Spatio-temporal variations in grain size of surficial sediment on tidal flat of Langqi Island in Minjiang River estuary
潮滩位于陆地与海洋相互作用的敏感地带,其沉积环境变化与海岸带生态系统演化、海岸带开发利用等密切相关。为了清晰认识河口潮滩时空变化特征,选取闽江口琅岐岛东侧潮滩作为研究区域,通过采集和分析不同季节表层沉积物粒度组成,探讨琅岐岛潮滩沉积物粒度的时空变化特征,为深刻理解河口潮滩沉积过程对环境变化响应提供科学依据。研究结果表明,琅岐岛潮滩沉积物组成总体以粉砂为主,砂和黏土含量呈现较大的时空差异;时间上,琅岐岛潮滩表层沉积物平均粒径为2.2~7.4 Φ,呈现出显著的季节性差异,夏季节沉积物平均粒径Φ值大,冬季节沉积物平均粒径Φ值小,春季和秋季位于过渡期间。空间上,由西向东,随着离岸距离的增加,沉积物平均粒径Φ值总体呈现出先减小后增大的趋势;由北向南,表层沉积物粗颗粒组分的分布范围逐渐增大。闽江口琅岐岛潮滩沉积物分布格局与国内外其他河口、海湾及开放型潮滩沉积物分布格局一致,是物源、水动力和地貌综合作用的结果,但研究区水动力强度、植被覆盖和沉积物供应季节差异显著,引起潮滩沉积物组成的季节变化十分显著,沉积物粒度组成对环境变化响应非常敏感。
Abstract:Tidal flats are located in sensitive areas of interaction between land and ocean, and their sedimentary environment changes are closely related to the evolution of coastal ecosystems and coastal development and utilization. In order to clearly understand the spatio-temporal variations of estuarine tidal flats, we selected the tidal flat of Langqi Island in the Minjiang River estuary as the study area, studied surficial sediment composition in different seasons, and discussed the spatio-temporal variations in sediment grain size distribution, providing a scientific basis for a deep understanding of the sedimentary process of the estuarine tidal flats in response to environmental changes. Results indicate that the surficial sediment composition of inter-tidal flat on Langqi Island is dominated by silt, with significant differences of sand and clay contents. The mean grain-size ranges from 2.2 Φ to 7.4 Φ, and shows a significant seasonal variations, with the average mean grain-size in summer being smaller than in winter. From west to east, the mean grain-size increases first and then decreases seaward, and the distribution area of coarse grain component in gradually increases from north to south. The distribution pattern of sediment on the inter-tidal flat of Langqi Island at the Minjiang River estuary is consistent with that of other estuaries, bays, and open tidal flats in the world, reflecting the result of the among sediment sources, hydrodynamics, and local geomorphology. However, due to significant differences in hydrodynamics, vegetation coverage and sediment supply in the study area, which cause significant seasonal changes in the sediment composition, the sediment grain-size compsition of the tidal flat in the Minjiang River estuary are very sensitive to environmental changes.
Key words:
- grain-size parameter /
- seasonal variation /
- tidal flat /
- Langqi Island /
- Minjiang River estuary
图 5 不同时段闽江入海径流量(a)和泥沙通量(b)多年月平均百分比[33]
Figure 5.
表 1 琅岐岛潮滩不同季节表层沉积物粒度特征统计值
Table 1. Statistical value of surficial sediment composition and grain-size parameters on tidal flat of Langqi Island in different seasons
时间 砂/% 粉砂/% 黏土/% Mz/Φ σ Ski Kg 2022年5月 44.58 45.04 10.38 4.73 1.62 0.25 1.09 2022年8月 25.77 58.10 16.13 5.56 1.80 0.25 1.11 2022年12月 13.02 62.65 24.33 6.40 1.92 0.13 0.97 2023年2月 33.64 51.46 14.89 5.27 1.76 0.20 0.99 表 2 琅岐岛潮滩不同区域的粒度组成及粒度参数
Table 2. Surficial sediment composition and grain-size parameters in different zones of tidal flat of Langqi Island
沉积区域 时间 砂/% 粉砂/% 黏土/% Mz/Φ σ Ski Kg 植被生长状况 互花米草区 2022年5月 35.44 51.92 12.63 4.71 4.98 1.54 0.31 茂密 2022年8月 13.86 66.28 19.86 5.89 6.11 1.81 0.22 2022年12月 7.97 66.90 25.13 6.47 6.63 1.81 0.16 2023年2月 25.26 56.69 18.05 5.45 5.64 1.83 0.19 海三棱藨草区 2022年5月 58.61 35.50 5.88 3.83 4.10 1.30 0.29 发芽 2022年8月 35.41 51.34 13.25 4.86 5.10 1.67 0.29 茂密 2022年12月 17.62 60.27 22.11 6.02 6.14 1.93 0.15 无植被 2023年2月 44.44 44.11 11.44 4.57 4.80 1.52 0.23 无植被 光滩 2022年5月 29.25 55.03 15.72 5.33 5.52 2.16 0.17 无植被覆盖 2022年8月 17.14 64.27 18.59 5.73 5.97 2.04 0.19 2022年12月 9.29 63.55 27.16 6.59 6.66 1.99 0.08 2023年2月 22.69 59.21 18.10 5.56 5.74 2.09 0.17 -
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