Geometric characteristics and evolution of channel-levee system in Upper India Fan since the Miocene
Abstract:Taking the Miocene Upper Indian fan channel-levee system as the research object, we used high-precision two-dimensional seismic data to carry out seismic fine interpretation and geometric analysis, depicted the geometric characteristics of the channel-levee system and the spatio-temporal evolution process, and discussed the main stages and characteristics of the development and evolution of the Miocene Upper Indian fan. Results show that the Miocene Upper India fan channel-levee system can be divided into three developmental phases: the Miocene, the Pliocene, and the Pleistocene to present. The channel-levee system evolved from “single-phase channel–lateral migration–flat type” to “multi-phase channel–vertical stacking–thick-narrow type”.An in-depth discussion of the geometric characteristics and evolution of channel-levee system in Upper India Fan since the Miocene can provide new examples for the study of the sedimentary architecture of gravity flow channels, and provide reference for deep-sea oil and gas exploration and development.
Key words:
- deep water deposit /
- channel-levee system /
- Miocene /
- Upper Indian Fan
图 2 印度扇近海盆地海上—陆上地层柱状图[14]
Figure 2.
图 6 水道−堤岸体系叠覆发育类型图[24]
Figure 6.
表 1 中新世以来水道−堤岸体系平均宽度、平均厚度、平均宽厚比
Table 1. The average width, thickness, and width-thickness ratio of the channel-levee system since the Miocene
平均宽度/m 平均厚度/m 平均宽厚比 近端 中端 远端 近端 中端 远端 近端 中端 远端 更新世至今 5328 19087 13003 547 738 524 9.9 24.7 26.2 上新世 4564 17608 11734 438 571 559 12.3 33.3 22.0 中新世 10520 19755 14182 629 543 452 16.1 37.8 35.2 -
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