Controlling factors on the effectiveness of turbidite fan reservoir of the Meishan Formation, Qiongdongnan Basin
Abstract:The turbidite fan of Miocene Meishan Formation in Qiongdongnan Basin is one of the main contributors of natural gas in the area. To increase the natural gas reserve and production in this area, the sedimentary mechanism, the controlling factors and prediction methods were studied. According to a large number of DST, geological fluid sampling, core and rotary sidewall coring measured data, and relevant enterprise standards, the turbidite fan reservoir of the could be divided into four levels of grade: high-quality, good, effective, and tight. The four levels correspond to high production, commercial production capacity, merely productive capacity, and dry layer. Results show that the type of turbidite fans and its internal composition, bottom current reformation, and reservoir effectiveness are key factors on reservoir prediction success. Fault-terrace basin floor fans, basin floor fans cut by canyon, and integral basin floor fans are three types of relatively good reservoirs; and bottom current reworking is important to improve the reservoir of middle fan and outer fan in open flow environment. For the basin floor fan cut by canyon, the lithological side seal needs to be focused in the future. For the integral basin floor fans, the reservoir pinch out shall be considered too. At present, the rate of reservoir prediction of the Meishan turbidite fans in this area is very low. The methods developed in this study shall be of great value to improve the success rate of reservoir prediction.
Key words:
- turbidite fan /
- reservoir /
- main controlling factors /
- reservoir effectiveness /
- Meishan Formation /
- Qiongdongnan Basin
表 1 琼东南盆地梅山组天然气储层分类标准
Table 1. Classification standard of natural gas reservoir in the Meishan Formation of the Qiongdongnan Basin
中石油分类 本次研究分类 储层分类 孔隙度/% 渗透率/(10−3 μm2) 评价 分类 评价 I >20 >1000 最好 优质储层 高产 II 15~20 100~1000 好 III 10~15 10~100 较好 IV 5~10 1~10 较差 好储层 商业产能 V <5 0.1~1 差 有效储层 少量地层流体 <0.1 致密层 泥浆滤液 表 2 琼东南盆地梅山组已钻盆底扇储层厚度统计
Table 2. Statistics in the thickness that drilled into the basin-floor fan reservoir in the Meishan Formation of Qiongdongnan Basin
浊积扇类型 各种类型储层厚度占比/% 大类 亚类 优质+好 有效 致密 盆
峡谷切割深洼盆底扇85 5 10 断控缓坡根部盆底扇 76 5 19 断控陡坡根部盆底扇 10 87.5 2.5 斜坡扇 5 15 80 陆棚扇 0 13 87 表 3 A-8井梅山组海底扇储层实测物性特征
Table 3. Measured physical property data of submarine fan reservoir of Well A-8
序号 井深
/m沉积相 孔隙度
/(10−3 μm2)泥质含量
/%描述 1 3 639 内扇浊积沟道 11.6 ﹤0.05 25 致密储层
小孔喉占比高2 3 615 内扇上部沉积 16.8 0.52 12 有效储层
中大孔喉普遍存在,但占比不高3 3 550.5 外扇沉积 18.2 3.33 9 好储层
中等孔喉占比很高表 4 B-1井梅山组海底扇储层实测物性特征
Table 4. Measured physical property data of submarine fan reservoir of Well B-1
序号 井壁取芯 压汞资料 深度/m 岩性 照片 孔隙度/% 渗透率/(10−3μm2) 储层
类型孔隙度/% 渗透率
/(10−3μm2)压汞曲线及孔喉半径 1 3899 中砂岩 6.7
8.17致密 6 0.0438 2 3950 中砂岩 18.6
13好-优质 17.9 4.85 3 3968 粗砂岩 16.1
4.85好-优质 15.7 2.46 4 3980.5 中砂岩 14.7 0.88 好-优质 15.2 2.79 5 3994 含砾
粗砂岩13.6 1.89 好-优质 12.8 2.19 6 4002 中砂岩 16.1 1.4 好-优质 15.7 1.77 7 4017 粗砂岩 14.7 0.5 有效 14.7 0.75 -
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