- 粗锌 /
- Langmuir公式 /
- 凝结系数 /
- 蒸发速率常数
Abstract:Based on the metal elements contained in crude zinc, the evaporation kinetic experiments of the Cd-Zn, Bi-Zn and Bi-Sn-Zn systems in vacuum distillation were carried out. The Langmuir formula was used for theoretical prediction of evaporation rate. The results are in good agreement with the experimental data. It indicates that the method of evaporation rate calculation is applicable. The condensation coefficients of zinc in the alloys were calculated. The relationship between the interaction and the evaporation rate of components in the alloys was discussed. It will be helpful to the separation and purification of crude zinc and the optimization of experimental equipmentby vacuum distillation.
Key words:
- Crude zinc /
- Langmuir formula /
- Condensation coefficient /
- Evaporation rate constant
表 1 合金成分
Table 1. Alloy composition
Alloy Cd-Zn Bi-Zn Bi-Sn-Zn Metal Cd Zn Bi Zn Bi Sn Zn x 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.7 0.1 0.4 0.5 m/g 32.04 27.96 34.68 25.32 12.40 28.19 19.41 表 2 纯Zn在实验条件下的蒸发速率值
Table 2. Evaporation rate of pure Zn under experimental conditions
Metal T/K t/min mZn0/g mZn/g ωZn ω*Zn Zn 630 15 60 57.18 0.027 0.023 表 3 Cd-Zn合金中Zn的蒸发速率及凝结系数
Table 3. Evaporation rate and condensation coefficient of Zn in Cd-Zn alloys
T/K t/min ω*Zn ωZn αZn=ω*Zn /ωZn 590 20 2.19×10-3 4.97×10-2 0.044 600 15 3.61×10-3 7.40×10-2 0.049 610 10 4.80×10-3 1.08×10-1 0.044 620 8 7.59×10-3 1.59×10-1 0.048 630 5 1.29×10-2 2.26×10-1 0.057 表 4 Bi-Zn合金中Zn的蒸发速率及凝结系数
Table 4. Evaporation rate and condensation coefficientof Zn in Bi-Zn alloys
T/K t/min ω*Zn ωZn αZn=ω*Zn /ωZn 760 5 1.67×10-4 1.69×10-2 0.00989 770 2 9.49×10-4 2.14×10-2 0.0443 780 2 3.49×10-3 2.70×10-2 0.129 790 2 5.05×10-3 3.37×10-2 0.150 800
0.131表 5 Bi-Sn-Zn合金中Zn的蒸发速率及凝结系数
Table 5. Evaporation rate and condensation coefficient of Zn in Bi-Sn-Zn alloys
T/K t/min ω*Zn ωZn αZn=ω*Zn /ωZn 750 5 2.10×10-3 8.28×10-3 0.254 770 1 3.30×10-3 1.33×10-2 0.248 790 1 4.90×10-3 2.10×10-2 0.233 810 1 1.24×10-2 3.22×10-2 0.386 830 1 1.67×10-2 4.84×10-2 0.346 表 6 合金中Zn的蒸发速率常数值k
Table 6. Constant value k in different alloys
Cd-Zn Bi-Zn Bi-Sn-Zn T/K k T/K k T/K k 590 4.39×10-4 760 1.72×10-3 750 2.95×10-3 600 5.70×10-4 770 4.20×10-3 770 1.30×10-2 610 9.27×10-4 780 4.88×10-3 790 1.39×10-2 620 1.11×10-3 790 4.82×10-3 810 1.63×10-2 630 1.80×10-3 800 5.55×10-3 830 2.04×10-2 810 5.97×10-3 820 6.14×10-3 830 6.61×10-3 -
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