provenances had changed from near-source to far-sources. Based on a large number of seismic profiles, the transport channels such as fault trough, ancient gully, and structural transition zone were identified, which indicated that the strike slip of the Yangjiang-Yitong Fault Zone played an important role in transporting Eocene sediments in the study area. In addition, mainly littoral-shallow lacustrine facies, semi-deep lacustrine facies, and fan delta facies developed in the Wenchang depositional period, while braided river delta facies and littoral-shallow lake facies are more commonly observed during the Enping depositional period. This study is of great significance for understanding the Eocene "Provenance-Channel-Sink" process in the Eastern Yangjiang Sag and the Kaiping Sag, and the manifestations of the Yangjiang-Yitong fault zone in the Eocene.
图 1 珠江口盆地构造位置(a)、基底岩性(b)及构造单元划分(c)[10]
Figure 1.
图 2 珠江口盆地地层综合柱状图[14]
Figure 2.
表 1 碎屑锆石U-Pb定年测试样品信息
Table 1. Specifications of detrital zircon U-Pb dating samples
井号 位置 样品号 取样深度/m 层位 岩性 锆石数量 YJ1 阳江东凹 YJ1-1 3010~3045 恩平组 砂岩 95 YJ1-2 3100~3135 恩平组 砂岩 100 YJ1-3 3164~3190 前古近系 花岗岩 35 YJ1 阳江东凹 YJ2-1 3324~3350 文昌组 细砂岩 99 YJ2-2 3398~3441 前古近系 花岗岩 26 KP1 开平凹陷 KP1-1 2785~2810 恩平组 细砂岩、泥岩 107 KP1-2 3318~3330 恩平组 中砂岩 112 KP1-3 3570~3582 文昌组 细砂岩 45 -
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